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Everything posted by gracegirl

  1. She sounds like she was a special girl. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  2. I'm so very sorry for your loss. So young. Thank you for sharing the photos, I especially love the last one. Your Bella reminds me of my Grace, not in looks but in her soul.
  3. I think being ales with another greyhound is a great idea. Maybe this could happen over a long weekend so you could truly gage her reaction. The point is not so much that you would need to get a second dog (I understand this is not an option) but rather you would gauge how the SA presents with the company of a canine. If she was much better immediately with the company of another dog, you would know that she needs to be part of a multi-dog household. If this will not be possible, you will strongly need to consider placing her back with the group. If she was not any better with companionship, you would then know that time, patience, training and medication are the route you need to take. Unfortunately with the key to the equation being time, your neighbors must be on your side with this. I've never had a true SA dog. About 4 months after I got Grace, she decided she was done with her crate and would bark if I put her in the crate when I left. It took me the weekend to figure out that she just wanted her freedom, after she was given free reign of the house she was quiet once again. Fenway doesn't do well when left alone so he simply never is. This is easy with a pack of three. Best of luck!
  4. Godspeed Penny. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  5. What a sweet little girl. I'm very glad you two found each other. Godspeed Sammy!
  6. Even if you think he is going to leave it alone, I'd really strongly advise that you muzzle with a poop cup or duck tape as it takes very little time for them reopen a healing wound. They get itchier as they heal and I know from experience how temping it is to think they are going to leave it alone. Grace reopened a wound on her leg in less than 30 seconds while I quickly went to the bathroom. I was gone maybe 30-45 seconds. Another thing I noticed with a recent cut on Fenway's back is that Grace was actually licking it. So if you have two hounds be aware of that potential as well. I'd say if you can make the t-shirt work without creating other sores it's a very good idea to keep him clothed. And share pics.
  7. Go find your friends, Dave. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  8. I'm so sorry Cooper had to leave you.
  9. Lots of long walks should also help everyone for multiple reasons.
  10. Our three are allowed to choose where they want to sleep...either downstairs (living room) or upstairs (master bedroom). Many times we'll wake up in the morning and find some upstairs, some downstairs. There's not a usual pattern or arrangement. There are three dog beds in our bedroom and they are only allowed to sleep in our bed for a bit in the morning. The boys will cuddle with us, Grace prefers her own space.
  11. I'm so sorry Opie is gone. You gave him the very best gift of all - no more pain.
  12. I'm so sorry you lost your beloved Rex, and on Christmas of all days. My condolences.
  13. How is Reggie doing tonight? Did the vet stitch/staple or are they going to let it heal up on its own? I hope he's comfortable tonight waiting for Santa Paws to come!
  14. Oh no. I'm so sorry for your loss. My airedale, Jackson, and I send our condolences. Sweet Emmy.
  15. It's probably too late by now, but if any of my guys have the runs I skip the next meal, then go to meat and rice for the following meal. I do 2-3 meals of just meat and rice. Then beyond I feed half kibble half meat/rice. For the meat rice mixture I usually do 2 parts rice to 1 part meat. I make a huge container so that it lasts for a few days. I usually wait 2-3 days before calling the vet. I also use an over the counter wormer 2 or 3 times a year. Won't hurt, might help.
  16. We have these for all the dogs. Our neighbors saw them and got them too. We buy them at REI or from Amazon. They clip on to the D ring of a tag collar or martingale.
  17. Muzzle. Muzzle muzzle muzzle. A dog sitting client of mine once "forgot" to bring their muzzle. Their dog attacked my sweet, beautiful Grace (my two were muzzled, as was the foster) in the yard -the dog went right for her throat and she required emergency surgery - and to this day I do not forgive myself as it could have been prevented with a muzzle.
  18. My quotes are not appearing correctly when quoting from my iPhone using safari. I cleared history and cookies last night. What else might I need to do? <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Jeff" data-cid="5397012" data-time="1355372276"><p> I can't duplicate it, it works both ways for me.</p></blockquote> Using this for an example.
  19. My Fenny is one of the adult dogs that can't hold it at night. He's 6 years old now and I got him as a 4 month old oops puppy. A little less than two years ago he started having accidents at both my boyfriend's house and mine. We ruled out behavior issues and checked for medical problems. $1,000 and multiple tests later he was diagnosed with "minor kidney damage of an unspecified origin" through an ultrasound. We now live together in a house with a dog door. We have determined that this is a must for us. We actually keep it closed while we are at work and a dog walker comes mid-day to let everyone out. Only about once every two weeks do we have an accident to clean up, but it's in the same tiled corner every time on the same washable rug. We leave the dog door open at night so that he can go out to pee. This saves him from whining and us from being sleep deprived. He will whine to wake us up if he needs to go out and the dog door is closed. My advice would be to close the door to his crate. Then you can tell if it's medical or behavioral. If he pees in his crate, start down the path of a medical diagnosis. You didn't mention if he holds it while you are at work and how long you are gone for. Again, if he's only having accidents at night then the crate is your best solution for now. You can also try pajamas, a light coat or a blanket...though I found that all of these made my hounds too hot at night. Good luck and keep us posted. Provided you take him for walks and interact with him while you are home, the crate is not a bad thing.
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss. He was, indeed, a special guy.
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