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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Thanks for starting this thread. We just switched over from Interceptor (pills) to Heartguard (chews). I never bothered to read the Heartguard instructions! I'm pretty sure ours were gulped down too. I guess I'll be breaking them up and mixing with their food the next time.
  2. I know that feeling. I had to switch equine insurance companies (not my choice, but previous company is no longer insuring horses valued under $10K). New policy began on September 1. My horse tore a tendon on November 3. Paperwork submitted, but still waiting to find out if I'll get reimbursement. I hope everything works out - both with Henry's recovery and the insurance process.
  3. Thinking of you and Henry today. That is awesome that your GH friends threw a part for him! I was doing my Cyper Monday shopping today, saw this and thought of you. https://www.etsy.com/listing/161581382/greyhound-jewelry-greyhound-necklace?ref=shop_home_active&ga_search_query=tripod
  4. I'm so, so sorry Alicia. We've been down that path before ourselves with Faye Oops. Gentle hugs.
  5. I'd say it depends on the dog. Some greys love their crates, others hate them. Our first grey, Celeste, used a crate for the first several months during the day when we were at work. Then, one day, she decided no more. Our second grey, Darcy, went nuts in the crate. After two days, we decided no more. Our subsequent greys were bounces who had long since stopped using crates. We've never crated any of our dogs at night. They all sleep in dog beds in our bedroom. All our greys tested safe with cats. We've never had a problem. We do use baby gates though - raised high enough for cats to get under them - in case the cats want their own space.
  6. winnie

    11Th Gotcha Day

    Thinking of you today.
  7. Our girl Bonny does it. I just always thought it was because she is missing about 1/2 of her teeth.
  8. Ditto. Our dogs spend most of their time in our bedroom. They sleep in there when we're at work and at night with us. They only hang out in the family room in the evenings when we're home. Good idea Jan!
  9. Yup. The only "deal breaker" for us would have been if one of the dogs went after one of our cats. We've had four greys (three still living) and just added our first galgo. The adjustment period has varied for each dog depending on their personality, but all have come around. Like human siblings, they each have their little annoyances with each other. At the end of the day, they know who is part of their pack.
  10. Celeste has bitten and given Darcy stitches TWICE! Both times it was when they were running in the yard. It turns out that Celeste was retired from racing due to her roller derby antics. We finally muzzled them. Both incidents happened within the first year. We've now had them both for nearly seven years. We no longer muzzle, and they still aren't the best of buddies, but they are both very happy and content dogs.
  11. Welcome to GreyTalk! I loved your story. You've got two very handsome black boys there!
  12. My barn owner has two boxers (and has owned boxers for many years). Major snugglers!
  13. Arthritis and degenerative joint disease. http://www.adequan.com/
  14. YAY! I use it for my horse. I got enough before the shortage to last me though November/December. Very happy I won't have to switch.
  15. Here is a recent photo of me and Darcy... our formerly aloof greyhound with space aggression.
  16. Our 12.5 y/o grey girl Darcy has a rear leg that shakes. It started a couple of years ago. Her leg starts shaking whenever she is standing up for more than a minute. Our vet diagnosed her with essential nerve tremors. It doesn't seem to bother her in the least. She has no issues running up/down stairs, walking, running in the yard, hopping on furniture, etc. Darcy is our oldest and most active.
  17. Our first greyhound Celeste was the ultimate cuddle hound with zero space issues from Day 1. She came right off the track that way. We were spoiled. Our second greyhound Darcy spent her first six years living in track kennels. She was aloof and had major space issues. Personally, I'm glad we stuck with her. Watching her blossom into the dog we have today has been so rewarding. I remember how thrilled I was when we caught her in her first roach - almost a year after we adopted her (Celeste was roaching on Day 1). Or, the first time she willingly hopped onto the sofa to snuggle - probably took closer to two years. Now, almost seven years later, Darcy is the dog that is the first one to greet me at the door, loves to lay next to me on the sofa, steals our bed whenever she has the chance, etc. Bottom line... greyhounds are individuals. BUT... if you're willing to be patient, they may just surprise you.
  18. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know Scarlett was thankful to have you.
  19. Perhaps James heard that Michelle Obama has mandated water consumption. On a serious note, I haven't had this issue with our grey pack. However, my horse refuses to drink water away from home. I bring water and her bucket from the barn. I've tried water additives that are supposed to make any horse drink. Nope, she ain't falling for it. Its true that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. On really hot days, I will bring apples, watermelon, etc. so at least she gets some fluids. Gracie never refuses treats. She always does fine though and enjoys a nice long drink as soon as we get back to the barn.
  20. I'm so happy for you and your family (two and four-legged), Christine. I met Pari at Grapehounds. She was such a sweet and adorable galga. I'm so glad that I'll be able to see her again at future events with you.
  21. Agreed. I found your response a bit harsh, jaym1. I choose NOT to have pet insurance. That doesn't mean I'm not willing to pay for medical procedures for my animals. You never know how the dice are going to roll. For some, having pet insurance gives them a sense of security. For me, it feels like a waste of money. I choose to have a savings account and CareCredit card instead. Definitely a personal choice that has no reflection on how much someone is willing to spend on medical care.
  22. Agreed! All of our dogs have had dentals done by our vets office. Only one of our dogs - Bonny - required extractions. She lost 8 teeth. We didn't know the exact number she'd lose, but our vet provided us with a detailed estimate that included the anticipated number of extractions prior to the procedure. Had the number gone above the estimate, I sure as heck would have expected a phone call.
  23. Definitely personal based on your comfort level and saving ability. Personally, I favor this for our dogs/cats. We had pet insurance for about two years (VPI) and found it to be more hassle than value. I feel confident that we'll be able to pay for any unexpected vet bills without insurance. If not, we have a CareCredit card which offers 0% for up to six months. With that said, I do have an equine insurance policy for my horse. Unexpected equine vet bills get insanely expensive. My friend didn't have insurance on her horse and is still paying off a $16,000 bill for colic surgery. Thankfully, her horse survived and is doing great three years later.
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