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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Karen- He'll be just fine. And so will you! Sending prayers yours and Monty's way. Teddy had a growth removed from the top of his mouth which turned out to be benign. Hugs to you both.
  2. Prayers and loving thoughts for you and Max.
  3. Emily- Yes, she was always warm to the touch, almost radiating heat. She had other major symtoms and her T4 is .02. The rest her panel was very low too.
  4. My Chloe is hypothyroid and is on meds. She is always radiates heat though and so do my non hypothyroid pups. If your vet has any doubts, is he doing a FULL thyroid panel???
  5. 1st of all. Hugs. I've been there. The only difference was i wound up with 8 stictches over my eye and 2 on the cheek with a derabond adhesive on the other side of my face. It was a mess. I do understand how devastated you feel. It will pass. I would definitely get a grey savvy vet to start with the full panel. He needs to have behavioral training too. Your group should be able to direct you to someone competent and grey savvy. Best of luck and do not allow him on your bed.
  6. RobinM

    Okie Kechi

    Sigh. I am so very sorry.
  7. I am so sorry. How is jazz doing?
  8. Hi Ted. My Polli, an almost 9 year old brood mama started limping in late Sept. - 1 week later, no improvement so I brought her in to the vet. She was calm enough that the vet said they could do some xrays of the leg/foot. Nothing showed up, not even arthritis. We had stopped all walks, let her out back on leash only, picked her up each and every time she wanted on our bed, etc. (OH MY back!) One week later there was no improvement. I took her back in and this time it had to be under anethesia for a complete set of xrays, neck, shoulder, spine etc. She was npot limping the morning I brought her in, but we brouth her in anyway. The x-rays showed nothing again. BUT... she was basically crippled from all the manipulation they had to do in order to get the pictures. It was so sad, she looked like IGOR from Young Frankenstein. We continued no walks, picking her up,deramaxx for pain, tramedol when indicated (for us, it was when she was panting out of the blue which did not happen very often). The x-rays were sent to Cornell Univsersity and OSU, they all said the same thing. Nothing. It was good, but frustrating> we knew the next step was an MRI to determine if it were a disk. I wanted to hold off and my vet suggested I do as well. 5 weeks later (now) Polli is virtully limp free. Her gait will be a little bit off when she is on concrete/ pavemenet so I limit he to grass only. As long as your pup is comfortable, give it some time. In the meantime, see if you can find a vet who practices holistically, acupuncture etc. Speak to them via phone and discuss it so that if you need to bring him in, you don;t need to do your research when you need someone right away. I know how frustrating and helpless you feel when you don't know what it is or how to fix it. My thoughts are with you. Keep us informed.
  9. Run free Red Dog. I am so sorry.
  10. RobinM

    Sarah Is Gone

    I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss. Run free Wardy.
  12. God Speed Peatie. Trish, I am so sorry.
  13. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...=acupuncture+vs. Cynthia, that is the thread I was talking about. See if you can get some info from it. I don;t think Sugar mom has enough posts for a PM, if I hear from her, I will have her get in touch with you. PM me your email address. Best of luck to you both.
  14. I never posted this on GT, but just 6 weeks ago, (making a LONG story short) my Teddy got my face. My face was at the wrong place at the wrong time and I wound up with 8 stitches over my eye, 2 in my cheek and dermabond on the other side of my head. Trying to explain to people who do not have GHs who, want and how wasn't worth it so I just didn't. I made up some BS in the ER and that was the end of it. You know your dog. It's not your extended families business. It's you and your family. As batmom said If two dogs get into a scuffle and you try to break it up by getting in between them, you will get bitten. Almost without exception. At that moment, the dog has no idea who you (or your husband) are -- he's in a tizzy and he's just reacting to a stimulus I was quite upset, in pain and shocked but I got over it and so did everyone in the house. I'm sure with love and patience your situation will work itself out too.
  15. Since it has never happened before and it happened after she ran, I would chalk it up to pulling something. Give it three-5 days. If you have some Deramaxx or even Rimydyl, give her one to keep her comfotable and keep her from jumping and running for the next few days. If after 3-5 days, no improvement, time for the vet. I bet it's sprain.
  16. This must be so unebearable. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
  17. WOW, that is very intense. I know there is someone on GT who's dog had spine/neck surgery, but I don't recall. I will look to see who is was later today. MUCH luck, prayers and best wishes for Katie and you. ETA: It was Sugarmom-- try and speak to her.
  18. Working for 3 Urologists as I do, I do see a lot of hematuria (blood in urine). Many times, it's really nothing and gets treated with antibiotics. We all are praying that Molly will get cleared up quickly and that will be the end of it.
  19. that's greyt. thanks for passing on the info. I sent him about 15 pictures of Polli enjoying the very spoiled life on Long Island! It made me feel so good sending him those so he could see her and well she is doing along with an update on everything! Than you again... PS.. Have I told you lately just how much we adore Ms. Polli Ocean???
  20. 2 of each. LOVE THEM ALL. Teddy is closest to DH, Beau, Chloe and Polli are all closet to me.
  21. That was very sweet of you to post and informative, however it shows that LI is "estabished" which may be the case on the north shore (more wooded), but here on the South shore, it's very, very rare (Ocean side of the island). My girlfriend and fellow GTer, Freddygirl uses frontline all year since she lives on the north shore but I do not need to. I hate to use it on them if not necessary. I know we have some GTers in the area who can let me know if we need to re-apply.
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