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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, Mary Pat, we all fell in love with your brave little lady as we shared your journey. We share your sadness now.
  2. How very tragic. I am so sorry for the loss of a fine man. Sending much sympathy to his family.
  3. Oh, I'm so sorry Ruby has gotten this terrible diagnosis. Unfortunately, there are too many of us who understand what you are going through, even if not for this particular type of cancer. It is a monster in whatever form it takes, and we just do what we can to keep them safe and loved and free of pain for as long as possible. Please, now that you have found GT, come here whenever you need to talk or vent or cry or celebrate your sweet girl.
  4. Yay for Whitey and Apollo!It must fill your heart with joy to see them getting around so well.
  5. Oh, I'm so sorry. It's clear that you love your precious boy so much. And he knows that too.
  6. I saw this while I was at work, and can't post from there. But I've been thinking about your girl, and am so glad she's home and okay. That is so weird about what came up. Treasure has a few secrets she's not telling you?
  7. Glad to hear he's holding his own. We'll keep the prayers coming!
  8. Oh, how beautiful your Gryffin is! I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this monster.
  9. How you loved her! And how lucky both of you were to share each other's lives until the very end. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Cali.
  10. Oh, Mary Pat, you and Pearl have fought so hard. I'm so sorry you may have such a short time together, but your sweet girl is totally and unconditionally loved, and she knows it. You are in my prayers.
  11. Donna, I was wondering how your sweet old man was doing. What an impossible place for a tumor---you can't really do anything except what you are doing, keeping him comfortable and pain-free for as long as possible. I'm so sorry you and Dave are going through this again. You have the biggest hearts in the world for taking in these special seniors and giving them such wonderful lives. I hope he can stay with you as long as possible.
  12. Oh, Jen, I was just reading your blog, and I can understand the doubt and uncertainty you are feeling. But this is the reality that you clearly recognize---cancer is a crapshoot. It doesn't play fair, and it's certainly played a cruel game with you over the last year. But knowing you, you gotta try to fight it with whatever you can. And the amp is your best weapon. Even though he hasn't been with you that long, you know him and understand him. And you love him. And that's why you will do what you can to keep him safe. I wish I could do more, but I can send you and Apollo lots of prayers and white light and hope for a successful surgery and an easy, uneventful recovery. And many more days and months and years together. And Whitey---way to go, small white dog! Isn't he wonderful?
  13. Thanks for the good thoughts! I think she's doing pretty well. In fact, she is acting hungry, but of course, she's just getting some ground beef and rice and some baby food. She hasn't had any more vomiting or diarrhea. I really think taking her to the vets right away and starting the fluids made a big difference. Our vet is so good to us---she loves Greyhounds, and has had several herself. So she doesn't charge us as much as she's supposed to. It's always a Re-check charge rather than a regular office visit, or emergency visit. Doug did call first, but he came rushing in 10 minutes later. Everyone there has always been so caring to our dogs. When we picked Tess up, several of the staff said she was "bonding" with them! Anyway, I HOPE we were over-reacting. I'd so much rather find out it wasn't something as serious as we thought. We did take the catheter out today. It was bothering her---she kept holding her leg up, and was hesitating to go down the steps. So she's more comfortable without it, and we'll keep her under observation, and hope we don't need it again.
  14. Thanks, guys. She seems to be okay, though she did have more diarrhea last night. Doug gave her a little ground beef and rice this morning (mashed up real good), and she ate. We're going to call the vet later, and maybe try the baby food. So far, she's kept the food down. She had an injection last night, so we don't start the pills till tonight. We both have to go to work, but Doug is going to sneak back to check on her around lunchtime. I just worry because she doesn't have much backup. I think she's too thin---though our vet thinks not. She weighs 57. Of course, I'm judging by Polly and Lydia, who could probably lose a few pounds. We feed Tess more, and she's been tested for everything, and we decided she's probably like Doug---thin for life---and the other girls are like me. Not thin. I'll let everyone know how she's doing later. I can't post from work now, which is so frustrating! Tess and I thank you for the good thoughts. Can you keep them coming? ETA Oh, maybe we should have waited on the food. The vet did say we could feed her a little this morning, but I was wondering too if she should be fasted a little longer. Oh, jeez, I hope she keeps it down.
  15. I'm so worried about our sweet Tess. The middle of last night, she had to go out and poop and eat grass. This isn't too unusual for her---she gets growly stomachs occasionally, we give her some Pepto, and she's fine. I couldn't tell what the stool looked like, though, and she threw up some grass. But even after Pepto, she didn't eat breakfast, and Doug saw that she had some diarrhea. Doug checked on her at noon, and she was okay, but when he got home from work, she had thrown up. There was quite a bit of blood in it. He got her right to our vet, who started her on IV and subcube fluids, and antibiotics. She's not sure it's hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, but decided to treat it aggressively as if it was. She said the blood cells were more packed than they should be? I'm not sure, but is that a classic symptom of HGE? They kept her for several hours, observing, and doing the fluids, and she didn't vomit or have any diarrhea. She looked pretty good when we picked her up about 7:30, but they left the catheter in just in case. That "just in case" scares me. I HOPE she won't need to go to the ER, or even back to our vet, but the catheter is in, if she does. We can take it out. We'll touch base with the vet, and start her on ground beef and rice tomorrow. Is that okay? I don't want to do anything to further the intestinal upset. I've never dealt with HGE before, and I'm scared for our girl. I know I've seen posts about it, but can't remember the particulars. Does anyone have more info or advice? If you could send some prayers and good thoughts to Tess, I'd really appreciate it.
  16. I so wish I could do more than keep you and Pearl in my prayers, but please know you are there every day.
  17. Jen, I can't find words to tell you how sorry I am that you are going through this yet again. I pray that you will have the strength to do what you need to do. I'm sure you're pretty damn tired of being so strong all the time.
  18. Oh, no! The poor boy. I hope you can find some answers soon. He looks great in your beautiful siggy, by the way.
  19. Sending prayers for your beautiful boy. Please let us know how he's doing.
  20. queenwinniesmom


    Though he knew he was safe and loved until the very end, such a sudden loss is doubly hard. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Hot Dog.
  21. Oh, I'm sorry it's been so stressful for you, and will say a prayer for Curfew AND his Mom! Please keep us up to date with how he's doing.
  22. What a long and stressful journey---literally, and emotionally. You are a really good Mom. I hope Pearl continues to do well for a long, long time.
  23. I'm so sorry that your Gryffin has gotten this horrible diagnosis. You are in many prayers. Please let us know how he's doing---and how YOU are doing.
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