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Everything posted by juliemac

  1. Good luck! You may find a 'package deal' on all of the tests as a 'senior wellness visit'. Please keep us informed. We're all listening for good news.
  2. I have alprazolam (which I understand is doggie zanax) for Riley for loud noises (fireworks freak him out). Note that my vet describes it as 'sugar pills' if I don't give it to him BEFORE the event, but it does seem to work for him in low dosages if I administer early. And he does seem to relax without crashing out (and doesn't have his normal post-trauma crashout either). Good luck!
  3. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Fiona came into your life -- and all of OURS -- and made it better. Thank you for sharing her with us, and letting us watch her love shine through. There's nothing any of us can say to fill the hole in your heart or your home right now. But I'm glad that Fiona was happy and full of energy in her final weeks, and that she didn't have months of pain and suffering. I'm also so thankful that you were able to be with her when the time came to say goodbye. Gentle hugs.
  4. My boy does that 'wandering' when the weather changes. Or when he hears things. Or when my girl has the bed that he really wants. Or when something has changed in his environment. Since its a new behavior for your boy, though, I would check that he's healthy. A UTI or other illness could cause restlessness before other symptoms show. Good luck, and keep us informed.
  5. Oh, glad to hear that the bruise isn't worse, and that the bloodwork seems to be 'normal'. Hope Ian continues to heal.
  6. fortiflora can be picked up at Whole Foods or most health food stores. Don't forget to pick up the yard immediately! Hook worms live in the dirt for a long time, and you can reinfect your home that way (you too, if you walk barefoot). good luck! worms suck.
  7. I'm so very sorry. There are no words, but please accept some gentle hugs.
  8. Gentle hugs. We all know that there are never enough days with these gentle animals, so we are here to support all of you however we can.
  9. Oh, I'm so sorry for the hole in your heart. Gentle hugs and peace coming your way.
  10. I have Riley, the grumbly tummy boy. Marrow bone treats sometimes work if I catch the grumblies early (they seem to be a good barometer for him, and if he won't eat one I need to break out the acid reducer). We started having an evening snack before bedtime (around 8:30p) a couple of years ago, and that reduced the number of grumbly mornings, but we still have them (always followed by poisonous gas when everything worked its way through his system). If I didn't do those things, though, Riley's tummy issues will resolve themselves within 24-48 hours.
  11. So ... a friend of mine has a therapy grey that she taught to 'play the piano'. She got Yaz a little kiddie piano, and taught him to place his paw down on the keys for treats. He wasn't Bach (ok, he sounded more like Shostakovich), but he certainly was a charmer! The other idea I had was to get him a little girls' baby doll carriage (one that has good-moving wheels, and is about 18" tall), and teach him to push the carriage around with his nose or mouth (maybe with some little treats for the patients). Again ... who could resist? And it would be unique without invading anyone's 'space'.
  12. Deramaxx is a comparable product to Rimadyl. Metacam is a liquid NSAID ... tends to be a bit more expensive, but because the dosage can be adjusted easily, it was a staple in my house when I had my little girl Paige (came to me underweight at 36#, but I was never able to get her up beyond 47# due to the muscle loss) Be aware that when administering NSAIDs, you need to ensure that the previous medication is out of the hounds' system before starting a new one. That means ~ 3 days between ending one product and starting another.
  13. Whitefawn ... where in Chicagoland are you? if you're in the western suburbs (or don't mind a drive), I can recommend a fabulous shop that carries all higher end foods for good prices, and they are extremely discriminating on the treats and other items that they carry (no treats from China, for example). They spend time educating their entire staff on the pros & cons of various dog foods, and may offer some help once you have a few more suggestions. The store is Dogpatch, and is located on Ogden Ave (just west of Naperville Rd) in Naperville. If you're not in the area, you would take I88 to Naperville Rd. South. The store's groomer does a wonderful job dremeling nails for $10 as well (and she loves greyhounds). If you go, please tell them (Greg, the owner or Jessica, the groomer) that you heard about the store from other greyhound owners (if you remember, you can mention Riley & Baby). Be aware that they do have (or used to have) a cat that was not caged in the store, in case you have a pup who sees cats as snacks. You can avoid it (its 18# of fur on legs), but I usually bring a muzzle (which I always try to do with Baby, since she tends to growl at other dogs and I like people who have flexi-leads to pay attention a little bit).
  14. I like coconut oil, but have never tried Missing Link. if your dog likes coconut oil (Riley will lick it off my fingers ... and he hates anything that remotely resembles something good for him), I think that's an easy solution with lots of options for availability.
  15. Thank you, Kim, for the update ... and I'm so glad that your furkid is getting better. Hugs & scritches (and when you're sure he's better, some yummy cookies)
  16. Glad that you're all home, and hoping that Larry is starting to recover from yesterday's tests (and from the original problem). Any update?
  17. Prayers coming!!! And would you please call if you'd like some help with Zeke??
  18. How's Ernie feeling now? Hope that he's feeling a bit better with the extra fluids, and those nasty little buggers are all out of his system quickly. And I hope YOU'RE getting some rest soon!!
  19. How old is Henry? Might be signs of arthritis, but I'm glad that you've scheduled a trip to the vet to have Henry thoroughly checked out.
  20. And just to give some positive news in case this is more than an infection due to tooth issues ... my friend Kathy came by today with her girl Gracie, who is 2 years post-treatment for her lymphoma (diagnosed on her adoption day).
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