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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. I have no clue if there are ticks or not! That's why I am asking! I guess I need to address Pocono GTers for this! thanks!
  2. We live on the South Shore of Long Island where there is no need for frontline but because we bought the house in the Poconos PA, we started our pack on frontline back in April. We stopped going for the summer and stopped the frontline as well. As of next weekend, we will be going up probably 1-2x a month. Should we still be using Frontline this time of year? If I need to use it, I want to apply it now for next weekend.
  3. I would guess that by the time there is something noticeably wrong, they are probably exhibiting signs like bumping into things which means, things are bad. Maybe mis-stepping on UNFAMILIAR steps, grounds etc. They would know their own steps just by repitition. Just a guess.
  4. Chloe went to the vet for her thyroid check. Results Monday. She has been on Soloxine and we raised her from 1 --- .05 mg 1.5 x a day to 1---- .05 2 x day. She was still too low so we had her rechecked now. She is maintaining her weight nicely at 68 pounds. Chloe stressed so much at the vet, she backed out of her collar in the office. Vet said "I never saw one do that". You did now. I brought Ms. PITA POLLI in for a weigh in and moral support and she is weighing in at 57.5- 58 pounds!!! up from 51.5 pounds off the hauler!!! Not bad for the PITA eater! Better news yet is that the OSU report came back for Polli the same as Cornell and my home vets. NOTHING is showing up and she basically is not limping anymore. THANK GOD. Her gait however, will change when she is on concrete/pavement. So, we are not walking her on anything but grass and there is no running allowed. There are no corns or abrasions on her feet. Good work girls.
  5. This is another amazing story of love, faith and courage. I admire both you and Carrier more than I could ever express. Continued prayers, love and good thoughts for you and your brave boy.
  6. Please update after your vet appointment. We will all be waiting to hear and sending good thoughts and prayers your way for BJ.
  7. For us, regardless of what her numbers were, she WAS going back on Soloxine because without it, she was not a complete dog. She hid in her crate and didn't interact. So, the numbers are important but so is the behavior.
  8. Why don't you make a phone call to him and find out exactly what was up? If he thought he did something wrong YOU would have gotten a phone call from him saying, how is your dog feeling? BTW, i didn;t mean to be short with you blah, blah, blah... But he did not call you so you call him and say, I just wanted to let you know that Mae is feeling better from the other meds, thank you. Were up angry that i stopped by without an appointment the other day? ... give him a chance to explain and take it from there. I confront things as they happen.
  9. Nothing BAD can happen. I presume you will have him on Soloxine? My Chloe has hypothyroidism. When I got her she was on the meds. She had ONLY had a T4 and it was .02 I did a VERy slow wean off as I wanted to know what her ful thyroid panel was. It took 3 weeks to wean her off and then we had a full panel down. She indeed had T4 of .02 and her T5 was ridiculously low and worst of all, we did not recognize our dog which was the reason she had been bounced the 1st time around. So, we put her back on and within aweek, we saw a drastic change in her perosnality. She was back. Even if her #'s were not so low, we would have put her back on becasue it was helping her. Sometimes there are drugs that are used off label if necessary. Did your dog have a FULL panel done? If not, I strongly urge you to do it. If it was doen recently, the lab should still have the blood. You can call your vet and ask. What are the personality traits of your dog?
  10. I keep mine in the fridge after opening it and usually use it all before finished. But when I don't, and it starts to grow green stuff on it, I throw it out! Mine usually get a dollop at dinnertime every day.
  11. Unruly, Downing, K's Flak, Onie Jones-- We've got that line here in most of my dogs.
  12. Yes and the reason most dogs (except my Beau) are stoic is so that they don't get preyed on by other dogs. If other dogs see a weak dog, very often they will be attacked. Because of this, many dogs do behave "stoic". When a dog cries out in pain, it's beyond stoic and at that point they don't care who knows. They are hurting bad. I had that experience once when Beau ripped his tendons from the bone in his leg and I NEVER want to experience that again.
  13. What are you doing Karen, trying to out do our vet bills? Yeesh. Hope he's OK. My newly married and pregnant daughter has said to me (knowing only half of the medical situations here) "Mom, you want me to adopt a GH? How could I ever afford the medical bills". I explained that it's not everydog, but she was probably smart to wait a while before adopting any dog.
  14. RobinM


    Lucky boy he was to have found you. You made the difference, he knew he was loved. I am so sorry for your loss.
  15. I don't know if he's had an injury in the past. I need to make a vet visit to check his anal glands, so I'll get her to look at this too. Im just hoping it is nothing serious. The water he's been doing for a few months at least. He's newly 7. I just assumed that he drinks so much because he gets so worked up and excited when we get home.. or else he thinks we are taking him out for a pee. Then when we come in sometimes he drinks a lot, sometimes he doesn't. When he knows we're going out he drinks water usually, but never the whole bowl like how he does at those particular times. Yes, i think you should have his limp checked out if it lasts more than 5 days. And yes, you should definitely check pads and web with a magnifying glass if possible. The water? i'm not sure. The only thing I can think of is diabetes, but he is not losing weight and is not exhibiting any other symtoms, right? when was his last blood panel done? Make a list of all these things and have them checked out. Please let us know. Praying for a soft tissue injury that goes away quickly and just a thirsty dog!!!
  16. I feel you frustration. Hope it's a simple problem with an even simpler solution.
  17. I am the queen of limps here. Do you know for a fact that Tavi has an old racing injury? If so, give him Deramaxx as necessay for the inflammation or whatever anti inflammatory you favor. If you do not know for sure if it is an old injury, I always err on the side of caution and take them in. How long has he been doing this with the water? How old is he?
  18. OMG, I don't blame you for feeling the way you do, I'd be totally out of my mind. Having said that, you have to trust he is being well taken care of and you've got to keep the faith. Many prayers and good thought for your boy. Please update as soon as you know.
  19. I am so sorry for you loss.
  20. It is easy, but I would not feel comfortable doing it either!
  21. OMG, How terrible. I am so sorry. I am just not getting any of this.
  22. My vet says no to pepto and yes to pedcid too. Just one of the regular strength. Pepto won't necesarrily harm your dog, but a lot of people prefer the pepcid. Whatever you use, I hope he's back to feeling greyt soon!
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