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Everything posted by NeylasMom

  1. He's adorable. One thing to consider though based on your description of his energy level this doesn't seem to fit - hypothyroidism will often cause a dog to gain weight abnormally. So if he's hypothyroid I could see how feeding him so little could keep him at an appropriate weight. And as someone else mentioned, for all we know the owner was giving him lots of treats or table scraps and barely exercising him.
  2. Oh wow, impressive. So glad it was a simple solution. Hope this is the beginning of the end of it.
  3. I saw Trupanion is in some legal trouble and may owe people money. So yeah, I'd steer clear. Though if they're offering it for free, couldn't you have both?
  4. They are super fast, even with questions that require digging and more in depth answers. I just wish they would/could set up DD as waiting for the checks to arrive is the most time consuming part, and means I have to remember to deposit them. Though now that I can deposit checks to my bank through their app without ever leaving the house it's not that bad. But when you have multiple/frequent claims like I do right now it's harder to keep track of which have been reimbursed with the delay.
  5. Great to hear he's improving. If he's not bothered with staying downstairs I think you're smart not to push it. Zuri had LS and ended up slipping on our (carpeted) stairs on more than one occasion. Thankfully he wasn't seriously hurt, but it made him reticent to use them at times as a result.
  6. Yeah, poor guy, I would get rid of that. That has to be so painful.
  7. Do you mean Pepcid, rather than pepto? And did they do a full blood panel and urinalysis both times? Results would be useful if they did. I ask because the first incident sounds very much like rhabdomyolysis and can cause protein in the urine. Rhabdo is a disease of overexertion or overheating. The muscle starts to break down, producing myoglobin, which has to be processed by the kidneys and often overtaxes them. If left untreated a more severe acute case can lead to death though there are milder cases where the dog may even recover on its own. A common symptom is dark red urine from the myoglobin (different than blood, you can tell the difference by spinning down the urine - red blood cells will pack down, myoglobin won't). Also typical are signs of kidney problems like protein or casts in the urine. Elevated CK enzymes are a telltale sign as well. I mention all of this because I'm concerned that your vet thought that incident was due to a low thyroid. And dogs who have had rhabdo (thought it may have just been that he overheated, not that he had rhabdo) or have overheated are prone to have it happen again so it's good to be well informed of signs and proper treatment. Having said all of that, this sounds very different and also doesn't necessarily sound like cancer. When you say he sent off a culture, did he do any other tests? A panel for tick borne diseases would be a good place to start. I doubt the tick you pulled off would be the cause as the ones that cause TBDs tend to be small, but if he's getting ticks, it's certainly a possibility. A full panel from NC state or Protatek would be a good idea. Also worth sending the x-rays off to Dr. Couto to be safe.
  8. Hmm, maybe just start with the "find it" game. Literally just say "find it" then toss a piece of food onto the floor. You can make it into a really fun game where she has to run around to get them. Then once she's good at it, you can try outside.
  9. Does she like food? Especially human food like cheese, hot dog, roast beef? If so, I would try an interactive food puzzle. I like the Trixie brand and Nina Ottoson ones. Amazon sells both. Where are you located? I'm sure you could connect with some other owners through your local groups. Eta: Here are a couple of puzzle examples: TRIXIE Pet Products Flip Board, Level 2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0054Q9TMA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_bUYpyb9DPBE0A Nina Ottosson Dog Tornado Interactive Doy Toy Puzzle for Dogs, Plastic https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0091ZS3KO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_1UYpybNPJVCEP
  10. A DAP collar would be an alternative. Different than Composure. It's a bit of trial and error to see what, if anything helps each dog. Your descriptions are only confirming what I suspect. Certainly if she was already a bit nervous and the previous owners interpreted that as stubbornness and responded with force or punishment that would only make her worse. In situations where punishment is used, something called learned helplessness?can occur where the dog basically does as little as possible to avoid the possibility of being punished. Time may also help in her case as she learns to trust you. I wouldn't force the exercise issue in the meantime. Good dispensing toys and interactive good puzzles are a great alternative to give her a way to burn energy and encourage her to come out of her shell a bit. One other option would be to try walking with another greyhound or two and see if she enjoys that more. Often the presence of another greyhound (specifically, not another breed) can help when these guys are a bit nervous or shutdown.
  11. It sounds to me like she's a little shut down/nervous. You could try something like Composure to see if that changes anything. Dogs do have varying energy needs, but what you're describing sounds like more than that, especially since she'll pick up her pace to return home. Hard to tell based on just the info here, but that's my suspicion.
  12. An I seeing that right? Its not just an open sore, but the quick hanging out? I don't understand why they would tear the nail off and leave the quick exposed, sounds horribly painful for him. I'm not one to jump to the surgery option, but in this case I think I'd consider it. Just remove the source of the pain immediately. Poor guy, and poor you. Wounds that won't heal are so frustrating. In case I'm mistaken and it is just a sore at this point, I will say what worked for me in the end is a product called Trypzyme along with the Epsom salt soaks. Trypzyme is magic as it has a granulating agent. Unfortunately they don't make it any more, but you may be able to find a similar product. Fwiw, the soaks do soften any scab, but I didn't find that detrimental so long as I applied the Trypzyme once it has dried a bit and kept Z from licking. I think it promoted healing and kept away infection.
  13. Physical issues? Fear issues? It's really not normal for a healthy,young dog to not want to take walks/exercise.
  14. We used the baggie method as well. Large gallon size, about 3/4 c of the liquid went in. Incontinence pad underneath to catch leaks and then depending on the side he was laying on and angle I needed I would often prop his leg, around the ankle up on a folded up towel so the foot would hang down a little and make leaking less likely. Zuri didn't mind, he'd just sleep but if Connor does I would just give a kong with PB so he can busy himself licking.
  15. Find a good orthopedic vet and ask them to review the rads. In the meantime, do a nerve block on the corn toe and see if the limping resolves. If it does, then I would consider the toe amp. And ask the ortho if he thinks there is also or may be at some point pain from the fracture whether they can do any repairs noe, especially if he'll be under and then recovering from the toe amp anyway.
  16. As far as not giving multiple supplements at a time, I understand where you're coming from about it being difficult to gauge which are having an effect, but it's worth considering that giving more than one increases the likelihood that your dogs will get relief faster. You can always remove one at a time to figure out which one is helping and which is unnecessary once you have a dog that is comfortable. FYI, there is research supporting the use of DAP as well. My experience with my own dogs and with my client's is that you can't predict which one will work for which dog though as a very very large generalization I like DAP for SA and I think l-theanine tends to work well for over-arousal issues. I also like DAP for multiple dog situations where there are issues in the home environment. I recently did a behavior consult for a family who has 3 dogs. The newest dog was becoming over-aroused in play with one of the older dogs and it was turning into aggression. They followed my advice to put DAP diffusers throughout the house and get the "instigating" dog on l-theanine and it made a huge difference (we also took steps to prevent the undesirable behavior and reduce other stressors in the dogs lives). Point being, it can be useful to use more than one thing at a time both because we can't predict which will work for which dog and because sometimes you get additional benefit out of using more than one. The only potential downside is cost, but if you order on Amazon, neither is cost prohibitive imo. Good luck.
  17. Why would you muzzle when you can just keep her on a leash? Use a long line attached to a harness when you're playing frisbee and don't have her on it when there is the potential for unfamiliar dogs to appear. Makes no sense to me to muzzle her rather than just using a 6' lead. Not only does it put her at risk, but she can still injure a dog while wearing a muzzle. On that note, I would definitely check on the other dog again. There could have been internal injuries, though I would imagine they'd be trying to track you down if there were. My first greyhound picked up a feral cat once. It got a good swat in and she dropped it and it ran off, but I don't think it survived. Not to scare you, hopefully the other dog is fine, but it can happen even if there aren't visible wounds.
  18. Lovely tribute Lauren. I know how much you still miss him.
  19. Pretty sure I started Violet on it on Saturday night, and we started the Yunnan Baiyao Sunday morning. Dental was Monday morning. I got the impression they only wanted them started early to make sure she didn't have a weird reaction to either.
  20. This is really fantastic news. I'm so glad you found better care! Maybe when this is all said and done send a copy of your records back to the vet hospital so they can realize how badly they screwed up.
  21. I like the Vetriscience UTI products, which do contain cranberry but also contain other natural supplements intended to reduce infection in various ways. The UTI Stat Strength is meant to be given in 7-10 day "courses", the every day one is for, obviously everyday. However for some reason they decided to make the every day one available only through vets. You can still get the feline every day supplement online though through Chewy, Amazon, etc. Its the exact same stuff in the exact same proportions, just less per chew and it comes out to the same price per dose. So Skye now gets 4 of the cat chews daily instead of one dog chew (she's 40 lbs).
  22. This is a very generic generalization, but I find DAP can be quite helpful for SA issues, while I go to Composure for generalized anxiety and L-theanine for anxiety, but specifically issues related to arousal and impulse control. I would probably do both, can't hurt, might help and you can always remove one later. I like the DAP collar. Greys can usually wear the puppy size, about $20/mo on Amazon.
  23. You can try one per day to start and see where it gets you, but 2 per day is a more appropriate dose for a dog his size. Violet, at low 60's takes 2 per day. You can safely give a fair amt of L-Theanine, but obviously no sense in using more than what you need. Try once per day in the AM and if you see some effect, but not as much as you'd like, go to 1 in the AM and 1 in the PM. To give you some perspective, rather than messing with splitting capsules, when I was giving it to Skye, who is 40 lbs, she was getting 1 100 mg capsule daily. And FWIW, I take it too. I take 200 mg twice a day, and in high stress times I'll take a third dose. Just make sure you get Suntheanine (I like the Enzymatic Therapy brand) and make sure there's no Xylitol as some of them do contain it. ETA: Actually, thinking more about the issues you are having, I would just give 2 a day to start, split over AM/PM.
  24. I'm sorry that you are dealing with this. Unfortunately I have zero advice, but do want to follow along to hear about Miriam's progress. I can't remember, how long have you had Miriam, or how long did you have her before you became concerned? I don't remember details of your old post - was it just values from a routine blood panel that led to this? Is a home cooked or raw diet a possibility or too risky with this disease? Both can be done inexpensively I think. Hoping you get it sorted out easily. You may not be feeling this way, but if you are feeling overwhelmed at all dealing with this after losing Pogo, just know I get it. Hang in there.
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