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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, Melissa.......I know how you feel. And you know how I feel. I'm going to be sending out so many prayers that she has as long with you as possible. Please give her lots of hugs from Aunt Nancy and Uncle Doug.
  2. Sending prayers out to Lincoln. I think it's an excellent sign that he found his Mom here. How neat is that? And yes, Bear is a VERY good brother!
  3. Oh, Sherry, I don't blame you for worrying. When you feel that you are very close to losing your precious boy, any backsliding is scary. And it is so hard NOT to worry. But I agree that it will be up and down sometimes, and he is on the right track. He's on his way back, I'm sure of it. And I'll be sending lots of "get well" thoughts, prayers, and white light out to you both.
  4. Ah, sweet boy, we are so glad you;re home. Wish we could give you a hug. I'm joining Lydia in sending some telepathic hugs and gentle nose kisses. Keep getting better and better.
  5. Oh, no! That kind of sudden loss is doubly devastating. When I was in total shock, feeling as if my heart had been ripped out with no warning (my heart cat Daphne died in my arms), it took a long time before I didn't feel an actual physical pain from her loss. Of course, any loss is so hard, but when it is without warning, you are in no way prepared, so it adds a extra layer to your grief. In time, the small comfort now in knowing that she didn't suffer and was doing what she loved, will ease the pain somewhat. Let yourself grieve for as long as you need to. I'm so sorry you lost your very beautiful Elly.
  6. Really REALLY glad to see this! Dude was in my thoughts all day.
  7. So glad to see this update, Kim. I know that her recovery will move right along with your TLC. I should say that there could be setbacks (though I hope not), but this too will pass. She will amaze you and make you proud and fill your heart with love for her courage.
  8. It seems that you were meant to be the perfect family for Tally, who blossomed in your years together, so safe and so loved. I'm so sorry you lost your precious gentleman hound.
  9. Oh, Pat, I disagree---you found the perfect words in your tribute because the love you shared shines through so clearly. No one understood her better, appreciated her more, or loved her so deeply. And no wonder---what a unique and special soul she was. I know you will say that you are the lucky one, and that is true, but how wonderful Gremlin's senior years were. She was able to have the life she deserved, to be the dog she was meant to be, because of you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Gremlin.
  10. We will be thinking of you and Wendy tomorrow, and sending out lots of prayers. I'm so sorry you are going through this.
  11. Ah, thanks, Sherry, for coming and letting us know how he is. I know we've been waiting for an update. Harley, sweet boy, keep eating for your Mom. Baby steps are okay. One step at a time....
  12. Sherry, I was thinking about you and Harley, and wondering how he is doing. I'm so hoping that no news is indeed good news. I know you will feel better when you can have your boy home with you and be with him all the time (I'm sure that is what he wants too). I'm so glad that Liz is trying to help through House Of Earl.
  13. Oh, my gosh, your tribute was so lovely. It perfectly illustrated what a wonderful life she had, and how very much she was loved. She was just stunningly beautiful.
  14. Dude, as well as your whole family, will be in our prayers tomorrow---well, you already are, but tons of white light will be going out to your precious boy for a successful surgery and rapid recovery. We love you, Dude!
  15. Oh, Sherry......I'm just seeing this, and I'm crying for you and Chuck and Harley. I know how deeply you love your precious boy, and how very difficult this past year has been for you healthwise and so many other ways. I think Harley is one of the world's true innocents, filled with the joy of being alive, and just being with you, and it breaks my heart to think of him being so very sick. I'm praying that he keeps improving, and that you will have more positive updates to bring us. Harley, sweetie, you have to get better! Your Mom and Dad love you so. And we love you too. Hugs to you, Sherry. You are all in my prayers.
  16. Ah, Bandit, how your Mom loves you. Hugs and prayers from the rest of us.
  17. No no no no no! Oh, Chris, I'm so sorry. Like everyone else, I'm trying to find words. God, I hate this damn disease. How was he before the break? It didn't seem like there was anything too out of the ordinary, am I right? Eating, playing, being his sweet self? Everyone here is suited up for the Dubbel O Dude---even I am suited up! We will be sending prayers and waiting for any updates.
  18. Lots of prayers and good thoughts from Pittsburgh for precious Callie---and Lydia is sending telepathic nose kisses!
  19. Oh, Kim.....I just PM'ed you when I saw your post in the OSU thread before I saw this one. So it's answered my questions, but I am devastated to hear this. I'm so sorry you are going through this---it's such a stressful time. You're dealing with the worst news so suddenly, and your head is filled with so many possibilities. I will be sending both of you lots of prayers and good thoughts and white light. You and Callie are shining stars.
  20. It's a shame the little ones don't stay with us longer, isn't it? I had 2 mice that were wonderful, and I only got to have them for under two years. Just doesn't seem fair. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet little Elmer.
  21. What a truly lovely tribute! While I was reading it, I thought, "This dog was blessed---he had such a full, happy life." I can't imagine the shock and sadness you must be feeling at such a sudden loss. He seemed rather larger than life, didn't he? So beautiful, inside and out, and he will leave a huge empty space in your home and heart. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Hector.
  22. That update sounds positive! I'm so glad you and WAG were able to get her to a vet when she desperately needed help. This precious girl deserves to be safe and spoiled in her senior years, and can use every prayer and good thought we send.
  23. We like hearing positive updates. Keep 'em coming! You are still in our prayers.
  24. My heart is breaking for you---I remember sleeping on the floor next to my heart dog, Nick, afraid that he would die if I left him for a second. Sadly, he did die without me at the emergency vet, and it hurts my heart every time I think about that. So I can understand just how you feel. I so wish that we could give you some magic advice. But the power of GT prayer is strong, so please know that you and Princess are in many prayers.
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