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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Now, I just read about the chicken strips on the other thread and I am sick. We have about 30 - 2 lb canisters of that because that has always been our treat of choice. We buy it from Care a lot pets. Low calorie, high protein and low fat. A perfect treat. The thought that maybe I am posioning him is making ME sick. He is not drinking enough water. he took a couple of sips today. ETA- as far as his weight, he hasn't lost MUCH but he has been very, very thin to begin with. Just one of those dogs. He lost 1.5 since this started. Now his spine is sticking up along with his hip bones. It didn't take much to have him go from very thin to emaciated.
  2. he won't eat ANYTHING, but thank you Tom. Very sweet and very appreciated. His tummy is off and he can't stomach the thought of the food.
  3. Beau- almost a month of progressively worse stomach. Stool- fine Labs- fine Rectal- fine Meanwhile, nothing has helped and we've moved up from 2 x-tra strength pedcid and flagyl a day to previcet now. In the meantime, it's gotten to the point where Beau won't eat a thing. NOTHING. I've got not one, but 2 freaking white dogs with red brindle that won't eat. I am so upset, pissed, aggitated and no, I am really calm and "whatever" around them I just tried putting food down for Polli and she immediately got up and ran across the room. Nice. Beau won't even take a cookie of any kind, beef, chicken, NOTHING and although he has the meds in him, I STILL hear his tummy gurgling. He looks emaciated. He is not drinking either although he did take a few sips of water. This is Beau we are talking about. My head is spinning. I had to edit this post so many times because of the F word I kept using. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FRUSTRATED beyond belief. I know there is nothing anyone can say or do. I needed to vent. DH is walking them all now. Last walk, Beau's poop was grassy, dark red (NOT BLOOD). We switched the food yesterday so we expected a different color. I just don't know what to do. This is totally breaking my heart. I'm ready to cry.
  4. No, there really isn't and as my vet says, when they are sick from the chemo, it means it's working. Good news, bad news.
  5. We do not use salt at all. Salts can burn. We use only sand.
  6. Oh Gosh, I can relate. Polli seems to like crunchy carbs after chemo. She is 6 days post #4 chemo and last night was the FIRST night she had any dog food. She has been eating cookies by the dozen and peanut butter nature valley granola bars, but finally last night at 11:30 PM she ate a can of Tripe. Oh, did I party. It doesn't matter what he eats, as long as he eats something.So, if there is anything, anything he will eat- let him have it. Continued prayers for Monty.
  7. Gave him the I-D last night with lean beef mixed in. He ate it and enjoyed it. Woke up this morning to the sound of Beau's stomach GURGLING again. He wanted to go out at 5:30 and stayed outside in the horrible cold, blustery weather. Doesn't want breakfast as of yet. gave him his pills at 6AM. I am waiting on the labs. If they are OK, I am not giving any kibble, just beef and rice for 5 days and will see how he does. I am at a loss.
  8. I am so sorry. God Speed Ranch.
  9. 2 weeks will pass before you know it. Maybe mommy can find a different treat for you for the next few days?
  10. I know that BEAUTIFUL boy, he's a GAA boy, right? I love that boy. | Congrats!!!!
  11. No- this is a first and he did eat a cup of it already. tonight I will add in some chicky and rice. Hope it works. And how would I know the difference! they ALL stink BAD!
  12. We're back. Although he looks very skinny- he hasn't really lost weight. They did labs, gave another shot and changed food to I-D. Now I have Beau on I-D Chloe and teddy on Pro plan sensitive Polli on Evo and Purina one. Quite frankly- as long as Beau gets relief, I don't care what he eats. Tomorrow the labs will be ready. Hopefully, this is will do the trick.
  13. 1 xtra strength (or regular strengh) 30 minutes before he eats. One a day is all you need.
  14. I don't even know how long it is- I do know that we were at the vet 2 weeks ago- he had a rectal, a shot and nothing changed. He is not eating well at all. I did notice that this morning, although his tummy is not gurgly, he is still not eating. He ate yesterday, relunctantly. Mornings are the worst. I just gave him some science diet cookies which Polli really likes... and that is the ONLY thing he is eating. He is on his... probably 8th one right now. They are about 1.5 inches long. I have a feeling, Beau is going to be switched to Science Diet. Anyway, I do hope it's nothing but a food change is in order. Is it ever anything so simple??? I sure hope so.
  15. Chicken tenders? We buy them by the dozen from carealotpets.com and we've been giving them for over 2 years. We give 2 types of cookies. Milkbones and chicken tenders. That is it. Polli gets other things, but Polli is... Polli!
  16. I know Amber, and Soul was the first one I thought of when I heard Beau's tummy gurgle. Beau did have a rectal 2 weeks ago when he saw the vet and his stool was checked too. He did eat dinner, not with gusto, but he ate. We have an appointment tomorrow at 11:30. I want blood drawn. Something is up and I want it fixed, yesterday.
  17. First of all, I am thrilled beyond words that your baby girl is on the mend. We did some serious praying for her! 2ndly, my sister said something to that effect, just not in those words. When I mentioned that Polli's back was out and we had to carry her everywhere, she said, On no, that's too much. This isn't good, are you going to do "something"? I said, yes of course. I am going to do whatever it is for as long as I have to - to get Polli back to where she needs to be! Relatives=
  18. I am so very sorry for the daignosis of Abbey. So freaking sad. Polli as you may or may not know is an almost 10 year old brood mom who has osteo and is 10 weeks post amputation and has one more chemo to go in 2 weeks. It was not easy, but looking back - it wasn't horrible. There were horrible moments... like when I heard the word tumor, amputation, seeing her expression the first time I saw her as a tripod, hearing how uncomfortable she was for a few days, her eating disorder in full swing... But more than anything, there has been greyt moments... like when she was tired of waiting for DH or I to come and get her from down the stairs and she thought to herself, oh the he77 with this, and she ran up the stairs, or the first time she playbowed on 3 legs, ran with the pack on 3 legs, jumped up to kiss me on three legs. I began to see it as not that Polli has 3 legs, but Polli does not have cancer and she is no longer hurting. What more could I ask for? Whatever decision you make has to be one you are comfortable with. If the cost of the chemo is an issue, OSU will supply it for you and your vets will administer it for Abbey. Many prayers for Abbey.
  19. Beau weighs about 63 pounds and he gets 3 cups a day divided into 2 meals. He also gets a handful of shredded chicken or a tablespoon of wet food in his kibble. No other people food and has never had tummy issues before. I think it's something- I don't think it's an allergy although I could be wrong. He has never needed a littel something before bed to carry him in the over 2 years I've had him but anything is possible. He does get small pieces of dried chicken tenders throughout the night. Probably equilient to one whole one by the time he goes to sleep. I am going out to get the beef (YUCK) for him soon. He will take cookies just fine today. no when his tummy is gurgling- he will not eat anything and I mean anything.
  20. I don't think the gurglies are from hunger because they usually start @ 4AM, after he's eaten the day and night before. He ate a cup or more of chicky and rice about 5 pm and then at about 8 pm he had almost a cup of kibble with chicky and rice. He ate breakfast, late today ( i was able to offer it an hour later as I am home and could wait it out) kibble, chicken and rice. I have to go out and buy the beef and more rice today. I will speak to vet about doing nothing but the beef and rice for a week. This is maddening. We are day 5 of 1000mg of flagyl and pedcid x-tra strength.
  21. Polli appears to be better. She wants to go down the stairs herself and although we would like her to, we won't let her yet. She is definitely straightening her back out. However, today, the first time she demanded to go out with her pack for a walk. Reluctantly, I let her try. DH said just for her spirit she should try. We were only going to go a few houses with her and take her back and DH would continue on with the others like we have done in the past. As soon as she got onto the cement, she buckeled and I could not get her to budge to the grass. In the house she is fine. In the backyard she is fine. As long as she is fine there, it's OK. I feel terrible knowing that she WANTS to walk with her pack. That has always been a big thing for her. Being part of HER pack. They go, she stays. Never alone, I always stay with her, but it's not the same for her.
  22. Gotcha! thanks. What is that and where is it bought?
  23. Polli started her chemo the very next day after her amp PRIOR to the biopsy results read. It was carboplatin so it was fine to use as the 1st chemo for whichever cancer it was. It turn out to be osteo and my vets with the carbpoplatin all the way. This protocol is 4-5 chemos 3 weeks apart. The next chemo for Polli will be # 5!!!!
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