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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. There are a few ( very few) here on GT who have 1++ years, but most aren't so lucky. We went the amp/chemo route and had 1 day short of 5 months. I started a poll about that over the summer. I asked how long their dog lived a quality of life after doing amp/chemo. The answer was very depressing. ETA- I would more than likely not to it again. 5 months of which 3 weeks were he77 for her to adjust. 5 chemos - she lost 1 week each chemo. That's 8 weeks lost to recovering. Which left 12 weeks I had her. I might have had her 12 or more weeks with just pain management. We all think our beloved family members will be the lucky one. I know we sure did.
  2. He is crated 9-10 hours a day? How long is his walkie prior to you leaving for work? I would walk him a good 45 minutes prior to you leaving for work. I would definitely get a dog walker 5 hours into the day as 10 hours is a bit much IMHO to be left alone in a crate. Does he make it through the night and if so, how long and where does he sleep?
  3. RobinM

    Honey Velvet

    What a beautiful and sweet, kind and gentle face. I'm sure she had the personality to match. I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. EZ and YOU are both in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. We only front line in the summer too, but I would ask the kennel you are boarding her at if they are known to have ticks/fleas. If you are nervous about it, I'd do it since it is no big deal.
  6. Can you just imagine what the cat is saying to your greyhound when you are not home to make him so crazy around her?
  7. Thanks, I needed that! Anyway, back to the question... My older gals did / do that but Chloe who I have had since she is 2 is pretty stable with her rear quarters. She is 5.5 now.
  8. Praying for a much deserved miracle. KEEP THE FAITH!
  9. I know the feeling. I cringe at the site of our TWO running (versus your many. Hope she's doing ok. We don't let them all out at once. Beau doesn't run. He pees on every available blade of grass, fencing, etc. We have not had Ollie out yet because of his hock. So it's Chloe, Teddy and Elsie. Teddy and Chloe run in formation together and Elsie runs to me and stays by myside. I wouldn't let them all run together. I'd faint from fear. The power in their run is amazing.
  10. First off, I am very sorry. I have been there, done that. And even with amp and chemo we only got 1 day short of 5 months. Polli had a limp ONE YEAR prior to the osteo showing up. She limped badly, had extensive x-rays from every angle and nothing showed up. For the next 10 months every so often she would limp for a day to a week but we already knewit was nothing. About 11 months from the time of the first set of x-rays she tripped and fractured that leg. It was osteo. Just to be on the safe side - have your vet send the films to Dr. Couto and see what he says. On his website, there is the protocol for pain management. They say not to go light with the meds as the osteo is terribly painful. I wish many painless days ahead. Again, I am sorry for thie diagnosis.
  11. You sound like an AWESOME new greyhound mom! Welcome to GT and please do share pictures of your boy! Where do you live? ETA- just scrolled down and saw your beautiful black beauty. And with a career like his, I'd be very proud too! I added his picture for you. He's got greyt lineage. http://greyhound-data.com/d?l=1229168
  12. Ollie was just shy of 3 when he broke his hock too. He turned 3 in mid September.
  13. Ollie had a career ending right hock break late August. As of late Nov x-rays, it was still fusing. Vet said NO off leash for at least 6 months. I am curious if she was thinking 6 months from the time they saw the x-rays or 6 months from the break. I will ask her but I was wondering what others who have had dogs with broken hocks have done. I will do what is best for Ollie, of course.
  14. We haven't had our dogs run for a long time. Too long and it was time. We left Ollie (broken hock) home along with Beau who also has a right hind leg issue. So, we took Chloe, Teddy and Elsie to a differnt field today as the field we usually use at the HS had a janitorial truck there. So we didn't chance it. We went to a little league enclosed field which was pretty big and has different sections. How I didn't see the sheet of ice, I have no clue but no sooner that I saw it, Chloe. T were running in formation around and around the field. I wanted to end it there, but they were really going at it and all of a sudden, Chloe cuts across the field with T on her end and hits the ice full steam, she slips, FLIPS in the air upside down and lands on her back, gets up and starts walking away. I checked her out immediately and she is walking fine. She has a small cut on her knee, under her leg and one side of her last toe/pad is bleeding. We treated it with gentocin antibiotic and she took a cookie, drank water and jumped onto our bed. She is now licking her wounds. I always say a small prayer as I am about to unleash them. Please, GOD- don't let them get hurt and please don't let them get out somehow.
  15. We use 20mg. White tab- I don't use generic.
  16. Wow, those suckers must be holding their breath or something. Hoping that this is IT! last time around.
  17. I would give a pepcid. 20 mg. I remember Beau's stomach making noises so loud, I could hear it from another room. With Beau, he wound up being very sick. But with good poops and good eating, just sounds like a little indigestion or hunger- nothing I would be overly concerned about.
  18. Belle keeps us on our toes. She is a rescued Russian Blue, adopted as a kitten from a kill shelter who thinks she is a greyhound, literally!
  19. I had laid out 2- 200 mg advil and there is only one left. i found Belle, my cat licking the remaining one on the floor but I can't find the other one. I don't know if she ate and I don't know what to do. HEEEELP! I FOUND THE MISSING ADVIL! She must have been playing knock hockey. Whewwww.
  20. With his history, or especially because of his history, I'd bring him in to the vet on Monday. Hoping it's a non issue for your boy. I've been throught the OS/amp/chemo too so I know how scary it is when something else crops it. Please update.
  21. That's good, you'd be surprised at what people allow the kids to do and then the dog snaps or bites and the dog is returned.
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