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Everything posted by gracegirl

  1. I would not suggest this for a spooky dog. This might be great for a confident dog who is unsure of new surroundings, but could be detrimental to a spooky dog. Instead you might find a quiet park and meet up with a few other greyhounds.
  2. I'm sorry to read of your loss. She is amongst great company up there!
  3. It feels like Grace has been gone both for only moments but also months at the same time. I sure miss her. I miss her like crazy.
  4. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear of your losses. They were both very special dogs, indeed.
  5. This happened with Fen. $1,000 worth of tests later and an ultrasound diagnosed mild kidney damage of an unknown orgin. Treatment: not a thing we can do. Now we have a dog door.
  6. What a special girl! I'm so sorry she had to leave far too soon.
  7. Godspeed, Stella. I'm so sorry she had to leave.
  8. I'm so sorry she had to leave you. She is amongst good company up in doggy heaven!
  9. I feed Nutro Venison and Brown Rice. It's served me very well over the last 4 years as I wanted something I could have both G+F on, avoiding both corn and poultry, and with a protien content at 20% or so. We've always had sensitive tummies here so I understand the quest for the perfect food.
  10. Do you brush her teeth and use a water additive? If not, please start now. As in today.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. Those bunny soft girls are something special! Godspeed, Kelsey.
  12. I'm so sorry to hear this. When you are able, could you please share your story? It might save another hound.
  13. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm sorry he had to leave. I know that your heartbreak is still so fresh. Godspeed, Gus. You are amongst some incredible company up there.
  14. We've been on GT for almost 7 years. Her gotcha day was 4/27/06. It doesn't seem that long and at the same time seems like forever. We are honored to be amongst the GT "memorables". She was such a special girl.
  15. I wish a crystal ball was available too. Fenway can't hold his pee (kidneys) so we have a dog door now. We needed it for our sanity. We were not sleeping and cleaning up pee about half the week. I know it is so, so hard to predict anything with a senior dog, but I absolutely without a doubt would get that poor, painful dog a dental. Please look into care credit to help financially. I would pay $10,000 for just one more day with my girl.
  16. She's home. And it turns out the urn I blindly selected without thinking while I was at the e-vet on Friday is totally perfect for her.
  17. Thank you to each and every one of you for the kind words. They are helping to heal my heart. It's so sad yet so comforting to know that many of you know exactly what I'm going through right now. I go between smiling at her memory and crying because I miss her. Man, she was an incredible dog.
  18. God I hate they their lives here on earth are just too short. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  19. Oh, I am just so sorry for your loss. Osteo is so evil. She is running fast and pain free now. Sweet girl.
  20. My beautiful Grace, my very best friend, my heart dog is gone. I am heartbroken and lost without her. I was playing with her at 7pm on Friday, even videoing her because she was being extra silly, and by 8pm we were on our way to the e-vet. DBF Ryan was there with me as she crossed shortly after midnight. Her neck swelled up, she couldnt breathe. We put her under anesthesia to buy us some time for a diagnosis but blood work, x-rays and an ultrasound were all inconclusive. She was not going to get better. This was a totally unexpected loss, she was in great health and a month shy of her 10th birthday. In 2006 I got a job where they allowed dogs at work. My apartment complex had a weight limit of 60lbs, so when I was looking for a greyhound I needed one on the small side. I had five females and one male to pick from the day I went to the kennel. Within 5 minutes of arriving at GPI Grace had picked me. None of the other dogs seemed remotely interested in me, but she stood up in her crate, wagged her tail, her brown eyes melted my soul and whispered "It's me. I'm the one, I'm your dog". Boy was she ever correct! She had never been in a car, never done stairs, never been in an elevator, never been on shiny floors, and had never been around non-greys. I put her in my car and took her to Downtown Seattle...busy, hectic, loud, full-of small-fuzzies Downtown Seattle. I lived alone and on the second floor, so I took her to potty and said a prayer as we tried the stairs. She didn't hesitate and went right up. From that moment forward she and I learned about dog ownership together. Not that I had much work to do, she was the perfect first dog. I lived in three different states at eight different addresses with her. She never minded a move, as long as I was with her she was just fine. She's an international traveler, having visited Vancouver B.C. on two occasions. She loved riding in the car, going to the dog park, and she simply adored both my brothers but especially Geoff. She was a very quiet girl, except when she needed to be the fun police. She loved having her ears rubbed and she loved cleaning Fenway's ears too. She would clean them every morning. I'm so glad I got that on video. I could write a novel about that girl and what she meant to me. I have endless stories about her beauty and grace. She was so perfectly named. We miss her. We miss her something terrible. I knew losing my heart dog would hurt, I just never knew it would hurt this much. Until we meet again, my friend. Go find Ollie and all the other wonderful furry friends who had to leave us. Find Uncle Joe, Dziadziu and Grandma too. Dziadziu is probably feeding you all the table scraps you want as I type this. I'll see you again soon, you will always be in my heart. Me and my girl Her very first bed Her best friend, Ugly Kitty Oh my, those ears She helped me raise Fenway, she was the best big sissy She loved that beach She loved running with Fen The family, she thought Ryan hung the moon My favorite pic of my dignified girl. She loved sitting in the sun. I'm so glad I took the camera out this day last fall. This is my absolute favorite of her, it captures her perfectly. This is how I will remember her always.
  21. Use a muzzle that is taped up of has a poop cup.
  22. What a beautiful tribute to a special girl. I'm heartbroken for you. Having lost my heart girl this weekend, I share your pain. Run free, sweet girl. Godspeed.
  23. I'm so sorry. She was a beautiful cat.
  24. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm crying right there with you as I lost my girl last night too.
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