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Everything posted by JerseyGirlInOz

  1. Neuropathy is usually short for peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is defined as deranged function and structure of peripheral motor, sensory, and autonomic neurons, involving either the entire neuron or selected levels. Lumbosacral would be an indication of where it's located. So from what I can tell, it's a problem with the nerves in the lower spine. And why am I not surprised that the word "deranged" appears in a description of something going on with Moo?
  2. Fish, cars and houses rarely get dumped in a shelter or returned to a group due to lack of commitment. Don't take it personally. Hopefully the stringent requirements of your group scares off all the tire-kickers (and good on 'em for that)! Stick around and read some of the bounced-hound horror stories and you'll understand why groups take this sort of stuff so seriously.
  3. Sending lots for prayers for Brady, and lots of 's for Steph & Steve (and Brady's BFF Penny)!!!!
  4. JerseyGirlInOz


    Oh, no . I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy.
  5. No experience with this, but sending healing thoughts and huge 's to you and Dye!
  6. So true Meredith... The only comfort is knowing that she is free of all the pain and heartache she knew here on earth. "Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth . . . Put out my hand, and touched the face of God"--John Gillespie
  7. Just seeing this thread now and sending lots and lots of good thoughts to Shanti from Down Under!!!
  8. Poor baby . Bless you for letting him know he was loved.
  9. What a gorgeous boy. I am so sorry
  10. Patricia, I am so, SO very sorry for your loss!!!
  11. YAAAAA-HOOOO!!!!!!!! I am SO happy to hear that!!!! You must be so relieved!!!
  12. My vet called it a histoma---I've heard others on GT call it a hemangioma---and it is benign. Hailey had one on the middle of her back once. the vet put her on antibiotics, and it eventually dried up and fell off. ETA: Not to be confused with a hemangiosarcoma, which IS malignant. As Lori said, it's always worth getting it checked, just to be sure.
  13. Same here . What an incredible group of women. Hazel is such an amazing lady---Millicent was so fortunate to have her. Miss you, Mill
  14. I am so, so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl
  15. I am so very, very sorry
  16. Tears here, too. I know how much you've been dreading this day She was clearly cherished---what a lucky girl she was, and beautiful, too. I am so sorry for your loss.
  17. This is why I live in a place where there is not snow! Sending lots of healing thoughts and hugs to Miss Echo!!!!
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