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Everything posted by gracegirl

  1. Jackson, our Airedale, does this when Fantasic Mister Fox decides to use our street on his way to wherever urban foxes need to go.
  2. I'm glad both of your lives were blessed with each other. She was a special girl.
  3. Oh, Mr. Murphy...you remind me a lot of Fenway. You are loved and missed.
  4. Just seeing this now and I've never wished for blood clots or fatty lumps more than I am right now. Wishing you both the very best.
  5. What a beautiful girl! Congrats.
  6. Fenway is just 5 years old and back in February of 2011 stared having accidents inside the house. After multiple U/As and cultures, a few rounds of ABs, blood work, etc. the vet suggested an ultrasound. Lo and behold, it revealed minor kidney damage of an unknown origin. Bottom line: that's just how he is now. He's not showing signs of kidney damage or failure so we are monitoring his blood and urine values every few months but otherwise I'm just learning to live with pee. He's getting better and sometimes wears a diaper when I'm gone, but otherwise I'm just getting used to letting him out in the middle of the night more often. DBF and I take turns, but it's getting easier and easier to fall back asleep now. Good luck with your boy. I would recommend an ultrasound as it did give me the answers I was looking for.
  7. gracegirl


    Oh, Beth. I've been off line all day and then come in to see this sad, sad news. I'm so so so very sorry.
  8. Well, he sang for my brother when he stopped by tonight so he's feeling better. And my wonderful vet called to check on him today. That was unexpected and so reassuring. We Dr. Joseph!
  9. Yep, he'll be just fine. Fenway, while not made of diamonds, has eaten some crazy things in his time. Last I checked, he was still doing okay.
  10. Fenway had his dental today and did just fine. Apparently he doesn't believe that he needed the post-op IV fluids because he pulled his line out twice and chewed through it once. He was confined to a smaller kennel and made to wear the Cone of Shame until the last of the fluids were in him. While I felt bad for the poor guy, I know it was for his own good. He doesn't want to eat canned food yet, though did get a bit of my rotisserie chicken for dinner. You can tell he's feeling "off". Fingers crossed for my spunky little guy to be back to his mischievous self tomorrow. Oh, and no extractions today so he's just on ABs for a few days. No NSAIDs to worry about.
  11. I'd get her back on a typical schedule with her regular diet (may even throw in some fish oil for her coat) and regular exercise. Give it about 2-3 weeks (or even more) with another bath or two and some good brushing. I bet she's back to the typical greyhound you knew in no time at all!
  12. Adding my condolences to the list. It doesn't seem enough. It's not enough. But I'm so, so, so very sorry.
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss. I feel so very blessed to have met her. She sure was something special.
  14. Fenway had an ultrasound back in April which revealed minor kidney damaged of an unspecified origin. His only symptom is his more frequent need to urinate in addition to a low USG (specific gravity) in urine samples. I just scheduled a dental cleaning for him on Tuesday. Other than an IV, is there anything else I should be aware of when putting a kidney dog under anesthesia?
  15. Scarlett Let's hope the extra hair is indeed a good thing!
  16. I might even have one in my tack trunk....I know at one point I had one in my brush box so I'll have to dig to see what I can find!
  17. Heather, I'm also curious what type of brush you use on your pack? I'm alternating days between the furminator and the rubber brush....but like I said I might try to find a curry comb in my old tack trunk.
  18. I tried to blame it on the cat....but we don't have one. Like Isis, Grace is too perfect for this very, very minor blemish. I remember some pics you posted once, now that you mention it! What type of brush do you use on Echo? I'm tempted to go find myself a curry comb!
  19. Sigh. My Grace Girl is a furry, furry greyhound. She has very soft bunny fur and it's nice and thick. Every year she sheds....two big coat-blowing shedding periods, and about 2 other much more minor shedding periods. Today was horrible! I was out of town for the weekend so she wasn't brushed at all while I was gone. I used the rubber brush on her yesterday and the furminator on her today. It was rediculous the amount of fuzz that came off that girl! About a year ago I asked the vet if there was anything wrong. He chuckled and said she's perfect, it's just the seasonal shed. I give her one fish oil cap every morning with her breakfast, and just these last few weeks have been adding 1-2 satin balls with each meal. Is this just normal seasonal shedding or should I have her checked for anything else? She has no bald spots, has great energy, and her bloodwork has always been great as well. Any thoughts? Or should I just stop worrying and start brushing?
  20. Woo hoo little Wabi. So glad to hear all went well at the vet.
  21. I have nothing of value to add, so I'll just say that I'm thinking of you both.
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