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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. I'd been thinking about her and wondering if she was going to be okay. She just looked so very fragile. What a dear little soul. I'm so sorry she couldn't stay longer.
  2. So glad the surgery is over. Just checking in to see how his recovery is going. Sending prayers.
  3. I'm so sorry you've gotten this dreaded diagnosis. I was reading back over your posts, and saw that he'd just had a check-up in May, and had no visible problems other than the teeth. Believe me, there is no way you could have known. Cancer is so insidious, it lurks there, unseen, till when we finally do know, it is sometimes too late. Has the vet done chest X-rays? If there are lung mets, then, yes, it has already spread. I think you'll find that so many of us who have dealt with osteo didn't find out till there was a fracture, or a visible tumor that appeared and grew rapidly, or the dog stumbled, etc. So please don't beat yourself up. I know it's hard, but focus on Cuz right now. If you worry too much or feel unnecessary guilt, it just steals away what time you have left with your boy, and the monster has won again. Live in the moment with him, manage his pain, and follow your heart. You will know what to do, and he will let you know as well. You are in our prayers.
  4. Oh, no! I'm just seeing this, and am dismayed that you've gotten this sad news about Elsie. I am not familiar with this type, but what others have said does sound encouraging. She is so very lovely, and she's found her perfect forever home. Sending lots of prayers and white light and "be well" telepathic thoughts (from Lydia) to your precious girl, and hoping that she is spoiled and loved for a long, long time.
  5. Wow! That is stunning. A beautiful reminder that your boy is watching over you still.
  6. Darcy, sweetie, SO glad it's nothing serious!
  7. Oh, no! Kate, I'm so, so sorry. Just a few months ago, I was marvelling at how beautiful Mango and Takoda looked at Gettysburg. And now they are together, and your heart is broken. It's doubly hard that he was so young, and really wasn't sick very long. Please know that we are thinking of you with much sympathy, and sharing your sadness. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Takoda.
  8. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, my gosh, she was incredibly beautiful! Your love for her shines through in your words and wonderful photos. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  9. What a wonderful, encouraging update! She's a fighter, and I'm sure she knows that you are fighting right alongside of her (or, the way things are going, right BEHIND her).
  10. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet, brave little lady.
  11. Just seeing this. Is there any news about the gorgeous girl? Sending prayers for an easy surgery and a quick recovery.
  12. Oh, what a shame he couldn't stay longer. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  13. Oh, I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy so suddenly! It's almost impossible to wrap your mind around a loss that comes with no warning, and leaves your home and heart so awesomely empty. Though devastating for you, what a happy, peaceful last day Keota had, knowing till the very last minute that he was loved.
  14. I think it may help some people, and some dogs, but who knows for sure. I've been taking it for years, and before I started, my knees were really bad, and the doctor said I'd probably need surgery. Well, I haven't needed surgery, in fact, my knees are doing pretty well. So I do think it's helped me. I gave it to Winnie every day too (the same kind I took), along with the artemisinin and fish oil. And she did great!
  15. Oh, what a precious little lady! She looks adorable in her custom made tripod fashions---what a wonderful idea. Praying for no more setbacks, and a very smooth recovery from now on---you both deserve it!
  16. Diane and Glynis, thanks so much for posting the updates. I know there are a lot of people out there who are worried about the boy. Good to know he's out of surgery. I'm leaving tomorrow for a family reunion, but I'll probably be on the hotel computer, looking for Winslow news! And hoping that it is ALL good.
  17. Bosha was a true hero, and so is his Mom. What hope they gave to everyone who knew the story of his quiet courage. This wonderful dog will be truly missed. My heart is breaking for Barb, and the many who loved him. Run fast and free, precious boy. You were an angel on earth who has found his wings.
  18. Oh, I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy, especially so suddenly. That makes the grief doubly hard as you try to adjust to his absence. Bless you for adopting a senior and giving him what was undoubtedly the best year of his life. And no one here will think you are crazy for having 5 Greys. We tend to think it's more unusual to have just one. Or even worse, none at all! I haven't seen if you've posted in remembrance yet, but if you haven't, we would love to hear more about him. Yes, and pics.
  19. Tracey, Diane is exactly right! And she's just a few weeks ahead of you and Cosmo in this journey, so everything you are feeling, she has felt too. Your sweet girl will be in my prayers tomorrow, and throughout her recovery. Best advice---get some sleep while she's at the hospital!
  20. Winslow and Glynis are so very special that I cry over bad news AND good news. Teary eyed now, and obviously, looking forward to GOOD news. Road trip! Yes, sweetie, Queen Winnie will be watching over you as you travel. She ADORED a road trip. Be safe, big guy, and be well!!!
  21. I have to admit---I got a little teary eyed just now. He is absolutely, positively gorgeous! And yes, I do believe you have your boy back. It's great to know that his recovery is progressing so well. I think at some point, they all wipe out. Winnie did---on the amp side, of course---and it scared the poop out of her, almost literally. Me too, since she raised up and hit me in the chin with the top of her head. I saw stars, and she never wanted to walk on a slick floor again! Her incision did weep a little then too. Sterling, keep up the GREAT work, sweet boy. You are in our prayers.
  22. Oh, the sweet boy....I'm so glad his surgery went well, but can understand your concern about being away from him, and his not wanting to walk. Is he a stubborn guy? A drama queen? Wonder what kind of floor he's on, if it's slick or he can get some traction. They do hate the slick floors, even more, I think, than stairs! I think he WILL walk for them, he just may take a little more time. They are all so different in the way they react and recover. Even the way they process the anesthesia and react to the pain meds varies. In a way, it's probably better that he is staying there. The first few nights, they are still feeling the anesthesia, and adjusting to the pain meds, and sometimes they are agitated, crying, restless, panting, etc. Pretty normal, I think. You probably wouldn't get ANY sleep if he was so home. So here is my advice: try and get some sleep NOW! And if you have any slippery floors, get something to cover them. I think most of us who've gone through this will tell you it may get worse before it gets better. So please try not to get too upset when he first comes home. This too shall pass. I don't know if anyone has recommended that you check out Circle of Grey, but if they haven't, please do. Everyone there has gone, or is going, through the same journey. They are a wealth of knowledge and support. And so is Greytalk. We need updates when he gets home. And you are both in our prayers.
  23. Thinking about Lando, and hoping the surgery is going (or has already gone) well. Be well, sweet boy!
  24. Glynis, I was just thinking about you and Winslow! Actually thinking that we hadn't heard anything from you for a while---and I thought I should touch base just to see how you're doing. I think about you both so much, and it just makes me feel that things are okay in the world if I know Winslow is out there doing what needs to be done, and you are supporting him all the way. Of course, none of us wants to hear of ANY lumps or bumps on this precious boy. We'll certainly be thinking of him, and waiting for some positive updates. Oh, yeah, they're pretty strict over there. Right.
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