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Everything posted by RobinM

  2. Greyt! Let us know how he is doing. We are here to hold your hand during! We all know how nerve wracking it is!
  3. Oh no. I am so sorry. They make such a large presence, those beautiful kitties.
  4. DH dropped her on his way in about 10 minutes ago and I am at work right now. I should be getting her by noon as long as all is OK. Even after all this time, my stomach is in knots until she is home where she belongs. I know how frightened she is even though she knows the drill. It's probably because she does knows the drill.
  5. There is a herbal called trameel. You can get it for them to take orally (pills) and you can get the gel to massage in to their limps. It really works. You can find it online.
  6. Monty in my prayers for an uneventful surgery Monday. You hear that Monty? UN eventful! Hugs to you Karen.
  7. Is there anyone in your group that you can call to get something ie deramaxx OR rimydal and tramadol before you bring her to the vet in the morning???
  8. Although, My Polli is 10 and not 12, she has had her share of anethesia. When I got her at 8.5 she had her spay and dental and she lost 17 teeth. She was able to stink up our 3200 square foot home and I am not kidding. I know exactly what you mean. Since I have had her, she has had 3 dentals in 14 months. I brush her teeth EVERY SINGLE DAY. Even days she didn't eat due to chemo. (She is fighting osteo right now!) I completely understand your concerns about general anethesia but that is the only way to get teeth cleaned. If her breath is as bad as you say, then something is going on and untreated could cause organ damage. It's not an easy decsion, but if you trust your vet and he/she is knowledgable about greyhounds, then together you will be able to make the right decsion. If he does not seem overly concerned and he is consevative by nature, I would do it.
  9. RobinM

    G Man

    My Teddy's half brother. Run Free Mr. G
  10. No advice, just many prayers for your boy.
  11. Agreed. The more you call the police and explain your situation, the more PO the police are going to be at having to go make a visit to these people. I know, I do it every year. And it is getting better and shorter lived. I pray for rain every July 4th.
  12. You mean her back?? It's 85% better. We only walk her on grass now, no cement and we only do that once a week. Thanks for asking.
  13. This was always normal when I transitioned over. Do the 25% for 3 or 4 days of the transisiton. 25% of the new food with the old food for 4 days, then add a little more etc. The slower, the better. If you are going to use rice for runny poop, use white rice, it's more binding. Were his poops OK prior to the change over? If so, you just need to do it slower OR it's not the food for him and I would just keep him on the Candae which is a good food.
  14. Well, the day has come and tomorrow is it. It's Polli's last chemo treatment & I pray that it goes as each of the previous ones has, without a hitch. The week following is always a bit tough but as long as there is an end in sight, it's workable. Last night, this crazy girl was running arounf the bedroom jumped on the bed (15 inches off the floor now that the frame and boxspring has been removed) and leaped over Beau's body who was on the floor on his bed at the foot of the king size bed. She was in the air!!!! Crazy happy girl!!!! I laugh as I write that!!! Please, once again, keep Polli in your prayers. We are soon to be this all behind us and move on....
  15. Excellent and very valid point. Double check collar on walk to make sure she can't slip and don' allow her out in back by herself when and if they are being set off.
  16. I have 4 hounds. One of them (teddy) prefers not to hear it, but copes, 2 of them get upset but somehow manage (Beau and CHloe) but Polli, my 10 year old brood mom can not tolerate it. The first time we saw her reaction, I was afraid she would have a heart attack. It was so pathetically sad and hard to watch and no matter how I tried to comfort her, her fears were out of control. There was nothing I could do but administer valium which helped so much. Now, we always have it in the house. I tried the cape, a tee shirt and it did nothing. We have a firecracker freak who lives 2 doors away and fortunately, it is not legal here so I make sure I call the police at the first sound off, because you know if there is one, there is more to come. He only does it for July 4 but to an extreme and because we live on the water, they like to set them off into the water. Anyway, make sue you have valium in the house. Ask your vet. 10mg is all they need. They handle it differently than humans.
  17. THe first few nights are incredibly stressful for you and him. Every little thing out of the ordinary is just so magnified. He will be fine, he is doing greyt. Hugs to you both.
  18. Yes, that most definitely is Bosha navigating the stairs and I think they say that he doesn't have them at home. He learned while being a tripod.
  19. He looks super and I am glad he has teh compression sweater, you will prpb see no bruising with that.
  20. Yes, I am anxious to hear where to buy these too. I will look online. How's this: http://www.onlynaturalpet.com/product_deta...cb-516f095f7ac5
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