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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. They are very brave and you should be proud.
  2. Welcome to GT. I am saddened to read why you are here... I am very sorry. We lost our beautiful Polli- to OS. Cancer sucks. No other words for it. I don't have ay advice other than to enjoy your time, make more memories and know you always have your extended family here to lean on.
  3. Thanks AJ- My ttping here said endocort, my correspondance said ENTocort. I made a mental note about that difference too.
  4. It's a "farm" coat. My Elsie had one too. Her coat was exactly what you are describing. Now, it is still thick, but so soft and shiney! Make sure you get a good brush. They sell the ones that are like a glove. They are gentle but greyt. Any petco has them and they are inexpensive. Since he will have to "blow' his coat, brush him at least 2x a week. A premium dog food, the oils from your hand when you pet him and brushing him should make things better. Congrats! Pictures please?!
  5. Does the vet need to send it there or will they deal with the public? I sent an email and it said if it's a question about pricing, go through your vet. My vet is not on their list. I emailed them anyway explaining what I needed. Thanks.
  6. Run free Fifi- you will be missed. I am very sorry.
  7. Sincere condolences to Lucy's family. Standard poodles are such awesome dogs.
  8. I don't understand. Endocort is Budesonide. Yes, and I have a script for endocort. 3mg. I found a site in Canada. 3mg- 100 pills generic $60.00. I sent the link to my vet to check out. Walmart was $365.00
  9. this script is for endocort. Where do I find a compounding pharmacy. Is nothing easy? no link
  10. I agree with Chad. When you do find a group that is referred to you, I would wait at least 2 months till the dog settles in a bit. It could be very overwhelming for them.
  11. If it stopped bleeding, I would spray some gentocin on it.
  12. 30 capsules= $403.00 I don't think so. Anyone have any links as to where to purchase?
  13. I say that everyday about one of them or another. I really hope you get to the bottom of this... soon.
  14. I am hoping you get the magic bullet for this problem. Have you tried either baby gating him in a room with no carpet and a nice big comforter for him to lay on or an expen in an area with no carpet. This way he is not isolated from the others, but until you get it under control, he won't ruin anything. Thank you for loving him enough to help him. Hang in there, it WILL get better.
  15. Yup. And by keeping the walk to a fast paced walk in the middle of the street where she is not going to stop and smell- it will tire her out more. (make sure you do this only after she pees and poops!) I have 2 hounds that statue from time to time and it seems as if they really do it a lot when you have someplace you have to be. Which confirms with what Chad said- they feel the frustration and simply shut down.
  16. Thanks AJ- for thinking about us! I actually did a bit of research on the yahoo IBD board where the moderators are brilliant and so knowlegable, however a bit of gestaspo I did see some say exactly what you mentioned. I plan on picking up the script tomorrow and starting on Saturday. I will call my vet. However she did say something about stopping one before starting the other to avoid GI ulcerations (?) sound right? I will ask her on Sat.
  17. Sincere sympathy to Darlene and her family.
  18. All I got up to was 3 x a day. If I took my dogs out 3x a day- I would have the same problem you are having. Yours may not have to go out as many time as ours but somewhere in the middle would make more sense to me. When they racing, they were out to relieve themselves 4-5 times a day for an hour each time. We let them out starting at 4:30- (Someone will wake us to go) Then we let them all out at 7AM. We walk at 7:45 for 40 minutes Out before we leave the house at 8:30 Out at 3:30 Out at 5:30 Walk at 6pm for 40 minutes out at 9PM out at 11PM That's about 8x a day. As far as leaving them in a room with a closed door... I have read and been told that will surely cause them to freak out, hence the scratching. Try a baby gate. Leave the lights on, tv or radio and something to keep them busy. NO rawhide or bones. Nothing they can fight over or you will come home to much worse than pee and poop. Many hounds when first adopted won't pee or poop for 24 hours or so- that is normal so saying you know she can hold it that long... just becasue she has in the past doesn't mean she can now and doesn't mean she should... They are not doing these things to you! they are having problems that aren't being addressed! It's time to change what you are doing since it isn't working. Best of luck. Walk them more (or let them out), put up a baby gate and see how it goes, but I can guarantee you 3x a day is not enough time to have them out.
  19. Is he doing it when there is a lot of head to head or face to face contact? Beau- who is the wimpest most senstive of my guys yet if you get too close face to face with him sometimes he will growl- the get out of my face, please kind of growl.
  20. I have not filled the script yet. Will change this weekend. I don't expect changes right away, but thanks for asking. Yes, that seems to be the general concencus, lower incidence of systemic issues. And right again, changing him on the meds after he had been doing so well is so scary. The devil you know is always better than the devil you don't.
  21. yes, that is it. My vet says that since it is such a low dose of pred- we should be able to stop the pred on MOnday and go to the bud on Tuesday. I am so scared to make the change. The pred is technically still working BUT Beau just isn't himself and I feel he is being cheated out on life. I just want him to be healthly and happy, like we all want for all our dogs! Beau is also on 25 mg of imuran every other day.Pepcid 20mg ONLY in the morning if we see him prior to breakfast grazing as we know- he will be throwing up and not interested. This tends to happen when we are at the 7.5 mg of pred (as we are now) Once back to 10mg he is OK but still flat. Today he is better than he has been but only for short periods of time and still not him. I'll know him when he's back.
  22. Wow- just wow. As I let my breath out...
  23. Has anyone’s Greyhound gone from low dose of pred (7.5mg or less) to budesonide without tapering? Were they on imuran as well? I think we are going to be making the switch. It’s a change and change is scary but Beau’s quality of life is not what it should be. He is mopey and flat. This has been going on for weeks. His labs are fine. Looking for anyone who has been on pred FIRST and switched over to budesonide.
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