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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Any news on Dodge? I just saw the post about him breaking the leg. Oh, God, Diane, that is your worst nightmare---thinking that it would shatter, and you'd have to get him to the vet ASAP. But your brave and stoic boy actually walked on that leg. Bless his heart. Hey, he's kinda like Doug---he walked on a broken femur for a week after his hip replacement! Not really funny, but it might make you smile. (Doug is my DH, by the way, for anyone who doesn't know.) He's pretty stoic too. You can't always tell when these guys are hurting! I'm actually trying to make myself laugh too, because I was getting tears in my eyes just thinking about what you're going through. That waiting to hear if everything is okay....I know how you feel. I'm sending lots of "be well" thoughts out to Dodge, and prayers for both of you. You absolutely did the right thing.
  2. Oh, no! I was just checking in briefly after a very long, very hard day at work, and my heart sank when I saw Mango's name. I'm so surprised, and so sad for you, Kate. I was hoping that she would be the one to kick the monster in the butt. If love and courage alone could fight osteo and win, Mango would be melting hearts and inspiring hope for a long, long time. Damn....it's hard to find words. She was special to a lot of us from the start. I was so touched by your deep bond, and mutual love and respect. It was clear that you were fated to be in each other's lives. I'm glad she was your first Grey---the loss is always so much harder, but she started you on a wonderful journey. I wish I would have given her a kiss at GIG---I was kinda hoping I could do it NEXT year. But I'm glad I got to meet you both, and Takoda too. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl. We're sharing your sadness, and keeping you in our prayers.
  3. Diane, you do so much for everyone---all the time! You know that's true. So just know for sure that we are here for you. And you know THAT is true! You and your sweet boy are in our prayers.
  4. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, Jorj, you certainly knew exactly the right car to sit in front of! What a great cat! Bev and Marc, I'm so sorry you lost your precious little old man.
  5. Oh, Tracy, she was lovely! What a smart, soulful and joyous girl she was. If knowing that other people have watched her video helps you, then you should be able to feel the smiles she's brought to so many of us. Watching her leap through the water, or grab the paper and trot inside, or race to you with such happiness brought tears to my eyes. She was obviously very much loved, and it's easy to understand why you will miss her so much. I hope you can find comfort in knowing that you gave her a wonderful life, even to the very last moment. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  6. Diane, you know how I feel. My heart is breaking for you. Just thought I'd let you know again that you and Dodge are in my prayers. Did OSU say anything about the fracture on the left leg? Like if they thought it could bear the stress of a right leg amp?
  7. Robin, those pictures bring tears to my eyes! Seeing how very thin he was, you can just feel the fear and frustration that you and your DH lived with for so long. And then seeing Beau as his happy, healthy self---well, it is a perfect testament to your love and determination. And his! And in going through all of this, and chronicling it so thoroughly, who knows who else you have helped, or might help in the future? There is a special place in heaven for you!
  8. Wish I had some knowledge to add, but at least there are some people here with good advice. It must be so frustrating for you. If you know exactly what you are dealing with, sometimes it's easier. You can form some kind of plan. But when they get to be 13, you can't help but worry. She's a tough old girl, but she doesn't make things simple, does she? Loca, sweet girl, you and your Mom are in our prayers!
  9. Hi Liz, I'm so glad he's eating! And you must be too. And HE must be too. Sending continuing good thoughts to the sweet boy.
  10. Oh, I'm so sorry! It's no wonder that you're having trouble processing 2 enormous losses so close together. It just seems so unfair, doesn't it? Like you said, I hope it helps a little to know that they are safe and together. What a lovely little face! Is she an Abbysinian? They are such gorgeous cats. I'll bet she was the queen of the house. I'm so sorry you lost your two precious girls.
  11. I'm so sorry you're having to make this most painful of decisions. Osteo is a blind monster, and too many of us know exactly what you're going through. You know your girl best, and know when it is time. I'm so sorry she couldn't stay with you longer, but doing what is best for Ebony is the most loving gift you can give. You and your sweet girl will be in our thoughts tomorrow.
  12. Oh, Claudia, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Misty. I know they are all special in their own ways, but there was always something about Misty that reached out to me. Maybe it was a combination of you and her, knowing that she had found the perfect family, the perfect Mom, who loved her and protected her, and fought so hard right alongside of her. You were able to share her with us in such a touching way. Her silver face and meltingly sweet and gentle eyes always tugged at my heart. She will be missed so greatly here by all the friends who never even got to meet her in canine, but felt as if she was one of ours. I know your heart and home are awesomely empty. Please let us help fill those empty spaces by sharing your sadness. Your and your sweet girl are in our prayers.
  13. Oh, she was only 8 years old. How devastated you must be. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Vixen.
  14. I wish that we all had words that could take away your pain. Words are not magic, but if you listen to them with your heart, you'll realize that so many people understand how you're feeling. And maybe that will help you a little. You've gotten some excellent, insightful advice, and I hope your feelings of guilt will not prevent you from knowing that what they are saying is true. I think it helps to put your feelings down on paper, maybe it will help you to let them go. I hope that you can also write of your love for Penny, and hers for you. Changing the focus of how you remember your life together will remind you of the happiness that surely overshadows the sadness towards the end. Assigning blame and internalizing that guilt is holding you back from moving through the grieving process as we all have to do. You have to ask yourself how Penny would want you to remember her. I have to do that a lot, dealing with the death of my heart dog Nick, who we lost before we even knew he was so very sick. The fact that I wasn't with him (he was at the evet when he died), haunts me still. But I can't let that steal the essence of his joyful spirit away. If I do, I've lost him twice. I always remember that he was more like laughter than tears. And I know how blessed I was to have him in my life. I hope that you are able to think of Penny that way, because it's clear that you loved her deeply. Please try to put those thoughts on paper as well. And please share them with us if you can.
  15. Oh, Liz, I'm just now seeing this. No advice, but I'm sending your boy lots of good thoughts. Let us know how the tests went and how he's doing.
  16. Wow, it's been a real challenge getting a handle on this. I hope the meds do the trick, and she is on a steady road to recovery.
  17. Oh, Lora, my heart is breaking for you. I stopped into the black dogs club last night, and Claudia had asked to keep you and Willie in our prayers. I've been thinking of both of you ever since. Even though I was fairly certain I'd see your post today, it still hit me as if he was one of my own. From the start, following Willie's journey and the many changes, both scary and positive, I wanted to believe that he would be the one to beat the osteo at it's game. But cancer is such a crapshoot. Sometimes when we do everything we can, we get more precious time. And sometimes everything we do is not enough to keep our beloved hounds safe from this blind monster. And God knows, you gave it your all---your time, your money, your faith, and most of all, your love. That knowledge is something that can never be taken away. And knowing that you gave him time---though not nearly as long as you hoped---to blossom so joyfully and celebrate each day, is a gift that your heart can treasure. I understand the deep sadness you are feeling. Take the time you need to grieve for Willie. But remember how blessed you both were to have found each other. And know that we are sharing your sadness. Hugs to you---you're in my prayers.
  18. I'm so happy for both of you. We'll be thinking of her on her dental day. And yes, I'm sure Polli had a paw in sending Elsie to you.
  19. Oh, Donna, this is so very sad. I wish Dolly could have had more time in her wonderful home.
  20. Oh, Claudia, I'm so sorry that you and Misty are facing this most difficult decision. There is much shock and sadness on GT just seeing this thread because I dont think there is one of us whose heart your beautiful girl has not touched. In our prayers, we've joined your fight, and hoped that that power could work miracles. You know her best, and love her unconditionally, so any decision you make will be made from the deepest love. We will be holding you both so close in our thoughts and prayers. Addison's is such an insidous disease. I lost my precious angel Nick to an Addisonion crisis before we even knew he was so very sick. My heart is breaking for you.
  21. How you loved her! I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  22. Wow! Loca has expensive taste in medicine! Seriously, you're right, you do what you have to do, and knowing how much you love her, it's no surprise that you're doing whatever you can to make her better. Get well, sweetie! Your Mom's heart and wallet can't take it!
  23. Oh, Lora, I'm so sorry! If love alone could cure osteo, Willie would be racing around like a puppy. You know your boy best of all, but some prayers and white light won't hurt, so please know that you are both in my prayers.
  24. Oh, he was only 7! And so beautiful. I'm so sorry.
  25. I remember last year at GIG, I bunch of us had gathered to do a roo for Trish. I think my Tess was the only one who actually rooed, but our hearts were with Trish. It's amazing how she touched the lives of so many people, her friends especially, but even those she had never met. I'm one of those who never talked to her in person or on the phone, but we'd PM'ed a few times about things we had in common. And I think she did that a lot, didn't she? She was always able to make someone feel like she was truly interested in what was going on with them. I wondered how she did it, and realized that it was a true gift. So even though I wasn't lucky enough to know her personally, I was in awe of her incredibly generous spirit. And I miss her too.
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