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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. rlm410@optonline.net Send me your email!
  2. Normal! We still go through this with Chloe and sometimes Teddy. Someone on GT told me about this and I don't know why it works, but it does. BTW- it's called statuing. When he stops, make sure he is not tangled etc. Once you know all is OK. Face forward. Do not look at him when he stops. Look ahead. Count to 20 slowly. Then say (without looking at him) "OK, Let's go".And go. Sometimes you have to do this several times on a walk, and sometimes you don't need to get to 20, sometimes 10 and sometimes 30, but for us, it has worked. Good luck.
  3. Welcome from LI! Maybe you can help out at meet & greets on LI??? 4th Saturday a month? Also, please add your contact info to Long Island search & Rescue. It's a volunteer based group of greyound lovers who will help out if God forbid a dog gets out. http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/greyhou...rchandrescueLI/
  4. OMG his poor eye. So lucky he didn't lose it, poor baby. How is he today?
  5. I understand completely. My Beau was attacked by my Teddy over a KONG and Teddy just missed his jugular. Beau needed surgery and of course stitches. It was a MESS. Within a day or 3 Beau was pretty much Beau, jumping and doing and being a bozo dog. If it were humans, it would take a good 3 months to even feel halfway normal. Dogs are extremely resislient. That's why when a dog is "off", they much really feel like ka ka. BTW-- why didn't they use stitches that disolved?
  6. Sorry you both had to go through this. What do you mean tie her to the crate??? Prayers for an uneventful stitch removal.
  7. You can go the homeopathic route and not have to worry about how her liver will or won't do with it, it;s all natural. Try the traumeel pills 1 tab 2-3 x a day. Put in yogert or icecream ,peanut butter etc. The idea is for them NOT to bite and swallow, but to lick. You can also use the traumeel gel for massage to help her. And of course she should be on glucosomine for her joints. Hope she is feeling better soon.
  8. What a wonderful life she had with you. I am so sorry for your loss. Run Free Sweet Maddie.
  9. My sincere condolences over the loss of your Magic. Run Free sweet magic.
  10. agreed. i'm a VERY direct person. That would be one way to to though. My Polli had breath so bad when she got here, I could smell it downstairs. I remember walking in one day and blaming DH about "bathroomm problems " and he was swearing up and down, he didn't know what I was talking about. As I came upstairs and got closer to Polli, I realized it was HER! At ther dental that week, she lost 17 teeth. They were discusting. Her breath now is not great and I brush her stinky mouth every single day. I am hoping she doesn't lose more teeth. She already needs a dental after having one 6 months ago. You'd be doing this poor dog a favor by being as direct as you can so that the owner knows that this is a serious problem and can lead to significant health issues. Rinses and brushing this dog's teeth is a bit late now based on the rot in the mouth. This dog needs professional help, then brushing and the water treatment. IMHO.
  11. Do the wrap for tonight and check it in the morning. If it looks OK, it should be alright, if not , you should bring her in to the vet for them ot check it, just in case. I sympathize with you. At one time or another all 4 of mine have had wicket cuts on their legs. hope she is OK.
  12. True....who cares. I just said it because I can still remember how I felt when they corrected me in front of the entire store(always crowded) I wanted to crawl under a shelf. Would hate for someone else to experience that. I did not mean who cares referring to the correction! I meant it exactly how I wrote it! Who cares! it works! The problem with texting/typing is very often the most innocent text can be misconstrued!
  13. You are right, the vet practices Holistic "medicine" and preferes homeopathic remedies. The traumeel is homeopathic. But who cares? It works!!!!!
  14. RobinM

    How Do You Cope?

    One day at a time. If that does not work, one hour or minute at a time. You won't feel this way forever. I promise you that.
  15. Yes, corns are normally on the pads. My Polli has a limp that is not chronic. When she is limping, it's worse on the cement and tile floor but almost non existant on the grass and carpet. Polli had a limp for 6 weeks!!! We had a full set of x-rays taken, they were sent to Cornell and OSU and nothing was there, (thank GOD), but she still limped. We rested her and when we did walk her, we kept her on the grass. My Teddy has a chronic disk issue which we had diagnosed by x-ray when he was alternately holding up each of his paws. I make sure they all get glucosomine and for Teddy, he gets Joint Health tabs by Springtime and Vetri- Disc capsules. He is taking a lot of natural supplements which is great and he is feeling a lot better. He is also wearing a harness. We just finished 6 weeks of acupunture and will resume in 2 weeks. My other 2 have periodic limps from previous injuries. With 4 dogs, I never had a dog not limping. Currently, it's Beau! I would start with (or keep up) glucosomine and joint and disk supplements. How was Avery diagnosed?? What tests has he had?
  16. Robin- Yes, they are very stoic. I base whether or not they get pain meds by if they are limping or favoring a leg or not. If they are for more than a day or 2, i have to assume they are uncomfortable. There is a holistic antinflammatory called Traumeel. Dosage is 1 tab 2-3 times a day. It's for humans but gets used off label for dogs. All natural. Biggest issue is that you are not supposed to swallow it or bite it. For humans, it's supposed to be used sublingually so for the dogs put it in something they like to lick like yogert or peanut better or whatever works for her. If you get it (you can buy it online) let me know how it works.
  17. Yes. My Polli age 9 years old had a limp SO badly, she looked like IGOR from Young Frankenstein. This lasted 6 weeks. She had a series of x-rays. Her pictures were sent to Cornell and OSU. No one could find anything. We nursed it. Very very short walks if any at all and when we did walk her we made sure she walked on the grass. When she walked on grass she did not limp. With 4 greyhounds, I NEVER go through a period where someone is not limping. I am used to it. Teddy has disk issues, Chloe has an old injury that flares up from time to time, Beau has a injury too that acts up from time to time and we know Polli's limp comes and goes. While you can never be sure, and it's always best to get a baseline from the vet so you know what is going on. Prayers that everything will be OK.
  18. RobinM


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  19. My 9 year old Polli's bones/joints "pop" when she jumps off our bed which is 32 inches off the floor.
  20. I am so very sorry. I can not begin to imagine the pain and anquish. Do you have someone to go with you?
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