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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. Got a question, what is the difference between inline conversation and personal conversation? I just got a pm and was notified here and on my email so I went to check my settings but now I am a bit confused... Home on a mac is fn +up arrow, there isn't a home button. So the double click was nice
  2. I liked the double click too. I love the greytalk mobile for my phone but when I choose that it saves it and defaults to that on my laptop as well. SO I have to remember that I have to change it back everytime.
  3. Congrats on the new addition With Ivy I was cooking for her for a while but found that egg noodles had more calories than rice so I began using those as well. I haven't had to cook for her in a while, it took about 3 weeks to get her to where she was doing really well with just kibble. I still mix with water and sometimes still add in some egg noodles but haven't had to use hamburger in a while.
  4. I am so sorry Wendy (((Hugs)))
  5. Pam as I understand it the heartgaurd protocol is to give two in the beginning and then just stay on the monthly dosage. If he is just going to put him back in the yard than I wouldn't do the shots at all. If he went to the vet I think he cares somewhat about the dog so is he willing to do the monthly? Can he afford the monthly heartguard?
  6. Yes. I know that something is up with Isis. I "know" that her stroke a few weeks ago is somewhat related and there are just a few other things. Vet says everything is fine but I have a feeling something is up. I have kids and I am very connected to my dogs, with Isis tho it is as if I can feel what's wrong. It's weird.
  7. He was beautiful! I'm so sorry
  8. Kari when I was trying to get Ivy to eat I had to cook the hamburger meat. I added in egg noodles and she loved it. For pills I have had the best luck with turkey dogs. I cut them up into pieces and then stuff the pills inside. She swallows them whole. Good Luck.
  9. kamsmom


    I am so sorry
  10. I don't know if that is what is biting your dogs. I pick up everyday and I spray the yard every week. I have done the dish soap thing but I really like a product by Cesar Milan that is a deodorizer, I don't remember if it kills bugs or not tho? I also have a pest control company that comes every three months and sprays the yard as well.
  11. I am working on putting on weight for a little grey girl. What is working for us is to mix up hamburger and noodles with kibble. Others have had success with rice and wet dog food. I am not sure what is healthy to gain in a week but I know my vet says slow weight gain is best.
  12. I also say just let her have the bathroom. Steak is not a shy or spooky dog at all but he loves the solidarity of the bathroom. I put a dog bed in there and he comes out when he needs but he is most comfortable there so I let him.
  13. Isis had what my vet thinks to have been a stroke. Another vet says FCE and still another leans towards a vestibular incident. Anyway, time and patience are what holds us together. 24 hours after the onset Isis was doing about 75% better, by 48 hours she was back to normal. It was the scariest evening and night I've had. I was worried sick about her but she is doing well. Other more knowledgable people will chime in. Have you been to the vet yet?
  14. I would say that yes, a harness would be good for you and I've seen people use both harness and a martingale on their spooky dogs. But the getting him in the SUV? I only laugh because that is exactly the way I have to get my big 85 pound boy in. He will put his front feet up and then turn to look at me like, "a little help here please." I have to scoop up his rump and put him in and he isn't spooky in the least!
  15. Welcome from Plano So glad you joined. I know a lot of people swooned over Jimmy (McGregor) here when he was available
  16. Good girl Gee Judy, I am so happy that she liked the turkey dogs I love them and found that the dogs like them even more by mistake
  17. Ivy goes nuts for the turkey hot dogs. It's the best way for her to get her meds without me having to pill her. The turkey dogs are "spongey" enough to stuff a pill in the middle of it and then she just swallows the peice whole. Maybe just some bananas and yogurt mushed together and frozen. I hope you find something that will work for Gee Have you tried the grain free food from Costco?
  18. When I was feeding Ivy I was using the no yolks egg noodles. Can she eat those?
  19. Mine go out immediately after eating. I usually stand on the patio for about 3-5 minutes while they do their thing. If I don't let them out right away the girls do fine. But my male, Steak, seems to "need" to go right away. I usually will also let them all out one extra time before leaving for work, so twice in the morning and then the minute I return from work in the evening. During the evening I will also let them out about two more times (including after dinner) so about 5-6 times per day.
  20. I had found information on toe horns before but nothing that gave any explanations... Thanks It definitely doesn't bother her at all. It just bothers me
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