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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. I was with you until the calorie content... The rice I have is 120 per cup. What the heck kind of rice you got in Illinois!!??
  2. Thanks, Batmom ( AND everyone else) I think we've been on the sensitive tummy since Sept. I THINK. I also think DH is wrong. he may have bought 3 bags but i bought some too. We did a slow transition. I could try the beef/ rice for a week. What percentage fat do you suggest? I don't normally buy meat. For Beau- anything! I am also going to have his blood done on Saturday and see the vet...again. This has been going on too long. He is losing weight and like you said, he shouldn't have to feel this way.
  3. Beau has been happy silly boy, but little appetite. Mornings are really bad. He ate nothing this morning. DH got home about 2pm- he wanted nothing. When I got home, I gave him a bowl of chicky and rice and he ate it. Prob around a cup or a little more. A few minutes ago, he had some more chicky and rice with about a cup of kibble. He has also eaten about 6 dried chicken strips (like his momma) HOw many mg of the flagyl was Merlin on? Beau started on 1000 mg on Monday. It's gotten WORSE since Monday, that's why I'm concerned. Yesterday he appreared better.
  4. That's greyt Kerri- I am going through something similar with Beau with NO D. Just a very gurgly tummy, no appetite. he too was put on the Flaygl 500mg BID in addition he is taking pedcid x-tra strengh. How long was Merlin on the meds before you saw a change? Was he hungry? I'm very happy to hear that your baby is feeling better.
  5. Oh no! Don't have the advice you are looking for. Can you call the vet and ask them? You've got my thoughts and prayers...
  6. Ive been thinking about you guys all day. I'm sorry that it wasn't better news. Hugs to you both.
  7. Greyt update. How many chemo treatments does he need and which protocol is he getting? Glad to hear he was eating after the chemo - good sign. Hugs to the both of you.
  8. Oh Henry! Poor baby! Hope it's not painful. Beau, Chloe and teddy have their dewclaw but Polli does not.
  9. Talked to Dh about it and he said we've been through prob 3 bags of it already. Would it start this far into it? Seafood allergy? He ate nothing until about 5pm - and he ate a milkbone and about a cup of boiled chicken and rice. Will try more later. He's losing weight and is so thin to begin with.
  10. Batmom- he was on proplan chicky and rice. His poop was always yucky- no worms - just yucky BUT his tummy was OK. I Switched (Slow switch) to pro plan sensitive stomach and shortly after, this started. Think in the middle of this, I should switch him back?
  11. No- he never had D. He had lack of appetite and a VERY VERY GURGLY tummy. Loud enough to wake us up and it always starts about 4 AM. He waits us up by crying to let us know he wants to go out and he then spends up to 1/2 hour at a time in back.
  12. Kaogel is for the big D- though isn't it? Beau doesn't have D. He will go for lab work Saturday. This can't go on like this. My poor boy has a tummy ache.
  13. So sorry to hear, but I can definitely appreciate what you are going through. My Polli is 10 weeks post amp today. She's had 4 of her 5 chemo treatments and it's a long, difficult road, but you are not alone. Prayers for your Ranger for a quick uneventful recovery.
  14. My Teddy is like that. They definitely are not the baldest. GAA place 2 brothers who were completely hairless! Teddy's hiney.
  15. This little girl has been through so much already, it's time to go home. Continued prayers for both of you.
  16. I'm hesitant to switch foods on him when he is like this. he is on Pro plan sensitive stomach and I have to admit this started after the food change although it could be coininsidental, I don't know,
  17. How did Lewis do last night with the pain meds and please update as soon as you hear from OSU.
  18. This has been going on for a while (2+ weeks) and as of Monday we upped the pepcid to 2x a day (xtra strength) and 2- 500mg of flagyl BID. As per the vet. He was OK Tuesday and was ehh for breakfast and dinner on Wednesday. At 4PM this morning he started whimpering which meant he wanted to go out. He stayed outside for 20 minutes walking along the fence line eating whatever grass he could find. Came back in, only to wake us up again 20 minutes later to do the same thing. His tummy is rumbling and gurgling enougt that you can hear it across the room. He can not eat this morning. Beau is very thin to begin with. He is at his racing weight so if he loses he starts looking emaciated. I am worried about my baby Beau. Any ideas what this can be and how it can be treated? I will be bringing him in on Saturday to have bloods done. Vet wasn't overly concerned on Monday when I spoke to her. She said I really needed to have Beau on the flayl a good 10 days before.... but I am wondering if he should be symtomatic during the course of meds. I am about to leave for work. I hate leaving him without breakfast and feeling sick. I hope he will be OK till I get home. Today is a short day for me, I will be home by 3 (Office party which I don't go to).
  19. That is wonderful. I am so happy to hear it. Hope she continues to walk well with no problems. Polli WAS doing the walk, but apparenty it was too much for her and she started having back issues. So for now, no more walkies. At best, maybe when she is all better- we will only do a stroll down the block, but no more .5 miles 2x a day. Thanks for the card.
  20. Beau has something going on in his hip too and he often was on 3 legs. I thought it was a risidual from his leg accident 2 years ago but it's something different. We take him for acupunture and its 99% better. Prayers that Opal has something that requires nothing but rest.
  21. Oh Blair- that was step one and that's done! next... the hard part... waiting... but in the meantime, you can figure out what you want to do and where. Did you speak to Winslow's mom yet? I think it's good to stop he prednisone. Get those pain meds as soon as you can so you can have them at hand. He may not be complaining, but if he is limping, he's in pain. Keep the updates coming and just know you are both in our thoughts and prayers.
  22. Just seeing this and there are no words. I am so sorry. Major hugs, scritches to Dabones.
  23. What a beautiful beautiful girl. I am so sorry for your loss.
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