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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. He is coming around. He just shared some of my frozen lowfat yogert. It just doesn't taste the same for me without all the extra spit in it As far as the scarring, I wasn't concerned per say, it more of a question, since fortunately this was the 1st (and last time as far as I'm concerned) it's happened. Beau happens to have thick lush hair. I expect it to grow back around the scarrs. Whatever will be, will be. Beau is safe and well and that's the bottom line.
  2. Batmom- we are all OK. Beau's personality is shining through, although he is a little more sedate than normal. He IS the party here. Without Beau, it's a flatline. We are modifying the room situation so that everyone is safe and happy. (we thought it was OK but apparently Beau used the bed as a trampoline and wound up in teddy's space when he was eating his Kong). We are no longer leaving kongs. It's a bit of an adjustment. Today when DH left, he heard Teddy carrying on crying. Normally, he is working on a kong. I am also in the process of getting a behaviorist for Teddy. It's time. No difference at all. What he's thinking to himself... is probably something completely different. Teddy of course is curious about the boo boos but so are the other 3. Beau is a lover, not a fighter.
  3. This is such an amazing story. Harley is am amazing dog. Thank you for sharing this. Prayers continued for Harley.
  4. We are going to keep seperating by a FOUR foot wall (extended ex-pen) and NO FOOD. It's the food that has been the issue here. It happened once before when Teddy finished a bone, Beau was taking his time "nursing" it and teddy decided he wanted Beau's. Beau put up a little bit of a fight, not much but Teddy was crazy. I was in the room and was screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, he did not stop. Finally, I threw the hardcover book I was reading onto the floor where they were to startle him and it worked. Everyone was safe. That was the 1st time I had seen anything like that and we had just gotten Teddy. We realized he had to seperate him from the others. So, now there will never be any food left when we are not home. Kongs for all when DH gets home from work. They will adjust.
  5. Oy. Beau is home. I cannot believe what he looks like. He is sedated and very mellow. Not my Beau Beau, that's for sure, but he is home. They did a wonderful job putting him back together. Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. Knowing you are not alone is so helpful. You guys "get it". Trying to explain to people at work about food aggression and why these things happen... I got looked at like I was totally crazy. The first one is the one that is "not bad". The second one is pretty bad. My poor baby.
  6. I knew there was a reason why, I just did not know what to tell DH. Thanks, now he sees it. Beau is on his way home, I will post pictures when he gets here. Gulp.
  7. If they 'fence fight' this badly when no one is there, you might consider blocking their view of each other (drape a blanket or something over the pen). ~Lindsey~ Teddy is NOT in a ex pen. Teddy has free rein of the house. We have a very large master bedroom. Aprox 1200 sq. feet. We divide 1/2 of it with two 3 foot expens that are open as a wall. They divide the room with 2 other gates and a chair as an anchor. They are all hooked together. The other 3 are together, no aggression issues. Teddy is able to stay in the room divided by the 3 foot wall. Teddy does not jump. Beau, who has the bed on his side of the room can jump on the bed and over into Teddy's side. he's done it before BUT with the Kong, it became "the issue". We can muzzle Teddy and bring the pens back another few feet so when and if beau does leap, he will wind up still on his own side. OR we can muzzle Teddy and buy a 4 foot ex-pen.
  8. Beau is a bit "wobbley" as per the nurse, so we can get him tonight. 8:30. I am scared to see him. DH said the wounds were horrible. The docs said it was "bad". DH took a picture with his cell but I did not want to see it. What's the point? We have Teddy's muzzle, it does irritate his nose and I am afraid that he might get it off. I know several GHs that can take their muzzle off especially if they are wearing it 6 hours a day. However DH wants to know if the cloth/nylon muzzles are OK? Can they open their mouths with the cloth or only the plastic???
  9. I know that what Teddy was doing was normal for him. Even Little Ms. Polli sounds like she will rip your throat out if you threaten her "stuff". My Beau is so not like that at all. He lets everyone take his stuff... then he comes crying to me like a 2 year old! He's a bit, just a bit different. 45 minutes to find out if he can come home.
  10. We abslolutely will not leave kongs. Just a bite sized cookie for them. We are both sitting here trying to figure out just how to organize the area so that Beau can not jump in. Who would have thought I would need a 7 foot chain link fence in my bedroom??? I am not feeling warm and fuzzy toward Teddy.
  11. Your healing thoughts must be working... he did not need drains... there is a possibility of him coming home. I have to call at 7pm. Will update.
  12. THey are closing him up now. He will have to stay to administer pain meds and antibiotics through IVs. It was "pretty bad" as per the doctor. They think he will be able to come home tomorrow. I am afraid to see how bad he is.
  13. I've been sitting on my hands going crazy waiting for the call ONLY TO FIND OUT WHEN I CALLED THAT THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN HIM YET. WHAT THE #%*)(#Q|$#$#|+Q@#$E|QE$)+Q??????????????????????????????????????????? I am freaking out.
  14. It's just the rules at this vet. I will be paying for "private duty" nursing for Beau if he has to stay so that he is not alone.
  15. Teddy is always seperated by a 2- 3 foot high, ex-pens. Beau took a flying leap of about 4 feet over it from the bed and landed into Teddy's space at "kong time". We NEVER leave them ALL out when there is food out. No more kongs. period.
  16. UPDATE- Call from vet, going to sedate him now, stitch him up. One side, not bad, however the other...just missed the jugular. I can not believe this. They will let me know how bad and if he needs drains. They know I want him home ASAP but if he needs the drains, he will have to stay. I haven't seen it yet. DH took pictures. I'm afraid to see. Does their hair grow back after one of these incidents?
  17. We always separate Teddy, who has food aggression by an ex-pen expanded across the room so that he is separated from the others but he can still be in the same room. On the webcam I have seen Beau and Teddy "going at it" through the ex – pen when DH leaves for work (always after me) and leaves everyone their kongs. It's pretty scary to watch them barking at each other for the 2-3 minutes they do it, but it always subsided and they got busy on their kongs and layed down. Apparently, Beau jumped over the ex-pen today and Teddy "got" him. Beau is now in the hospital, will need stictches and possibly drains. If he needs drains, he will have to stay. THANK GOD, DH hadn't gotten out of the house, realized that things sounded worse than usual and came back up. Beau is my "sensitive" one. He cannot handle this. If he HAS to stay in, I will ask for someone to stay overnight to "babysit". Prayers for my Beau Beau please.
  18. So sorry to hear about Chance.
  19. Hi Kathleen and welcome to GT. I have bought several collars from you on EBAY and I can surely attest to all, that the collars I bought were of the same quality of collars I have paid over double the money for elsewhere!!!
  20. I am so sorry. My heart hurts for you.
  21. RobinM


    So sorry for the loss of your Vinnie. There is never enough time.
  22. RobinM

    Rooftop Birdie

    OH NO. I remember seeing her sweet face on the Kansas site. OH NO. I am so sorry.
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