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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. RobinM


    I am so sorry for your loss. Run free sweetie.
  2. RobinM

    Chief Adam

    My sincere sympathys for the loss of your very special boy. Run Pain Free Chief Adam
  3. When Polli came off the farm, her underside espeically around her nipples had a lot of blackheads. I squeezed and I also applied a warm wash cloth and let it sit on her for a few minutes and I would then, just gently wipe with the wash cloth which acted like an exfolient and now she has none! My others don't have any. ETA- Eye boogies, all the time, especially my Birman cats!
  4. What an amazingly difficult decision to make. Hugs to you and prayers for sweet Bodie.
  5. RobinM

    Snarf The Cat

    Oh, I am so sorry for the loss of your precious kitty.
  6. OMG. I looked everyday first thing and this morning was no different. I am so sorry, I have no words.
  7. I'm sure it's nothing, but it;s always good to be reassured by the vet. Prayers your way.
  8. Polli says, Ms. Mama Rolla, please, us mommas have to be careful! We're not as young as we used to be! Hope you feel better soon. Love, Polli
  9. Here's to an unevernful dental and recovery! please update when she is home.
  10. You guys have been in my thoughts and prayers since this all started. I am so sorry, there are really no words. Run free sweet Brady.
  11. So sorry to read this. Hugs to you both.
  12. Ouch. Poor sweetie. Kisses to her. It's ALWAYS something, isn't it?
  13. Love the couch picture! He looks greyt!
  14. RobinM

    *kh Molly*

    I am so sorry for your loss.
  15. I am so sorry. Keep the faith and contact GTers who have been through this. You are not alone. Hugs to you both.
  16. THIS made my morning. Thanks for sharing Judy, I look forward to giving him kisses at the picnic.
  17. Personally, I would bring him in ASAP.
  18. agreed. The sooner, the better.
  19. I too know nothing of this. I am hoping some people on here who have, unfortunately experienced this or Dr. Bill Feeman of OSU comes on and helps you with some answers. I will keep you and your sweet baby in my thoughts and prayers.
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