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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, Joanne, I'm sorry you and Tucker are going through this. No advice, just Let us know how he's doing.
  2. Ah, Buddy, it's counterproductive, you know, to fight your Mom with those pills. Please eat, sweetie. We're worried about you.
  3. Oh, my God, she was stunning! And from your beautiful tribute, truly a force to be reckoned with. Thanks to her loving family, she packed a lot of living into those too short years. Your heart and home will be so empty, but I agree, Lulu has sent you a sign that she is safe and pain free. Would you expect anything less from such an amazing little girl? I'm so sorry you lost your precious Lulu.
  4. Oh, Linda, the sadness just keeps coming, doesn't it? I too knew that at some point we would be seeing Cricket's name here, but I just kept thinking, no news is good news. I think her main focus was just to be with you for as long as she could, and you made that possible for her. But she was such a strong, brave and beautiful girl, wasn't she, and one who knew how very safe and loved she was. I know your heart is breaking now, and all of us share your sadness. I feel that she will send you a sign that she is safe and pain free, and with her brother. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  5. What a roller coaster! I'm glad your sweet girl is feeling better. Hopefully, positive updates will follow. We will keep her in our prayers.
  6. Oh, no! Hilda, I didn't know, and my heart is breaking for you. He was so beautiful, and so young. You've had such a rough time, and now to lose your precious baby boy. I'm so, so sorry.
  7. Robin, I'm so sorry you're going through this. No experience, so all I can do is keep you both in my prayers.
  8. Oh, Jen, I'm crying for you and for Tanner and for the family, hound and human, who will miss him so. Your love for him shines through in every word, and it's clear that this dog was your heart and soul. He was so beautiful, wasn't he, inside and out. And it goes without saying that he had the best home in the world. You know, I'm going to send your wonderful card "When dogs fly" to someone as a sympathy card. Of course, I can't send it to YOU, but it sure makes me think of Tanner, looking down on you, always watching over you. He'll send you a sign that he is safe and in no more pain, because you gave him that last, most loving and unselfish gift. I'm so, so sorry that you lost your precious boy. Hugs to you and Lloyd. I miss you.
  9. If your friend has faith in the alternative medicine vet, I would definitely try a consult and see what you think. I know several people who have used holistic vets and done acupuncture and even chiropractic on their osteo dogs who had amputations, with and without chemo. They did say they had good results. If she isn't a candidate for chemo, it seems realistic to me to try other options. Have you started the artemisinin? I'm the kind of person who reads everything and decides according to what I feel is right for me and my dog, but I probably wouldn't advise that kind of treatment! But keep reading and questioning. I believe the more knowledge we have, the better decisions we can make. I've been thinking about Mango and you. Glad you are back on GT.
  10. Oh, Jen, my heart is breaking for you. I know how completely you love your guys, and to see Tanner going through this has got to be tearing you apart. I would have to agree with what the others have said about the biopsy. I did it with Winnie, and it didn't change anything I had to do, and I wish I hadn't put her through that. I'm glad you've gotten in touch with OSU---hopefully, they can give you some more info. You may not have enough posts to PM---I'm going to email you. We will all be sending prayers and white light to Tanner and to you and Lloyd. And Lydia sends telepathic "get well" thoughts to Tanner, and love to Crisco.
  11. Poor little girl! Sending prayers that she continues to improve.
  12. I'm so sorry. Sweet Romeo had 2 angels in his life.
  13. Everything about your lovely tribute brought tears to my eyes. That she left you so suddenly, with no time for you to be emotionally prepared, the legacy of Greyhound ambassadorship she leaves, these words---"she always tried so hard not to be any trouble." And those meltingly beautiful eyes. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Savannah.
  14. Ah, I saw that just a few days ago, she had her 14th birthday. I'm glad she had so much quality time with you, and left with dignity and on her own terms, but so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  15. I can only echo what the others have said. Coming back on Sunday, happy from a wonderful trip and seeing Winslow doing so well, I saw so many losses, and it hit me hard. It is bittersweet to be among others who understand and share the sadness, because that sense of family comes from the pain of losing a beloved Grey. Right now, for some reason, it seems more overwhelming, and I've found myself crying every day. I just have to remember that it hurts so much because we love so much. And we wouldn't have it any other way.
  16. Oh, no! I can't imagine how devastating it is to lose your precious boy so suddenly. I'm so sorry.
  17. This is heartbreaking. I'm so, so sorry you lost your precious Caesar. It is doubly hard when it's so unexpected. God, he was stunningly beautiful, inside and out.
  18. Oh, sweet Nadia....I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl, and that you couldn't have had more time together. Bless you for taking a little old lady hound into your home and heart.
  19. Ah, Jake, this has got to be stressful for you AND your Mom. I hope your poor eye gets better soon. Let us know.
  20. Oh, Pat, I was away, and am just now seeing your tribute to Stepper---so very sad, but so beautiful. "His beauty starts in his heart and works it's way outward." That brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy. How you loved him, and how well you understood each other. This was clearly a dog who returned as much love as he got. I believe that your angel hero will be watching over you.
  21. queenwinniesmom


    I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sammy.
  22. The ones who only find their forever homes for such a short time just break my heart. And that gentle face, especially his first picture....how could anyone pass him by? But he knew he was loved. I'm so sorry he couldn't have stayed longer.
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