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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh my gosh, he takes my breath away! What a perfectly beautiful little guy, inside and out. How blessed you both were to have shared each other's lives. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Rocky.
  2. You said it perfectly---"our pain is terrible, but his is over". The most difficult of all decisions may also be the most loving. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  3. Oh, the precious girl..... I'm so sorry Patricia lost her sweet little Misty.
  4. How blessed you were that he chose you! To have 15 years together brings a love so deep, but makes the loss that much more difficult to bear. I'm so sorry you lost your precious kitty.
  5. queenwinniesmom


    You are right, Jen. He was beautiful, and your tribute did justice to that beauty, both physical and his inner "essence". But it was because of you that he was able to blossom as he did, becoming the dog he was meant to be, because he was with the perfect person to bring all those facets out. We have all felt joy just watching his exuberant 3 legged romp around your yard, and if you ever doubt that you did the right thing (and you shouldn't) you have only to watch that video again. You did your very best with him, in so many ways, and he gave his best to you (and so many others) in return. I'm so sorry you lost your precious gentleman Apollo.
  6. Vinny will be in our thoughts and prayers, and we'll be hoping for a positive update.
  7. Many tears for you, sweetie. I know we will see an exceptional tribute in Remembrance, which will help us to understand and celebrate Apollo, but I just wanted to send you a cyber hug.
  8. Well, I would be blubbering too! But you accomplished a lot while you were blubbering, so please don't feel bad. It's natural to be worried, especially if you've been hurt before by cancer. All of the treatments you mentioned make sense to me. Hang in there, and keep us updated. And we'll keep you and Lucy in our prayers.
  9. Oh, Jen...it's just so damn unfair. You've done everything right, thought of Apollo first (and still are), and yet the monster can steal him away. But not before it's time. You are so finely attuned to your guys, and especially the ones who have been on this sad journey. He's been so brave, and you will know if he still wants to fight. Even knowing the inevitable conclusion, you will let him face it on his own terms. I know he's made you proud, and filled your heart with love every minute that you share, just as he knows how completely he is loved in return. And that's what matters.
  10. Oh, Jenny, I'm so sorry you lost your precious old man.
  11. What is the saying? "From your lips to God's ears". I think that's it. I forgot to add that I picked up some Chinese food yesterday on our way home. My fortune said: "Believe in miracles" Great fortune! Steak is good for him! There really is, or should be, a "feed the dog, starve the cancer" diet. High protein, low carbs. I used to give Winnie steak (albeit not the expensive kind) for breakfast all the time with her Chicken Soup For The Dog Lover's Soul kibble. Keep feeling better, sweet boy.
  12. You found words that were way more than adequate! You celebrated a complex, quirky, very special dog, and the love you shared is so clear. You understood him perfectly, and loved him unconditionally. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sirocco.
  13. I really agree with Jen about the steps. I know they are all different, and adjust at different paces, but four steps to my Winnie was like nothing at all, and she eventually did our 23 outside steps 4 or 5 times a day for over 3 years. I would look into a really good harness, and proceed as if it is routine. I think they can pick up on our anxiety, and if you are anxious about the steps, she just may figure it is a big deal and should not be doing it. Associating the steps or ramp with elevated anxiety will just enable her to choose another alternative that is not as practical. Just be calm, matter of fact, and if you are being careful and observant, not too worried about hurting her. Good advice on the ramp, which should be as secure and as slight an incline as you can work out. I hope she continues to improve daily. It is a rough transistion period for the time right after the amp, but in the larger scheme of things, a small amount of time for the decreased pain, and chance of good quality time together. Sending good thoughts and white light to you and your sweet girl.
  14. Oh, so much going on for you! Please know that you and Joe Joe are in our prayers.
  15. Thanks for this info---I needed it too. I won a toothbrushing kit as part of an auction basket at Grapehounds. I've never brushed Polly's teeth before, but she needs it.
  16. Oh, Donna, I'm so sorry. Sending prayers that your good friend Webster's surgery goes well, and he has a quick and uneventful recovery.
  17. Ah, this is so rough on Joe AND you! It's hard to see him like that and not be exactly sure of what's going on. I so hope that when you see him later today that he is doing much better. I know he appreciates having Mom there.
  18. Oh, my gosh, the poor little girl! Sending prayers that she continues to improve.
  19. Sending prayers that Joe Joe continues to improve and can come home soon.
  20. queenwinniesmom


    While I was at Grapehounds, I heard the news of Rachael and Martin's passings, and the sadness stayed with me all week-end. But coming home and reading the pain in your heartfelt tribute, seeing Martin's pictures, looking at his dear little face and gentle eyes that spoke volumes, I finally just sat here and sobbed for so many reasons. For the normal life, so taken for granted, that was denied this innocent soul, for the loss of his hoped for life---one filled with the love and safety he so deserved---and for the pain and sadness that fill your broken heart. And finally, for the injustice, the unfairness, the knowledge that such random cruelty exists every day, and that sometimes everything we do is just not enough. Holly, you were Martin's angel. You gave your everything to him, and if love alone could save lives, he would have been with you and everyone who loved him for many years. We believe he knew that he had found his forever home among your wonderful family and in your heart. That belief has to bring us some comfort as we share your sadness, and mourn his loss. Sending hugs and white light for strength during this very sad time. I'm so, so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  21. You are right, Barbara, these precious hounds knew the love of compassionate people like you, even if it was for far too short a time. Bless you for being Rachael's angel. Sharing your sadness, and sending much sympathy.
  22. My heart is breaking for you. You've been an angel for so many hounds who needed you, and the pain of so many losses must be overwhelming. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Mylie.
  23. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, the sweet, beautiful boy....I'm so sorry.
  24. So heartbreaking that these precious babies didn't get to know love and safety and comfort for the rest of their lives. They so deserved it. Thank God for the foster homes who gave those things to them so unselfishly.
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