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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Great thanks! Any and all advice welcome.
  2. This is a very good and informative video. The problem lays where there is more than one dog, like in our case 4 dogs on a walk and one dog has fear aggression towards non greys. Clicking would arrouse the other dogs curiousity so that wouldn't work. The behavioist we are using has designed a "Snoot loop" to help out in these types of situations which also has to be used when we have Teddy alone. Trying to work with the aggressor when you have others with you is not really workable!!!
  3. update of my last post which was March. I do not bath them anymore. I used to do it about 1x every 6-8 weeks and I've noticed that without the baths, they do not smell, are still white where they should be. I do rinnse off feet when they get muddy or if a leg gets pee'd on!
  4. Oh Irene. I have no words. I am so sorry. God Speed John E.
  5. JUst saw this. Irene, You and John E are in my thoughts. Please update.
  6. I use it. Dr. Bill Freeman told me about this.
  7. I realize that your dog lost a lot more than my Polli's 17 teeth but she gums dried chicken tenders, the big nutro cookies, she loves ZUKES (they are soft, expensive, but soft). As Mom2grtdawgs said, don't underestimate their chewing abilities!
  8. Hey there Nancy. Sorry to hear Rita has this "issue". Not an easy decision, I'm sure. Let us all know and know that my thoughts are with you and Rita. It's always something, isn't it!?
  9. Good thoughts your way. Please update when you can.
  10. One pepcid. They only need one a day. They are "pink" in color. I would have him checked out FIRST, he may have something going on. THe pepcid will only mask the symtoms. I give pepcid because the vet told me to. If you think his teeth are bothering him, they may be. Please have him checked first.
  11. My Polli often suffers from gastritis. When she has this, she will go without eating or drinking until her tummy settles. She gets a pepcid every day, but there are days like last evening where she did not eat a thing, would not drink and her poor little tummy sounded like the 4thof July. We could hear it across the room. We give it 48 hours and then bring her to the vet. If your boy is eating and drinking, I wouldn't be overly concerned. Have you tried pepcid?
  12. I am so sorry for your loss. He sure is a beautiful hound.
  13. RobinM


    I am so sorry. Run free sweet Athena.
  14. There is a place by us, where Teddy is going for his acupuncture that offers that therapy. I hear it's wonderful.
  15. Prayers with you all. Please update when you can.
  16. RobinM

    She's Gone

    Oh, I am so sorry. Run free pretty girl.
  17. Please make sure your vet runs the whole thyroid panel, not just the T4. It's a better reading. Symtoms? My Chloe is 3 and was diagnosed hypothyroid within 2 months of her racing career ending. All 4 races. Prior to her meds, her T4 was .02 which is exceptionally low, even for a greyhound. She exhibted things like: being a spook to the point of never wanting to leave her crate except for eating and walks. She was frightened of everything. She did have semi bald thighs. Other than that, not too many symtoms. Now, she is a crazy maniac, fun loving party girl with most of the hair on her thighs grown back. It's hard to believe it's the same dog. Hope your pup checks out fine.
  18. www.sitstay.com http://www.sitstay.com/dog/supplies/servle...2C+13.2+oz.+Can Rickiesmom (Mary) sent me 2 cans to see if Polli would eat it. It worked. I don;t want Polli to get sick of it so I use it when she turns her nose up at her regualar dinner.
  19. Rule of thumb in our house is if we have to ask... it's time to take them. Good luck and hugs your way.
  20. Are you brushing? if not, you should be EVERYDAY! My Polli has bad breath now but when we adopted her she had breath bad enough to stink up our 3200 sq foot home... no joke. She lost 17 teeth and it was better for a while, but now it's pretty stinky again. I was told to brush everyday. I brush every other day. If you are giving her chews, please make sure they are the vet aprroved C.E.T. chews. Yes, they are more $$ BUT they are treated with something that is very good for their teeth. In addition, there is a water additive that helps to. Dr. Bill Freeman of OSU turned me on to all of this. Hope this helps. http://shop.valuevetinc.com/index.cfm?page...ID=140073672011 I buy the large chews and the C.E.T aquadent rinse. They are vet approved.
  21. Thanks for asking! Beau is back to Beau! Moving a little cautiously becasue of the wounds but they look greyt. They are dry. The vet did an amazing job. The pictures of before ( I did not post, I felt they were way too graphic) and after are just incredible. Looks like a plastic surgeon did it. BTW- I have been in touch with Lee Livingood about finding us a behaviorist for Teddy.
  22. As you may or may not know, my Polli has been known to be my PITA eater. We do 1 pepcid every day or at least 5x a week. To get her to eat, we give her 1/2 evo (rich) and 1/2 purina one (she likes it). I mix it with shredded boiled skinless chicken thighs. She likes to eat at 4:30 pm (straight dry kibble) and 10:30 pm chicky and kibble. She gets a total of between 1 1/4 - 2 cups a kibble a day mixed with 2-3 thighs. When she turns up her nose at that, I try the kibble mixed with TRIPE. That will usually work. If she doesn't eat that, there is usually something going on like gastritis and a vet visit is in order. I also keep cans of EVO duck, rabbit, venoson and purina one chicken for emergency. ETA: Pepcid
  23. Just reading this. I am so very sorry to hear about Wrangles.
  24. OH GOD, I have been following you and Harley since you first got him from the DB mother. I was so overwhlemed with your dedication to this dog who didn't even orginally belong to you. Thank you for loving him and taking such wonderful care of him. He went to the bridge loved. Run free Harley.
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