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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Actually, Gary is one of the nicer neighbors in my lovely, friendly neigborhood! No joke.
  2. Just today, we were walking the pack and Polli of course was hopping. "Gary" who lives 3 houses away, noticed and asked what happened. I told him, it was cancer, osteo to be exact and that she had her 1st chemo already. He (while shaking his head) asked me if I remembered his dog, Dudley, a beautiful GSH. I said, yes of course. He said Dudley died of lymphoma and when the doc asked him if he wanted chemo he said- Chemo didn't save my mother or my father - it's not going to save him. He's gonna die anyway. I said that was almost 17 years ago, Gary, things have come a long way. He kept on going and I kept on walking. I did hear him say "good luck". There you have it- " the judge".
  3. I am so sorry. Run free pretty gril.
  4. More importantly than anything is how familar is he/she with greyhounds? I left my vet of 20 years for a vet who has a high greyhound clientele. I needed to know that when my dogs had surgery (And Lord knows, My dogs have had their share) they would be with a group of vets who were grey savvy.
  5. My vet is not a pepto fan either. Refresh my memory- is Asia front or rear leg? If front, how did you reteach steps? we are at a standstill with steps and I finally rec'd the ruffwear harness that was going to make all the difference in the world for Polli, except for the fact that she won't walk with the harness on! Sorry, no advice on the big D
  6. Well, yeah, I'm beginning to see that there are several "types" of people when it comes to certain illnesses, RE: AMP in particular: The Judgers-- how could you do that to her- The over sympathizers-OMG that poor dog... The Curious ones- wow- will she be ok, etc The indifferent ones.--get that da*N dog off my planet.
  7. Unfortunatlely with a front leg amp, the head bobs. yes it will get slightly better but for the most part, that's the way it is which is why they tire so easlily. It's a lot of shock to the body, the pounding. And it takes a lot of effort to hop, rather than walk. Careful with the leash, that the clasp doesn't hit her in the head/ neck area. I have been holding it without too much slack so that Polli doesn't get wacked in the head. On the tripod site, I have been reading stories of a GSH who used to do trail hikes @ 12 miles. A year after amp, the GSH can do 1 mile with resting in between. Every dog is different but from what i have been reading, the front amps tire more easily as they have more work cut out for them.
  8. Yes, Polli will. She gives that certain look and all bets are off. We did a little over 3 houses today. WHen the rest of the pack takes off with DH to do their walk, she stands and watches then walk away. It's sad. And not easy to get her moving back to the house. That is her pack. She wants to me with them. That is a good sign. I literally explain why we have to keep it short, explaining that we need to builld up her other legs and she WILL be able to take walks with her pack one day. Then a hug and peanut butter cookie makes it all better.
  9. Oh God NO. I had PM'd her earlier asking her to update. This was on my mind all day. I'm sick.
  10. Your right Batmom and it's 10.00 cheaper. I already ordered. Your right Batmom and it's 10.00 cheaper. I already ordered.
  11. You are correct. She did wear the compression wrap until I cut it off of her! (it was digging into her side and she was yelping at it) But I took it off day 4 or 5. Thank you for your well wishes.
  12. I have buillt this harness up in my mind as "the answer". I really hope it works!!! it will work, it will work, it will work, it will.....
  13. Polli did not bruise other than a tiny area very lightly. Just like people, some are more prone to brusing than others. I was hoping others could chime in. I suspect it's perfectly normal as I had said, I know it can get worse before it gets better. Day 3 post surgery is usually a bad day.
  14. I ordered it but have not recieved it yet. It seems to give them a lot of support which is greyt for steps ( we have a lot) and Polli is scared to do it. Once i am able to slip my hand in the opening on the back with the harness on, I am hoping she will gain confidence to to up and down. On the website there is a video of a dog wearing it. http://www.tripawds.com/2008/04/29/new-ruf...s-now-available
  15. The normal walk we take twice (or 3) times a day is approx. 1/2 - 2/3 miles. Morgan was back doing that a few months after amputation. He maintained those walks for the first 2 years after amputation. You can tell Morgan was breathing a lot harder than the others afterwards. Considering he went on several walks a day, he was doing 1-2 miles a day. One issue with front leg amputees is the bounce gait causes the leash clip to whack them. I haven't found a good solution. Morgan is lucky as we walk in a private area so I can let him off leash. Hopefully you'll find something that works. Yes the harness which I am waiting for. I am hoping it will make all the difference and give her the security she needs to do the steps. http://www.tripawds.com/2008/04/29/new-ruf...s-now-available
  16. Bruising always gets worse before it gets better. If it shows no improvement by day 4 or 5, call the vet. Poor baby girl. hugs to you both. ETA- you can take the tape off where the IV was (unlees doc said not to for some reason)
  17. HEY! i know that step, the bounce step. She looks marvelous. Glad you have someone to give her pain meds while you are at work. As was explained to me, its better to keep them medicated with the pain meds than to try and get relief after the pain starts.
  18. Yeah, I know - but I can hope it won't! I have joined tripawds website and there are nothing but tripods on this site. After reading about several hiking dogs who used to do miles and miles reguarly, only to be able to do 1/2 mile after a year, it put things in perspective. Polli will walk as much as she can, no pressure. I hope to be able to go around the small block with her and if not, we will walk to the corner and back (about 7 houses) Whatever it is, it is.
  19. Polli is post amp 10 days today. Today she walked (it's more like a bounce, poor thing, her head bounces up and down ) 3 house and back home. She will rest and give us the que when to go. She is starting to get up each and every time we get leashes and races to the door with the others and is slowly, but definitely surely starting to "come back". My heart is in my stomach as I worry about Teddy (85 pounds) knocking her over but she pushes her way through and gets to the front, where she always kept her place. I know we have a long way to go but we are here with her every step of the way, literally and figurativly. My little firecracker. God- I love this girl.
  20. I think Mommy at least, has had enough heart attacks for a while! But yes, seeing Polli up and about more self sufficient will not only make mommy so happy, I know that is what Polli wants. She doesn't want me having to leash walk her to pee and poop in the yard. how humiliating! Next we work on steps, just waiting for the harness to show up. Once we can get her reacclimated with the steps, we can all move back up to the bedroom which is where I know she wants to be and we wouldn't mind it either!
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