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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, Jennifer, I'm just seeing this now! I knew she had been sick, but my heart broke, seeing her name in Remembrance. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little girl. You have such a big, tender heart, taking care of all the critters that sometimes are not so easy to take care of. But Presley...what a little sweetheart. No wonder you fell in love with her. Thank goodness you were her angel when she most needed a kind person to rescue her. She couldn't have had a better family. Hugs to you and little Daisy.
  2. We love you, Misty! You and your Mom are still in our prayers.
  3. Her sudden loss is doubly devastating, and there was no way for you to be prepared for this awesome emptiness. I think this makes the grieving process even harder. Just remember that there is no time frame for grief, so do what you need to do to mourn, then celebrate, your sweet girl. How she loved you! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Willow.
  4. Oh, Greg, I cried when I read about how she came up to you at your first meeting and put her nose under your hand. Sometimes they just know, and so do we, that they are exactly where they are supposed to be. And she was meant to be with you, for 10 wonderful years. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Isis.
  5. I'm sorry you and Alan are going through this. Sending prayers and white light to your beautiful boy.
  6. Oh, Melissa, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Buddy. But I'm so glad he got to live with you and your wonderful family, and his 2 little sisters. I know it was precisely where he was meant to be. Through tears, I'm smiling at him being able to recognize a Dodge truck!
  7. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Hayley, but glad that she was able to spend the rest of her life with someone who loved and understood her so well.
  8. I'm glad she ate for you. I'm sure that's the start of her steady improvement. Could they have done a pain injection? Of course, if they did, they would charge you for it, since most vets are doing it and charging. But it just seems like she would have had something for the pain. I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time.
  9. Oh, Claudia, 46 pounds. I'll keep you and your sweet girl in my prayers.
  10. And a loaf of bread? She is incorrigible, isn't she?
  11. Oh, no! Melissa, I'm just seeing this, and I'm sitting at work, crying. I know how much you love him and how greatly he'll be missed. He is the first Grey you've lost, isn't he? Hugs to you and Eric---and Rascal and Ruby too.
  12. I think that was one of the best tributes I've ever read! It's almost as if your precious old ladyhound was looking down on you, making sure that you did her justice. And you did. Thank-you for sharing her with us. I'm so sorry you lost your beloved Ecstasy.
  13. Oh, Robin, there are so many tears today. As you read over all the posts from people who are sharing your sadness, most of whom had never met Polli, I hope you find some comfort in knowing how many hearts she touched. And she did, with her grace and beauty and determination. And at every step of her journey, she was encouraged, protected, and so very loved. You fought for, and beside, your sweet girl so unselfishly. As brave as she was for you, you were that brave for her. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Polli. But know that a bond as strong as yours can never be broken.
  14. Oh, Melissa.....Doug and I are thinking of you and Buddy, and sending prayers.
  15. Oh, Robin, Polli has captured our hearts, and none of us wanted or expected to hear this news. How hard you tried, and are still trying. And how hard your sweet girl fights to be with the family she loves. I know you will fill this precious time with love and comfort.
  16. Oh, Robin, I'm so sorry you and Polli are going through this. Adding my prayers to tons of others.
  17. queenwinniesmom


    We are sharing your sadness at the loss of this very special boy. I'm so sorry.
  18. I understand how the suddenness of a loss can double your grief. I too lost a big beautiful fawn boy too suddenly and too young. My Nick died of Addison's and cardiomyopathy just a week after we'd had a wonderful time at Grapehounds. And over 2 years later, though most days I thank God to have had him in my life, I still ask why, and wish that I could have even just one more day with him. Your sweet boy knew how very loved he was. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Bubba.
  19. My heart is breaking for you. I was just reading your posts about Phoenix and his journey. What an incredible dog, and blessed to have you in his life. Prayers are with you at this very difficult time.
  20. Oh, sweet girl, you're gonna do great, we ALL just know it!
  21. Thanks for posting this, Dr. Bill. When we had our Meet and Mingle auction at Dewey last year, we donated all the proceeds to Dr. Couto. And The Greyhound Project matched the donation, so it was doubled! If there are any groups out there who want to get as much bang for their buck as possible, I'd check with The Greyhound Project to see if they are still doing matching funds. They may not be, but if they are, that's great!
  22. Oh, Joanne, I hope everything is okay! Sending prayers and white light to you and Tucker. Let us know.
  23. Nancy (I'm Nancy too), I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. When Winnie was diagnosed, we did the biopsy---not being very knowledgeable about osteo (this was almost 5 years ago)---and I wish we hadn't. It came back not 100% conclusive, but given the odds, we did the amputation. After they took the leg off, my vets, on their own, for their knowledge, attempted to biopsy it again. The leg completely shattered at the tumor site. So in retrospect, I wouldn't have wasted that time waiting for biopsy results. I just thank God that we got that leg off before it shattered when my precious girl was 4 legged, and Winnie would have been in excruciating pain. And we would have had an emergency amputation, costing a lot more than it did. This is such a hard time. But you have this going for you---you know in your hearts what you are going to do. Once making that decision, you are able to move forward and help your girl in any way you can. And her lungs are clear! That is important, and very positive news. Please come here, and Circle of Grey, to talk, ask questions, vent. There are, unfortunately, too many of us who have dealt with the monster, and know what you're going through Cindy is in my prayers.
  24. Any news on the boy? I think we all get nervous, just because. Sending lots of good thoughts for a quick and easy dental, and shiny toofers!
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