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Everything posted by gracegirl

  1. We've had a dog door for a year. It took Fenway about a month to learn to use it. Jackson, the airedale, knows how to use it but refuses. He'd rather his servants open and close the door for him. Kid you not.
  2. I'm so sorry Havoc had to go so soon. He was a special guy. Godspeed!
  3. This was the second house I lived in with a second story balcony. Neither Grace nor Fenway ever thought about testing their limits at either house. My first house had a more solid wood railing. My second house just had wire. My balcony faced east. She loved it when I'd move a bed out there and let her catch the morning sun as I was getting ready for work. My God, do I miss that girl!
  4. Hi Kristin. Don't let this worry you at all. I always thought Fenway would be a mess once Grace was gone. He was always so attached to his big sissy. I figured she'd have to go first, she was 3 and 1/2 years older than Fen. So imagine my surprise when I checked in on the webcam when Fen was home alone for the first time ever (Jackson went to day care) and saw this.... Clearly a dog in distress!
  5. Godspeed, Santa. He sounds like he was a wonderful friend.
  6. I'm so sorry Joseph had to leave you. Godspeed, good friend. Until we meet again...
  7. You mention bloodwork, but what about a urinalysis? Has she had one? Free catch or sterile? That might shed some light on the pee problems. My Fenway has minor kidney damage and cannot concentrate his urine. We have a dog door that we leave open when we are home so he can go out as necessary. He drinks more and needs to pee more often, because of his health concerns in perfectly okay with this.
  8. Oh, Lori. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. She is amongst some amazing company up there!
  9. I'm pleased to report that Fenway appears to have done fine home alone today. No parties thrown where confetti was made (paper shredded) or anything out of place. No calls or notes from neighbors about noise either. I guess I'll be up at 5am to walk him again. Ugh. It's snowing so at least it will be a beautiful walk.
  10. To be clear, he didn't go after a human. But a human jumped in front of his teeth. It's was not an aggressive move at all. I just want that to be clear.
  11. I don't think muzzles will work. A basket muzzle won't fit his face, plus have you met an airedale?!? Yeah, he'll work and work and work until it comes off. I think separating or crating is a better option for us. Damn open concept house will make that hard, but do-able. And Beth, you are right...fighting won't help. Day care will be good for Jackson, he's usually dog tired at the end of the day and when he goes regularly it makes for a peaceful home. If/when I take Fen to daycare, he'll actually go to a different one than Jackson. He's never been before and they all require temperament testing (plus a 7 day waiting period after they get the vaccination) so Fen can't go right now anyhow. This is a good point too.
  12. Help, please. I was worried that Grace no longer being the boss of everyone would impact Jackson and Fenway's behavior. We've had a few minor tiffs between the boys in the past. Most with loud scary barking, one that ended with a staple for Fen and a bite for me. This weekend they were both sniffing a spot in the yard and a fight broke out. DBF jumped in the middle and Jackson bit his leg, much like what happened to me over a year ago. Once they start, neither will back down. So DBF asked the dog walker (who only comes to let them in the yard) to let them out separately this week. She said they've both been acting different, but she can't put her finger on it. Today I got a text from her that she was outside with Jackson and Fenny was on his dog bed. She came inside and made eye contact with him when it was time to go out, at that point he growled at her. She thinks he might have been guarding the bed. It's not like him to growl at a human, though he did snap at DBF about 6-8 weeks ago. He accidentally poked Fen in the ribs too hard when trying to get him to move. So DBF decides to put Jackson in day care tomorrow. Great, except Fenway has never been alone in his life. And DBF wants to relax at home tonight, so won't leave with Jackson so I can do alone training. Fen can't go to daycare since he's not up to date on his kennel cough vaccine. He goes to the vet on 3/2 for that so he can start going to day care sometimes too. (He'll get his full work up, including blood work, at this appointment.) So not only am I uncomfortable leaving Fen alone for 8-10 hours tomorrow (the dog walker will come midday), but then I got in a huge fight with DBF about it. Does anyone have suggestions at all on what we can do between 8pm and 8am so that Fenway doesn't freak out tomorrow? Anything that involves DBF being home anyway. Will alone training be at all effective if a person is home but I leave with Jackson? I'm not sure if I even have a kong anymore, though I could run to Target if I needed to I guess. I cannot kennel either dog, first we don't own a kennel and second neither have been kenneled since they were puppies. For those who don't know, I got Fenway when he was 4 months old so he never raced and has always been with Grace. Aside from a few days of being mopey after her death, he seems largely unaffected by it. Until this weekend. DBF and I have lived together for a year, but for the two years prior G+F would stay at DBF's apartment with Jackson for abound half the week. In three years, there have maybe been 6-10 snarks that I'm aware of.
  13. I have taken my dogs to five different vet practices in the time I've had them (7 years) and not once had a vet been reluctant to provide me with records. Ever. I find it more odd that your challenge is with the vet providing you details on services provided, rather than the fact your insurance requires written records.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope all of those memories help ease your pain, she had a wonderful life with you.
  15. Today would have been my perfect girl's 10th birthday. I hope she's having the party of the century up there! On man, I miss my girl. This should be the scene at my house right now. Two greyhounds desprately awaiting their release command to scarf a cheeseburger. I have a Grace sized hole in my heart.
  16. I am so very sorry for you loss. Cancer is so evil. Godspeed, Jackson. You are amongst wonderful company.
  17. Had he had bloodwork done recently? All my pups have bloodwork done annually to keep good track of things.
  18. I am so sorry your time was cut short, but thank you for giving her such a wonderful home at the end of her life. She and Phyllis will now be watching over you. Godspeed, Daisy. I'm sorry for your loss.
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