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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. No office hours tomorrow for a short time? Usually, becase there are animals boarded or sick, a dr will come in in the morning to check on everyone? I agree with what Batmom said, about hematoma. It could turn into something painful... or not. Sorry I can't be clearer. If you can bring her in, I would or at the very least, call.
  2. Try and stay on top of the pain and give him the pain meds even if he doesn't seem like he needs them. By the time he is in pain, it's harder to get a handle on it. how many days post op is he now?
  3. Beau has never had good poops. Always start out OK but end up runny. Pudding like. Sorry to be so descriptive. So, he was on PP chicky and rice for 2 + years and I decided to try the PP sensitive. that's when things when south. It could be coinincidence, I just don't know.
  4. I am sure their mum will find a way to spoil them later! I know what you mean about the ID food. I feel the same about the Purina Pro Plan It's pro plan that I had him one!!!! I like it, they liked it and I'm still not 100% sure it;s the food. When everything is settled and he's eating normally ( and I use those words loosely) I will add in PP and see if it's the food. One gurgly tummy and we are off it for good. He's been on pro plan for over 2 years BUT I did switch recently (3 months or so) to sensitive stomach.
  5. Another cup at dinnertime. so far he has had 3 3/4 cups. That's more than he usuallly got but this garbage (I-D, Sorry, I don;t like the ingredients) he needs more of it and he has lost weight so we are trying to put weight on him while keeping it bland. Tonight instead of boiled chicken, he had grilled chicken. he approves. Chloe and Teddy are hanging around together almost whispering "what is it about those white dogs with the spots on them, they get all the good stuff". Poor puppies!
  6. I absolutely agree that it could be something else, and probably is but cancer doesn't always appear on the x-ray immediately. Case in point: When I got my Polli off the farm at the age of 8 years 7 months, her gait was slight off. Within a few weeks she had a limp in her left front leg. I immediately took her in for x-rays. NOTHING showed up. The limp was so bad, she reminded me of Igor in Young Frankenstein. The limp went away and would show up now and them, but becasue we had the x-rays done we weren't concerned anymore.... until, one year later, the limp showed up and I was about to make an appointment for another x-ray when Polli tripped on the steps, fractured that leg. The x-rays showed what we all feared and she was amputated that day. She is doing greyt at almost 10 years old and has one more chemo left. Prayers for your pup, that its nothing more than a sprain or arthritis that is easily treated. maybe an old racing injury???
  7. DHs after work update! Beau ate 2 cups of kibble. YAY. No pukey when DH came home from work. double yay. So that is 2 3/4 cups of kibble w/chicky rice mix. I will get more in him later (late dinner for him). Can you say relieved? Beau Beau is my little boy and I get CRAZY when he is not right.
  8. Last night after dinner, around 9 pm or so, he ate 1 cup dried I-D as a snack. I just kept sprinkling it on my bed, he'd eat it. (don't ask what's in my bed- if someone told me 4 years ago, that I would be sleeping with dog cookie crumbs, kibble, residue of tripe, dried chicken etc., i would have laughed in their face) This morning, I firgured, I'd go light. 3/4 cup with shredded chicken. He very relunctantly walked over to his bowl and moved it around, took a few bites and walked away. He, like his mother, is not big big on breakfast. After I left for work (1/2 hour late for a change) DH gave him it and he did eat it. So, once again, we will do small meals. I just don't want him to lose anymore weight.
  9. Dh couldn't get him out or Alan didn't want to go? Did he eat tonight?
  10. I would imagine, it is close to what it is in US, but I could be wrong. ETA- I just realized that that answer was NO help at all!!! We paid about 3500 that was with a 20% discount we get for greyhound rescue. I pay about 300.00 for each chemo. The meds themselves are about $75.00- it's everything else. OSU will send you the chemo if your vet gets in touch with them. That helps with the cost I think Ember's amp was similar but I don't know about the chemo. he may or may not chime in. We are not getting our chemo from OSU
  11. Oh Emily! if it's not one thing, it's another! Poor Henry. Hope his tummy is feeling better soon. We know what that's like.
  12. Da*m- I have plenty of dermaxx and rimydal as well. But until she speok the vet, I'm sure she wouldn't have felt comfortable giving it to him. I just hope and pray, her DH can get him up and out. Alan is a big dog.
  13. So sorry she is going through this. Many prayers sent your way.
  14. Poor baby, hope you have some answers soon and it's an easy treatment. Hugs to you both.
  15. OK- I'm sure Susan will update in a bit but the short version is that my Dh is on his way to meet her (10 minutes away) to bring some tramadol to offer some pain relief for Alan. While Susan is out, her DH and son will try to get Alan up and out to pee and then he can relax on pain meds for the rest of the night. (Alan, not her DH.) Prayers that her Dh can sucessfully get Alan up and out safely. OY.
  16. Can you get him off the aspirin? Is your DH home to help lift his hind end with a sheet? Poor boy, my heart breaks for him. He is in good hands. Keep water to a minimun. When was the last time he was out? If you can get him out one more time for tonight, you'll be in good shape. use a sheet and go SLOW. Easier said than done, but try not to freak in front of him. I'm sure this is upsetting enough for him. What time are you going in to see her tomorrow? I think she comes in at 2pm but Friedman (EXCELLENT dr) might be in in the morning. Make an appoitment now so he can be seen. Friedman is only there a very short time. I have tramadol if you want. it will make him more comfortable. I can meet you 1/2 way. Merrick diner?
  17. take a deep breath. Remember last week, Polli was in BAD shape- also buckling and it too was neurological. With just one 75mg deramaxx a day and complete rest, she is (KNOCK WOOD) doing so much better. Now, I know you can not give the deramaxx, but certainly, there has to be something he can take to help him. Can you run by the office and pick something up to start him on something. ETA- deramaxx is not a pain med, it's an antimflamatory. Tramadol is a pain med.
  18. you are right, They come in pill form. I just called the pharmacy and said I wanted the pills not liquid. they said my doctor specifically asked for the liquid. I gave him the first dropper, he screamed and ran away with his tail tucked. I will have the nurse in my office call the script in tomorrow in my name for the pill. This way, I can put it through the insurance as I paid $40.00 for the script today which I will not use. thanks for letting me know.
  19. let's see why.. because if he tastes it, he won't eat and right now he is being even more picky than usual... and if I "shove" it down his throat, he will be so tramatized, he will not eat because of it. For real, I kid you not. Beau is, to say the least, exceptionally senstive. He'll get it cause he needs it, but we dread it.
  20. this was a major scare for me. I was up ever yhalf hour praying to GOD that he would be OK. We did not give anymore flagyl last night as he was getting sicker. We gave him a prilosec this morning. I also got the carafate sulfate to coat his stomach however, it has to be done by a dropper which is going to really tramatize him. He will freak. He ate about a 1/4 cup of kibble and some chop meat at about 7:30 AM. He kept it down all day - no puking. When DH got home about 2;30 -3PM, he ate about 1/2 cup kibble and about 1/4 pound of chop meat. At 5:30 he only picked at his dinner which I kinda expected since he ate earlier. I will try later some more kibble. We are taking baby steps but I am so grateful it is in the right direction.
  21. Susan- Iwould bring him tonight. She is in tonight till 9. if you go after 8, it will be an emergecy visit.
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