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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, my gosh, she was really beautiful. That first picture is breathtaking! I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  2. Thank-you for sharing the wonderful story of a very special dog. Your tribute was so touching. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Diane.
  3. He looks great! And eager to come home. What is that under the blue bandage?
  4. Just checking in to see how Bonnie is doing, and to let you know we're thinking about you.
  5. Amber, it's good that you can be home with him to moniter what's going on. I'm so sorry he's not feeling well again. Soul, sweetie, your Mom worries about you so. And so do your friends! Please feel better soon.
  6. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Renie. I can't imagine how difficult this was for you.
  7. Oh, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ginger. What a lovely old girl.
  8. Oh, I'm so sorry you've gotten this devastating diagnosis. So many of us have travelled that road, so please don't feel like anyone is too busy. We're just so sad when another precious hound is stricken by this monster. Sending prayers, and gentle hugs.
  9. Yep, second guessing, though natural, is a waste of energy. I didn't really second guess because I knew that no matter how much time the amp bought Winnie, that pain of osteo and the risk of that leg suddenly shattering, was gone. I wish that I could say that there weren't times that I looked at my beautiful girl and wished that she was whole again, but that wouldn't be true. My heart ached for her when she plodded up and down our steps like a trooper, or when she wiped out on a slick floor, but I knew that I'd done the right thing. There is no stigma in the dog world against 3 legged hounds, and that spirit that captured you forever is still intact, a missing appendage is superficial in the larger scheme of things. Be sure and keep us up to date with his progress. Lots of prayers and white light.
  10. queenwinniesmom


    Beautiful, beautiful boy. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Enzo.
  11. Bonnie, precious, we love you! Kristin, you are both in our prayers.
  12. I'm so sorry you've gotten this devastating diagnosis. But you are moving forward, and doing what is best for your precious boy. Please know that you are not alone. There is a lot of knowledge and support here. And you and Willie are in our prayers.
  13. I'm so sorry you have been blindsided by the monster. Too many of us know how you are feeling. Hug your precious boy, and cherish your time together.
  14. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Link. How blessed he was to live his life so fully, right till the end, with the person who loved him so very much.
  15. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy. Run free, sweet Abbey.
  16. queenwinniesmom

    My Jack

    That is heartbreaking. I can feel your immense sadness. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  17. Oh, such a long, brave battle...I'm so sorry you lost your wonderful old boy.
  18. Oh, Ranger, I'm so glad to hear that you're doing so well, but try not to scare the poop out of your Mom, or make her carry you up the steps. Just take it easy, big guy, you're doing great. And you have the best Mom in the world! Did she get her sense of humor from you or vice versa?
  19. Wish I had some advice, but I'm just so sorry you and Beau are going through this.
  20. I think she looks incredibly beautiful, and that incision is going to get better and better. Both of you are doing really well. Give her a gentle hug, please, and know that you're still in our prayers.
  21. Oh, Claudia, I'm just seeing this! We'll be thinking about your precious Wayne tomorrow, and hoping for the best possible results. Please let us know what's going on. And Wayne, we love you!
  22. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl. But so glad that you and Cindy found each other, and shared such a strong bond. The love you had together shines through in every word. I can't think of a more loving passing---how lucky she was to have a Mom who made that final, most difficult gift, so safe, so gentle. I have no doubt that she has let you know that she's okay now. And she will let you know when it's time to open your heart to another Grey. She'll send you someone, and it will be the most fitting tribute to the love you shared, to welcome another dog who needs you into your home. Thank-you for sharing your sweet girl with us in such a beautiful tribute and pictures.
  23. Oh, no. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy, especially on Christmas.
  24. I'm just seeing this! And I'm a little teary eyed, as sometimes happens when I read about Winslow. But what a lovely post-Christmas present, for many reasons. First, I am so honored that Winnie and I could play even a small part in Glynis and Winslow's journey in dealing with osteo. I think our conversation on the sidewalk that evening was Winnie's first Dewey after her amp, about 5 months before that. I was still in the stage of being amazed at her resilience, and though I never quite got out of that stage, at that point, I was still adjusting too. I couldn't believe that she was pulling me down every street, around every corner, and into every doorway. So I guess I was filled with such pride that I was eager to tell everyone I saw what an amazing creature my Queen was! And isn't it even more than serendipitous that I did? If there was ever a person who would take each inspiration, each positive influence, and pay it forward times ten, it is Glynis! How many of us have been given hope, how many have laughed or beamed with pride when reading about Winslow and his wonderful Mom. And how many hounds and humans have they helped, not only through their physical presence, but by their amazingly generous contributions to Hope For Hounds and the Greyhound Angels Network. Her auction donations and Winslow's store have undoubtedly made a huge difference. I truly believe that Glynis and Winslow are angels on earth! Don't mean to embarrass you guys, because you're only doing what comes so naturally to you, but it's true. And hey, she will sing Winslow's artistic praises, but his talent comes from his Mom, not the other way around! If you're not familiar with Glynis' artwork, you should be. So this is a chance to say a public thank-you. For keeping me sane and inspired during my very difficult summer when I broke my ankle and lost my best friend, for giving me a gift I will treasure forever, and for the latest update on her very special boy. The pictures are incredible, especially that close-up (yes, what a luxurious coat he has). It's just good to know they are both out there, doing what they do best. Thanks, guys, TO YOU!
  25. On Christmas....I'm so sorry you had such a stressful time. Smokey and your family will be in our prayers. Please let us know how he's doing. There is a lot of support and information here.
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