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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Wonderful news...you must be very relieved.
  2. Let's hear for the bald butt girls too
  3. Deb, I'm so sorry for your loss of Tila.
  4. Congratulations! He's so cute and looks right at home.
  5. Wonderful news...hope Dash gets better soon. I've lost track, is Dash the pup from the oops litter, or maybe that was Primo. doesn't matter, just wondering if Dash was a youngun
  6. Ben and Brooke can easily walk 5 miles in the afternoon after going out for a run at the farm nearby for 1/2 - 1 hour in the morning. Ben is 9.5 and Brooke is 5. This is just on weekends though. Every weekday morning they walk for 45 mins, then I take them out for a short walk after work to do their business and get the mail (20 mins) and then DH takes them out for about 1/2 hour every night before bed.
  7. I am so sorry for your loss...it's such a loving heartfelt tribute foryour beautiful girl.
  8. Bailey spent lots of time upstairs...she had her favourite spot so I was fine as long as she was comfortable. I knew exactly where she was. Bring out the treats and she'd be down stairs like a shot, so she knew what was going on. Ben prefers a corner on the other side of the room...he's liked that place for 6.5 years, so I think he just likes his spot...he's warm and comfortable there and it has nothing to do with DH or I. As soon as he hears the word walk or the leash, he's right there by our side. Perhaps it has more to do with not having to share from his track days.
  9. Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. Joe you need to heal up quickly so you can get a new brother or sister.
  10. I'm so sorry, I don't how any one could bear this many losses in such a short time, especially your first.
  11. At least Scotch will be healthy again.
  12. Oh crap...not another one...I am so sorry for the diagnosis...I was so hoping it was something minor.
  13. Brooke was recently diagnosed with Pannus and I bought 3 bottles so i would only have 1 dispensing fee. Our vet won't give us an Rx so we have to buy it from him. It costs about $48/ 10 ml bottle. Does any one here use a pharmacy in ON?
  14. Welcome from Waterloo Ontario...thanks for sharing sweet pics of Telly. She's beautiful.
  15. How awful...I'm so glad to hear Avril's on the mend. I hope she continues to do well. thanks for the updates...poor little sweetie should never of had to endure something like this.
  16. greytpups


    Marc, I'm so sorry for your loss. What a heartwarming tribute.
  17. I'm so sorry she didn't get better. Rest well sweetie.
  18. greytpups

    Pups GT.jpg

    From the album: Greytpups

  19. I'm so sorry for uour loss...what a wonderful life he had with you.
  20. I'm so sorry you had to say good bye to Yukon, He obviously was very "special".
  21. Beryl, I don't have any words of comfort, just and to let you know we are thinking of you and are glad you have found the strength to continue on. Hug your pups, they are your connection to David and he will always be with you in your heart.
  22. I'm so sorry for you loss of Bandit. What a wonderful life she had with you. Rest well sweetie.
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