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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Oh no, I am so sorry. Many hugs and prayers for you and beautiful Logan.
  2. Hope you don't mind me answering for Tom, but Ember just had a birthday and is now 11! How is she eating now? Polli lives on cookies for almost a full weeks past chemo and then it's back to food!
  3. Lora- we are 2.5 months post amp. When I got home today, I had 4 CRAZY puppies. Polli was chasing the screaming monkey after i threw it with her tush in the air, and was so happy. You will see. The first 2-3 weeks are horrible. but they will pass. We are all here for you. Then each day, there will be bursts of sunshine from behind the clouds... It does get better, I promise.
  4. I am so sorry, but he really be OK. PM me if you have any questions.
  5. He ate beef and rice last night AND this morning. This morning was the 1st time in weeks that he ate breakfast. I have to keep positive about it. Beau HAS to be oK.
  6. He had blood in his poop the one time that we know of. Vet thinks he popped a blood vessel by straining since he is so inflammed down there (by way of internal she felt the inflammation) I just got off the phone with her again and she agrees that before there would be a bx, we would exhust EVERY possiblity. She is fine with the suggested menu I just came up with. The prilesec is to settle his stomach, the carafate is to coat the stomach. The flagy is an antibiotic and so is the Tylan. I had mentioned that I bought capsules for the Tylan so that he does not taste the bitterness. IF he tasted it in his food, he wouldn't eat it. He is on a very , very low dose of flagyl. Well, Kerri- what he likes today at 6PM is not neccesarily what he will like at 10 AM tomorrow!!!! That's just my Beau. I never realized just how easy Chloe and Teddy are!!!!!
  7. I understand that completely however, Beau will only eat about 1/4 cup the prescription food at a time, not every time. That is how we wind up giving him this or that. So, by staying with one thing, beef and rice, there is a better chance of him eating it more consistantly. if it were Chloe or Teddy, I would absolutely agree with you but with Beau- there is no way he would take it. Beau is different and we will just leave it at that!
  8. ALL the meds are prescribed and given by vet! I don't self medicate my pups! I do that for me, not them!!!
  9. THANK GOD. Ok. We can deal with a spider bite. Sending many more prayers your way. There have been several dog posted on GT (One of Jeff & Truday's pups, I believe and Hollys2hounds, Lexy) with large "bumps" on their legs that were not turmors. They are all ok and so will Valentino! Hugs to you all!
  10. I feel like a am losing my grip. I can not remember the last time I've felt this overwhelmed. This situation with Beau really put me there. So many good suggestions and I can't do them all. How does this sound for a plan of action? rather than trying this food or that food or this concoction that he may or may not eat... Here's the deal. Boiled and rinsed lean beef with white rice. (as much as he will eat) Treats: Zukes all natural power bars (beef) Meds: Prilosec- 1 a day Flagyl- 2/ 250mg a day Carafate- 1 every 8 hours Tylan powder (I put it in pill form) at every meal there are a lot of greyt suggestions, but I can not do it all. I need to try one thing for a week and see how he does. What IF there is a bad reaction to chicken all of a sudden and that's all he's been eating including the prescription food I just bought!!! With beef, he never got it, so it's starting fresh. Thoughts or any slight modifications to this??
  11. The FDA in AU said there were symtoms that could be tied to the chicken strips, but unfortunately, there is no proof. If it were true, that Beau was having a reaction to the chicken strips, wouldn't my other dogs have a similar reaction to the tainted batches?They are all eating from the same batch. Also,right after Polli's last chemo treatment, she ate ONLY chicken strips for 4 days. It's not what we wanted, but she was eating and that is what she wanted to eat. Just a thought... Also, my vet agrees no worming treatment right now because it would make it worse.
  12. He had been on flagyl, took him off a week ago, and now he's back on for the 1st time. He stopped eating without flaygy. He's on a much lower dose now. I just walked in the door and read the bag of Royal Canin that we picked up. He would need to be eating 7 cups of this food to maintain the weight he is at now which is WAY below what he should be. At best, when things were perfect, there was no way Beau would eat more than 3 cups a day. At best NOW, I can maybe get a cup in a day. This is not going to work. NOW WHAT??? I just am starting to tail spin mentally.
  13. Great link -- I hadn't seen that page before and it is really very thorough. Good point, too. Hope Beau turns the corner soon. Thank you, Lindsey, Yes, greyt link, I am printing it out at work now and will read it in depth when I get home. ETA that as it was printing - I could not help but notice on the first page it says that "even in chronic case, weight loss is usually not a feature of this condition". WTH???
  14. When Dh got home Beau ate a couple of cookies, 1/2 cup Royal Canin 1/4 cup of wet canin and some chicken. So far so good.
  15. You are right about changing to raw right now. Vet said not right now. Let's get things a bit better under control. I am so all over the place.
  16. I've tried pill pockets but right now, he is not eating anything he used to. Nothing. Even cookies.
  17. Beau won't eat anything that remotely has any funky smell or taste to it, especially now. Where can I buy the capusles? For a dog that should weigh 65 pounds, what would be the ideal raw diet. I don't know if Beau would eat raw to tell you the truth. My vet calls Beau an enigma of greyhounds. Should I try raw? If so, I don't know how to start. I just picture him looking up at me with those eyes of his and thinking, yucky, it's not cooked... and turning away.
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