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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, the sweet boy....he was gorgeous, and looks so much like my angel Nick that it took my breath away. It's hard to lose them at any age, but when they are so young, it's just heartbreaking. I'm glad that Sophie was sent to help ease your pain. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Dodge.
  2. Melissa, she's going to be fine, I just know it. She has to be.
  3. Oh, Robin....her name jumped out at me as I was just going to turn the computer off, and my heart stopped. Even knowing all the ups and downs, the pain and frustration, it breaks my heart to know she's gone. I can't imagine the pain and emptiness you must be feeling. There was something about Loca that made us think she would stay with us forever, if only out of sheer stubbornness! And maybe to give us something to talk about, to shake our heads and laugh, knowing that even when she was bad, damn, she was GOOD. She was a force to be reckoned with, wasn't she? I just clicked on her data page and looked at her races. I've always felt a connection to Loca because she was so much like Winnie, even down to being at Dairyland. That drive and focus they both had when racing certainly carried over into their retirement. I'm sure that sometimes you wished that she'd been a little LESS focused on some things, but I know you wouldn't have changed a thing about her. How you loved her! How well you understood her, and how you did everything in your power to keep her safe and happy. She was exactly where she was meant to be, with the person who loved her best, but shared her with all of us. Robin, we'll miss her too, and we share your sadness. I'm so, so sorry you lost your precious Loca. Run with the angels, sweet girl. Try and find Winnie---she'll make you feel right at home.
  4. Oh, sweet baby girl. Yep, that's a good sized incision! Melissa, Doug called me at work and told me he was in your area and he stopped by. Hope you didn't mind. We've both been thinking about you and Rascal so much---I think he just wanted to say hi and maybe give her a hug. If I had known he was going to be up there, I would have told him to give both of you a hug from me too. She was happy to see him? I know he was happy to see HER. So there is another guy she goes crazy over, huh? I won't tell Doug! Glad her drain came out and she's feeling pretty comfortable. You are always in our prayers, big time!
  5. Oh my God. I'm so sorry you're going through all this.
  6. Hasn't Dr. Couto donated chemo to dogs being treated by their own vets? I think OSU has done this in the past. Please check to see if they still are. It could certainly help, moneywise. If everything is clear, and you want to start chemo, ask Dr. Couto about starting Sterling on artemisinin too. We didn't do chemo with Winnie, so I'm not sure if it interferes at that stage, but it is worth a try, definitely. I'd love to see a pic of Sterling too. It helps when I remember him in my prayers. Hang in there!
  7. Just checking in on Sterling and YOU. I know it's easy to say when we're not the ones staying up all night, but you're not alone! So many of us have been on this journey. It WILL get better. I think things improve when they don't need so much heavy duty pain meds. Once they start really eating, they turn a corner. Give your boy a gentle hug, and keep us up to date.
  8. Hey, Melissa, I was just looking for an update! I'm glad she's as comfortable as can be expected. Just thinking about your sweet girl in any kind of pain makes my heart hurt. Waiting is just the pits. On the other hand, it gives all of us more time to send out lots of healing light, get well thoughts, and prayers---for her and for you!
  9. Oh, Robin! You never dreamed you'd be spending so much time on a roller coaster, did you? I've been thinking about you and Loca so much, and hoping that both of you can get off this ride. How about a nice, calm float across the lake in a swan boat for a change?
  10. Wow, I've been following Drake's story, but haven't posted till now. I just wanted to tell you what an excellent job you're doing of taking care of your boy. You have gotten hit with so much bad news at once, it's a wonder your brain isn't exploding! Right after the diagnosis is such a difficult time. Your comment about "flailing in place" describes it very accurately. You are faced with so many options, alternatives, questions, etc. And you only want to do what is best for Drake. We didn't do Winnie's amp at OSU, but I think there are some people here who did. In any case, they are invaluable as a resource, and second or third opinions. Given the unusual combination of 2 types of cancer, I think they would be very interested. I wish I had some experience with these types of cancer so I could give you some excellent advice, but I don't (it was osteo and lymphoma with Winnie and Patsy). But so many of us do have experience with this struggle---what should I do, how should I do it, when should it happen. So when I say that we are with you and Drake in this journey, please know that it's true. You and your sweet boy are in our prayers. Please continue to let us know how he's doing---and how YOU are doing too.
  11. That's just what I was thinking. As that sad anniversary comes around, it brings the pain back so fresh.
  12. Oh, no! You must be devastated. What a beautiful soul....that picture alone brought tears to my eyes. Please write more when you are able. I'm so, so sorry.
  13. I lost my Patsy to the same type of cancer, and she was only 6 too. It's especially hard when they are so young, isn't it? Senator sounds like a wonderful dog. You loved him so much, and did everything you could for him. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  14. Melissa, you and Rascal have been in our prayers since yesterday! Like I told you, if I can do anything at all, please call. It's really hard to find words of comfort at a time like this, when you have been through the worst loss imaginable. Or to express just how sad and frustrated, and yes, P.O.'ed that you and Eric are going through all of this. You know how much Doug and I love Rascal. We are worried right along with you, so if you need to vent, we will vent with you! Hoping to hear a positive update soon. Please give your sweet girl a gentle hug and kiss from us. And consider yourself hugged too!
  15. What a lovely little old lady hound. You understood her, loved her so well, and made her safe and happy and cherished in her senior years. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Maggie.
  16. Oh, I remember Riley and Jean (a wonderful person), though I haven't been on CoG for years. He was a very special dog. I'm so sorry.
  17. Oh, no! That is beyond tragic that he was so young, and so very heartbreaking for you to have it happen like that. The random suddenness doubles your grief because you are having to deal with that as well as your loss. This is a really, really hard one. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  18. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, I'm so sorry. What a wonderful friend, Mom and protector you were to him. That was a lovely tribute.
  19. It's so clear that you did everything you could for Billy. That most difficult of all decisions, though heartbreaking, was made out of love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  20. The poor girl! How old is she? I know you're scared for her and worried, but she's in a lot of prayers.
  21. Oh, I'm so sorry you've gotten this devastating news! It's especially sad because you haven't had that much time together. But they live in the moment, so she knows that she is happy and safe and loved. You will know when it's time, but till then, cherish each day, because those memories can never be taken away.
  22. Diane, don't know if you've seen him yet. Are you squeamish about surgeries like that? If so, I'd prepare yourself for the worst, and maybe you'll deal with it better than you thought. It won't be pretty---there is a lot of soft tissue trauma, and there is that BIG incision. But he doesn't know he looks different, so just act like he's your Dodge. Because he is! Keep us up to date with his progress, and we'll keep you both in our prayers.
  23. Hoping it IS a pulled muscle. We thought Polly pulled a muscle last week too. Then I got real paranoid because she does have an old racing injury on her front wrist that causes that joint to be less mobile. I visualized a swelling, then a tumor, born from my paranoia, even though that joint wasn't painful to her. Then we examined her pad, and it was all red inside. We have a few stones in our yard, and she'd been running with Tess. We put some ointment on it, and kept her quiet for a few days, and she's fine now. Have you checked Gigi's pad too?
  24. Glad he's home and resting comfortably. Hoping for excellent results for your sweet old man, and joining the "B9 B9 B9" chants!
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