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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. What a huge empty space he will leave. I'm so sorry you lost your precious heart dog Berkeley.
  2. This is unbearably sad---for a precious dog who is gone way, way too soon, and for everyone who loved him, especially his Dad. I'm so very sorry.
  3. Beautiful pictures! How blessed you were to have shared so many wonderful years. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Booker.
  4. Every time I see a picture of Lazer looking so incredibly beautiful, I get tears in my eyes. I know how hard both of you have fought to get to this point. YAY!
  5. queenwinniesmom


    My heart is breaking for you. But you are blessed with memories as real and rare as that perfect day in Idaho, and many more. I feel that with a love so strong, Dino will be watching over you, and you will feel his presence in many ways. I hope that in time, those memories, and that love, will bring smiles to replace the pain.
  6. I know you will miss her sweet kisses so much. It's clear that when you made that saddest of decisions, her quality of life was most important. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Dawn.
  7. You understood her so well, and loved her unconditionally. What a huge empty space she will leave. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Grace.
  8. Thank-you for giving him a second chance at a wonderful life. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet gentleman.
  9. Oh, Hilda, how you loved her. She was one of those larger than life dogs who was so easy to fall in love with. Thanks for sharing her with us. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  10. It's so hard any time, but when it's sudden, the loss is especially devastating. Your Sidney was beautiful. I'm so sorry he had to leave.
  11. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, Joanne, what a wonderful life she had with you! I'm so sorry you lost your precious little lady.
  12. It sounds as if Tally was the perfect dog for you. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet lady.
  13. Oh, Jayne, I was afraid your sweet old man's time might be drawing near. He was a smart guy---he knew he'd found the best forever home, and was not going anywhere! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Bacchus. Hugs to you and the rest of your pack.
  14. Oh, Beryl, I'm so sorry you lost your precious EZ.
  15. Words don't seem sufficient to ease the pain of such a devastating, unexpected loss. His lovely pictures are so bittersweet. They say dogs live in the moment, and it's clear that every moment Riddick spent with his family was filled with joy. It's just such a shame that he couldn't have stayed with you longer. I read in your other post that you now have the necropsy results. Even knowing the cause can't take the sadness away, or fill the emptiness, but at least you know that there was nothing that could have been done. He was so stunningly beautiful. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Riddick.
  16. Oh, Jackie, I'm so sorry. I lost a sister too, and it's like a part of you is forever missing. My heart is aching for you and your family. I'm sending white light for strength during these sad and difficult days, and pray that in time, your pain will ease.
  17. Oh, Colleen, I'm so sorry you've received this devastating diagnosis. You've been through more than enough sadness and stress. When we got Winnie's diagnosis, I felt the same way---grief, disbelief, and agonizing indecision about which course to take. It literally consumed my thoughts every hour of the day. I do feel that this is the hardest time. Once you have made a decision and can move forward, you have other things to think about. So whatever you decide, know that it's a decision made from love, understanding what is best for her. Don't second guess. I know this is easier said than done, and I have to admit that there were times when I looked at my beautiful girl and wished that she were whole again. Some people never think this way; I did. But that was MY problem. Winnie, being stubborn, resilient, stoic and rather quirky, wasn't thinking like that at all. She was just doing what she needed to do. They really are amazing, and as Dr. Couto says, they have 3 legs and a spare, and in the animal world, there is no stigma against tripods. Winnie may have questioned the adjustment period---the only thing that ever scared her was a slippery floor---but she soon learned to live her life fully and with joy, just as much as a tripod as she had on four legs. I was the one who held my breath as she navigated the 21 outside steps many times a day, as she ran in a field with her sisters (sometimes passing them up). She went to several Deweys, several Gettysburgs, one Mountain Hounds, and a trip to North Carolina for my Mom's funeral. I don't regret for a minute that we did the amp, because she didn't regret it, and we had almost 3 1/2 wonderful years with her. A record approaching Darcy's, I know, and not everyone is as lucky, but to me, it was definitely worth it, even if the time hadn't been as long, simply because I know she was not ready to leave. Here's what I say---many times, but I think it bears repeating---cancer is a crapshoot. You do what you can, what you feel is right, and what is best for your dog, and know that you tried. Don't let the sadness of what is to come steal your precious time together away from you. I know we'll all be thinking about you and Gia, and everyone is here when you need advice, support, or just to listen when you need to vent. Please let us know how BOTH of you are doing.
  18. Oh, I always worry too! When I worked for a vet in Florida, he wouldn't let me assist when he was doing anything on my own cats or dogs. I remember when my heart cat, Daphne, was having surgery, I hovered nervously in the background, fidgeting, and getting on everyone's nerves. My boss finally looked at me in exasperation and said, "Nancy, why you don't go somewhere else?" He was Cuban, and had that charming accent. So now when I'm not wanted, it's "Why you don't go somewhere else?" Seriously, sending lots of good thoughts to sweet Chase. Let us know how he's doing.
  19. Oh, the sweet little old lady.... I'm so sorry you lost your precious Zoe.
  20. queenwinniesmom


    Carla, I wish I had words as eloquent and perceptive and heartfelt as yours, to help ease your pain. Please know that we are sharing your sadness, and are so very sorry for the loss of your precious boy.
  21. Glad your sweet girl came through her dental okay. Sending gentle hugs to her, and hoping she feels better tomorrow---she should as the anesthesia leaves her system.
  22. Oh, Darlene, I so wish I had some advice or info for you! But I CAN send lots of good thoughts and prayers, and you know I'm doing that. I was really hoping that the nasty lizard was the cause of all his problems, and that it was corrected.
  23. Oh, Janet, I am, like so many others who knew her or loved her though they hadn't met, still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that she is gone. It just doesn't seem possible that such a bright, joyful light could not shine forever. But in your typical, caring way, thinking of others, you are right to want this to be a Happy Memories thread. Though I didn't get to meet her in person, I'm certain that she was the luckiest little girl in the world because she was a cherished member of your family. We all fell in love with her because you shared her with us so generously, and we are sharing your sadness now. But seeing her beautiful, happy pictures and knowing how very much she was loved, we can share your smiles and wonderful memories as well. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little Peanut.
  24. I'm so sorry you've gotten such devastating news. I'm hoping that you and your precious girl have much more joy to share.
  25. Oh, Kristin, I'm so sorry! I'll be thinking about you and Fixer, sending out lots of good thoughts, and hoping you get some answers at the vet appointment---positive answers! It's so hard not to worry in the meantime. This may not be the case at all, but I remember our angel Nick having an episode like that, which scared us to death. He recovered without any side effects, but about 3 months later, was diagnosed with Addison's. I asked our vet if she thought the 2 could be related, and she did not rule it out. Maybe ask your vet about Addison's, just in case.
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