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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Dr. Longo is in till 9Pm. Hope he is OK soon.
  2. He has not had his urine checked but I could have that done easily and his labs were good. We just did those Saturday and they came back yesterday, unless of course- it was too early to see but this has been going on for almost a month. Hopefully, it would have shown if it were there.
  3. Can this be bought at a health food store for humans? or is it better to get the one for canine?
  4. Which probiotic should I be using along with the prilesec for Beau's tummy? I'd rather pill him then have something to add to his food in the event he is light on the food or he doesn't like the taste.
  5. I will be looking into a probiotic and Kennelmom- IF he throws up one more time (he threw up 2x within 3 days) he will be having ex-rays. When he did throw up, it was on an empty stomach, all grass.
  6. I am so sorry for the loss of your special friend.
  7. He had almost no kibble but he did have a decent size amount of chopmeat, lightly cooked. pink meat but a little brown. He drank about 1/3 of a 2 quart bowl. If he doesn't throw up, he will not have to go in, if he does... then he will need x-rays. We did give the prilesec. Sulcrate Suspension was called in to the pharmacy as well. I am praying we are getting passed this.
  8. If he doesn't pee this morning, call the vet. Not trying to scare you, but he could be going into urinary retention. Easily rectified, but it does need to be treated.
  9. Thank Goodness. Prayers that this too HAS passed!
  10. Ok, he ate a VERY SMALL amount of kibble with almost raw chop meat out of my hands. A very little. Also, a very little bit of water. We are not going to give the flagyl this morning as we did not last night either, but should I give the prilosec before we leave for work: I don't know what to do anymore.
  11. Bringing him in to vet. Nothing to eat/drink since Sat eve. This can't be happening.
  12. I know it's not your choice, but I'd be tempted to mix a little raw hamburger and warm water with the ID to see if he will eat it. I don't think I've ever had a dog refuse raw hamburger. Except Polli. She hates beef. I did try the I-D, Plain, with lightly and I mean lightly cooked beef, chicken. He is not a poop eater. He is just sick to his stomach and can't eat or drink. I just emailed my vet.
  13. So should I be giving him another flagyl tonight? He is totally empty. has not eaten a thing OR drank since last night. Had 1 flagyl this morning. Had one previced at about 2:30 PM. He is due for another flagyl. His tummy is STILL upset and gurgly even after throwing up all the grass. I am at a total loss. I don;t know if I should go to work tomorrow.
  14. It's a greyt idea to make your own, but I don;t have the time. Any time. None. I am pulled in 60 different directions as it is. Freddygirl bought the machine over the summer and said it was a HUGE ordeal to make them. After the initial batch she packed up the machine and put it away. She is a kitchen person and said that. I am NOT a kitchen person, so I don;t think that's realistic for us. If someone wants to make them, I'd be happy to buy them for the same price or less of what I buy them for!!!! Now, that's a greyt idea for someone who is at home and needs to make some $$
  15. No Zukes are no problem. This is what they eat the most of. Dried chicken tenders. http://www.carealotpets.com/item-detail/?I...000000000003853
  16. he just threw up. A mound of grass that looks like the Big D.
  17. Thanks. Beau is Beau and Beau is my heart dog. We are totally connected at the heart. He is like a little boy to me. I am sick over the fact he is sick and no one knows what's wrong although the dr said it sounds like acid refux. Would that cause THIS much distress? I worry that it will turn into GOD knows what and something terrible will happen to him. that is my chatterbox going off and I need to get that back under control. Polli is 6 days post chemo and yes, she is just being Poll- but it's not a good time to be doing that! She did eat about 2/3 cup of kibble with some tripe which is the first time she's had kibble since last sunday. I will give her a bit more about 10ish so she is doing OK considering. Here's a funny story.. I am out of tripe. I am generous with it when I hear of other dogs not eating such as this guy a few blocks over. Over the summer, his dog wouldn't eat. I dropped off 2 cans of tripe. When I saw there was no tripe left (expecting 2 cases via UPS in the next day or so ) I emailed him asking if he used the tripe. he didn't even know what I was talking about. After much explaining, the next thing I knew he was at the door with a can in his hand! I was so happy. When Polli walked away from it... I wanted to say to her... do you know what I had to go through to get that for you?! His stool was checked 2x in the last 3 months. The last time was 2 weeks ago. UTI- no.
  18. His labs came back today and they were totally fine. I did not ask for the numbers as I do trust my vet and she is exceptionally greyhound savvy. I think an ultrasound for sure is in order.
  19. Pam- he won't take fresh chicky or fresh sirloin. Nothing. As far as all the goodies you mentioned, I need to keep it bland although... if he will eat it, I would give him but I can tell he feels sick. He is such a lively, in your face, PITA pup. To see him so down, kills me. Why is his tummy gurgling AFTER all these meds that are suppossed to get rid of gurgling? We uped the ante when we changed from the pedcid to the previcid. Things are getting worse, not better.
  20. this really scares me. I have been buying these for over 2 years. We have a shippment of 12 on their way. After her chemo this week, Polli was eating them like peanuts. One after the other and is the main "cookie" we give. http://www.carealotpets.com/item-detail/?I...000000000003853 We always like them because they are high in protein but low in fat and calories. How can we find out if these are some of the tainted ones?
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