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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Good to hear that he's doing better. At my age, I can certainly sympathize with not bouncing back as quickly as we did when we were younger!
  2. Bell, your Mom sure loves you, sweetie---and so do we! So glad to hear she's eating, Melissa. I tried a small recipe of satin balls for Tess (along with the antibiotic the vet prescribed) when she was looking so thin a few weeks ago, and I think it helped. She was eating well anyway, so I did just use them as a supplement, but she sure liked them. If Bell will eat them, it's worth a try. Of course, I can see you, pregnant, with your hands mushing up a bunch of raw ground beef! How are YOU doing?
  3. Yep, you did what you had to do---because you love her so much. And she does what she has to do because she is a stubborn and resilient girl, and a force to be reckoned with! And I'm so glad she is kicking butt! I know that it was very rough there, but I just had a feeling she was still determined to do things on her own terms. I had those same misgivings and feelings of guilt with Winnie (who was the definition of a tough old girl), and we had over 3 years of quality time together. Yes, cancer is a crapshoot, but you have to do what you know in your heart is right. And you know exactly what is right for Polli. She's pretty wonderful, isn't she?
  4. How nice to get "a low five" from your sweet old man. Oh, Lee, I think I know how that feels! Continued prayers that he feels better and better.
  5. If Penny can home home and eat some McDonalds for you, that would be wonderful. I lost my precious Nick when he was at the emergency vet, and I wasn't with him, and it haunts me still. What I wouldn't give to have been there for his last moments. Bring her home and spoil her and take it day by day or moment by moment. She lives in the present, and is happiest just being with you. I'm so sorry that your time together is drawing to an end. Please let us know how she is doing, and how you are doing.
  6. My heart broke for you as I read your beautiful tribute, but I thank you for writing it, and for sharing this exceptional dog with us. He was exactly where he was supposed to be, and your lives were enriched in countless ways because you were together. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  7. queenwinniesmom


    How you loved her! And understood her, and indulged her, and celebrated her...I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  8. Well, that made me smile. Good to know that Ember is doing well, and Polli too!
  9. You know her best, Melissa, so whatever works. I'm so glad she ate the hamburger. Keeping you both in my prayers.
  10. Cyber hugs to you and Soul from Lydia, Polly and Tess, and their Mom. You will both get through this!
  11. You know in your heart that it is time to say good-by, and you are making the most difficult and unselfish decision of all. How wonderful that he got to run in his final days, and that you are holding him close and cherishing this precious time. Sending prayers for a peaceful journey for Bodie and strength for you.
  12. Oh, Robin, I wish I lived closer to you! I think any one of us would be glad to come to your house and walk your dogs and clean your litterboxes and try to talk some sense into Polli! Seriously, as well as being nauseated, she could be feeling your stress about the not eating situation. I agree that you might try stepping away from the supper dish too. Don't push the variety too hard, and try again later. This is the hideous part of chemo. It is such a roller coaster, and when we're going through it, it's natural to obsess. You just become consumed with it, and it's much easier said than done to not let that happen. Please keep us posted, and know that you and Polli are in our prayers.
  13. Oh, Amber, I can feel your concern and worry and frustration that you don't really know what's wrong. I agree that the fluids can take quite a while to absorb. When Tess got fluids a couple weeks ago---I'd taken her to the vet because she looked way too thin---they took a long time to go down, and Tess was just skinny, not really compromised. That area is probably red for another reason, like if he was moving around too much, or licking. He'll feel better being at home and with his Mom. I hope both of you get a good night's sleep, which can help heal about as well as anything. Keep us posted, and we'll keep you in our prayers.
  14. Gentle hugs to Bodie and you. You will both be in our thoughts and prayers today, at this most difficult time. And even with so much else going on, you did a good thing for the little Whippet guy.
  15. Just checking in on Soul on my lunch break. The bloodwork sounds encouraging, so hopefully the ultrasound will be good news as well. I know how stressful this has been. If it helps at all, please know that Soul is in everyone's thoughts---and so is his Mom!
  16. Those eloquent words are exactly the ones I was searching for. With a loss like this, there is an extra layer of grief, and I think everyone here can understand, yet still not comprehend. Sharing your sadness.
  17. Oh, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Mac. Run free, sweet boy.
  18. Oh, Soul Man! I know how much Amber loves her boy. Sending prayers out for both of them, and hoping for a good news update.
  19. Kristin, no wonder you were terrified! Adding that to a week of being at the vet every day, and dealing with the ups and down of chemo as it is, it would have been enough to put you over the edge. I think I would have spent the rest of the week-end getting my heart out of fibrillation. Thank God she is getting better. And your DH is a good guy to clean everything up. Bonnie, you precious girl, please get better, and try not to scare your Mom so much!
  20. Winslow, you should have twentylebbenhundred girlhounds! You have a BIG heart to match your NOSE! Nose kisses from Lydia, and hugs from my Mom
  21. Squirrell patrol! That is awesome. Keep it up, Joe.
  22. Claudia, she must have gotten those telepathic "get better" thoughts Lydia was sending out. She appeared to be in deep concentration, so they must have been heavy duty. And of course, she included precious Wayne in those thoughts too.
  23. Yay! That is very encouraging news. Hoping that she continues in this positive direction.
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