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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Yes, Iris, I did contact him. He says the same as Friedman and Cornell. Sigh. He scared me a bit saying that a soft tissue should clear up in 2-4 days. When Chloe had her limp (an old racing injury) she was limping for 3 weeks and she is a lot younger. I have a call into the place in Westbury. It's very frustrating. Thanks.
  2. I'm so afraid to have any manipulation done to her as she was in such bad shape after she had been the 1st time. I realize that they wouldn't be twisting her into a pretzel to do acupunture. I think there is a place not far from us who does this, I will at least inquire. ETA: I called and asked to speak to the doc prior to coming in. I left a message on her voice mail. Anyone hear of her? http://vetspecialist.com/index.php?mainMen...ine%20at%20CSVC
  3. The animal hospital we go to has their own orthopedic surgeon. He is the one who fixed Beau's leg back in May. (it was an injury that after 32 years of being a vet, they had never seen anything so severe). He checked the x-rays and everyone is on the same page. So, yes, he has seen the pictures and he would be the surgeon if G*D forbid, it becomes necessary.
  4. That's where the webcam comes in!
  5. Polli started limping pretty badly 3 weeks ago today. The very next day we brought her in for x-rays of her leg which did not reguire anethesia. Nothing showed up, not even arthritis. We waited 5 days to see if there was any improvment, there was none and the limping was BAD. Reminded me of IGOR of Young Frankenstein. We took her in the following Friday, 1 week since she started limping and her limping seemed to have gotten a bit better but we took her anyway. She had a series of x-rays of her neck, spine and shoulders and they had to twist and manipulate her to get these pictures. So, these were done under anethesia. Nothing showed up, but when I got poor Polli back, she was crippled from all the manipulating. They send the results to Cornell for another set of eyes. The report came back clean. She is now 2 weeks past the 2nd set of pictures. She is limping far less, but she is limping. Vet said let's give it several weeks to see if it clears up on it's own and treat it with rest, deramaxx, tramdol when necessary. If after the next several weeks, she is STILL limping, we will have to have the MRI done and take it from there. If it is a disk prolapse, he said it will either need surgery (and I dread that more than you can possibly imagine after seeing how she did with the anethesia for a simple x-ray) OR just rest and anti-imflammatories, depending on it's severity. Not fair. I feel so badly for her although for the most part, she doesn't know she has a limp! She is loving, very playful and silly. I just want her to get and feel better so she can finally enjoy the life she truly deserves.
  6. Susan, you know how I am about these things too! i seem to be at the vet once a week because someone is always off one way or the other. Since YOU are uncomfortable about this, just take him in to ease YOUR mind.
  7. Yeah, Beth sent me your original and I uploaded it to my website to preserve the file size. What are the options of where to save it? i have photobucket and it apparently increased the size BIG time. Since you are a supporter you can use the GT gallery. Or if you have your own website you can upload it there and link to it. OK, I just put it into the gallery and it's under 15K!!! YAY. I had never used this feature before. Thanks!
  8. RobinM


    I am so sorry. Condolences to DH as well.
  9. Yeah, Beth sent me your original and I uploaded it to my website to preserve the file size. What are the options of where to save it? i have photobucket and it apparently increased the size BIG time.
  10. Nancy, rub vitamin e or bag balm on her feeties every night before bed, you know after you cook a meal for Bobbi Let's hope she doesn't eat that too! Yeesh, it's always something.
  11. Looks like cute fuzzy feeties to me! but I just wub that girlie!
  12. OH HOW I ENVY YOU! My Polli is 8.5 years old and after a racing career, she became a brood mama. Now, finally, she is home with us. For the last 2 weeks she has been limping and no one can figure out what the problem is yet... So, in answer to your question, is it normal? YES! For a happy, loved, healthy in body and mind dog, it sure is! Enjoy her. I envy you.
  13. PLEASE above all, don't leave her out. She is prob more upset about this then you are. I assume it's sorta like a family room you have had converted for the dogs??? Lights on for her, music or tv on? If she is scared, that won;t help with the pee. Until you get the prob resolved you can get the panties made. Sheila makes panties for girlies. You can contact her right her on GT.
  14. I agree with the cat food, meat baby food and try the EVO wet foods, they are high in calorie and VERY STINKY.
  15. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
  16. Either / or. I'd have the vet take a look ASAP.
  17. Please let me know what is going on. My Polli has been limping for close to 2 weeks, has had full leg, shoulder, neck x-rays evaluated by Cornelll university, Nothing. TBD panel, nothing, yet she is still limping. Prayers for your baby.
  18. I had suggested having the regular vet call them and get the results since you would rather deal with them anyway. You have nothing to lose at this point.
  19. Prayers and white lights your way.
  20. My 8.5 year old Polli has been limping for the better part of 2 weeks. She does not have CA. It COULD be a prolapsed disk or a soft tissue injury so right now we are treating it with lots of rest and anti inflammatories. We will do this for several more weeks and then see how she is. Prayers for a simple diagnosis and treatment for your girl.
  21. So sorry you both have to go through this. Prayers for a quick and uneventful recovery and hugs to you.
  22. I know that when my greys are panting its because they are: Hot or Tired or Anxious or In pain. I'm opting for anxious for your girl. Can you call the kennel to find out if there were any problems. If it's the same in the morning, I'd bring her in for a check up.
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