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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Hope you have an uneventful vet visit for Jake.
  2. Don't know a thing about this, hope you can get to the bottom of it before Monday.
  3. No, I am not adding the canned I-D. I am not 100% sure there was a problem with the PP sensitive stomach to tell you the truth. I don't think he likes the ID. I mixed chicky and rice in, he picked out the smallest pieces of chicken- I could not believe it. Then I added in ground beef and believe it or not, he is not into beef (like his mother) Now lately, he does not like the boiled chicken - YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME- RIGHT? But prefers the grilled chicken. Man if he weren't so underweight, I would make him wait until he was really hungry before I jumped through all these hoops. Anyway, after he turned his nose up to 1/2 his breakfast and did not eat it later in the day, and after he turned his nose up at dinner with beef and chicken mixed in, I put TRIPE in even though I am suppossed to be keeping it bland... he ate it, or most of it. I will give him the rest later. Again, I am not sure he has a prob with the PP sensitve. When he gets more settled, I will try 25% added and see how he tolerates it. To give you all an idea of the eating situation here, Polli is now my better eater of the 2.
  4. More than luck, many prayers for this beautiful boy who is loved afar by many!
  5. The good news is that we are not hearing gurgly tummys. The bad news is that his eating stinks. He is now on the I-D which requires more of it for his weight which should be 64 pounds. He has lost a considerable amount of weight visably. So, he has been eating a few bites in the morning and that's it. We will wind up feeding him 4 times a day in order to get the appropriate amount of food in him and that works well when we are home to cater to him. But come Monday when we have to go back to work. We can not do that. He will go without eating and lose more weight. He also wants to eat on a bed, rather than his feeder which is new since this all started. His eating habits are becoming more and more like Polli's. (it is her son) which scares me. 2 like that! No, couldn't be. he's not really into the I-D but then again, there is nothing he is really getting into since this all started. He is otherwise loving, wanting to walk and gets crazy happy when we get leashes out etc. But the eating is still iffy. He is on prilesec and cafate.
  6. My thoughts are with you both this morning. We have one more to go (different protocol) and will be done Jan. 5. I know the feeling of wrapping it up and wanting to move on.
  7. Sending many prayers for Smokey. Please update when you can.
  8. Sounds like a perfect day. Glad he is feeling better.
  9. Chloe is not much of a drinker either. I am always quite aware when she walks over to the bowl and goes at it. I've give Clark a bit more time and as long as he is not dehydrated, he is apparently getting enough.
  10. I am so sorry to hear that she is having such a hard time. I don;t have any advice, just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers along with your sweet Bebe.
  11. So refreshing and nice to see good reports! Greyt news! Happy Holidays.
  12. When I adopted my now crazy, fun loving insane Chloe, the BIOTCH, she was a spook who had been returned. Oh the things that would freak her out. My DH would have to crawl on the floor on his knees to get to her. He did and now of course she is daddy's girl. She could not be outside walking if there were bicycles, garbage cans on the street, our shadows freaked her out, my DS... oh you name it. it took time, patience and lot of love! Now, over 2 years later, sometimes Chloe will be the only dog we bring to meet and greets. We laugh amongst oursleves that our Chloe, the once spook is doing m&g alone!!!! Reason being, Teddy can get aggressive, Beau HATES M&G even though he is so social, he's too ADD to stand there and it's too much for Polli so we bring Chloe! She does greyt. Also, the more you can bring her to social events will help her become more comfortable.
  13. Well, then that is good and treatable. Hope he can be kept comfortable for a good long time.
  14. Has he had another set of x-rays since the summer? If possible, I would do that to rule out anything funky going on in the leg as someone said- it doesn't always show up the 1st time around. THat was the case for my Polli- it didn't show up till one year later. Hope he feels better soon and it's an easy fix. ETA in the interim I would keep him on the deramaxx.
  15. Hope you Alan and DH and family have a quiet peaceful holiday. Keep up the good work, Alan.
  16. I'm home already- Have I mentioned what a lunatic Beau is????? I loooooooooooooove that he is baaaaaack. Crazy boy!
  17. Good morning to all and what a fine morning it is... Beau had 2 cups of kibble lightly mixed with rice and chicky, as long as he holds that down... life is good! Off to work, late for a change!
  18. I don't know what his weight is, but after Polli's amp she was 53 lbs and was on 100mg of tramadol every 4 hours, but she had no patch whereas - I think you said Ranger did??? Anyway, sounds like he is more comfortable.
  19. Thank GOD she is home. She has been on my prayer list for a very, very long time. I can ONLY imagine how happy you are to have her home. I am THRILLED for you.
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