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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. No advice Jane, just wishes that it's minor and heals quickly. For Maggie
  2. Xan, I'm just seeing this now. Wabi leaves such a great legacy. We could all learn a lot from her. And I like others, will miss her sweetness.
  3. Ben killed a squirrel and our vet said not to worry about it. I would imagine rabbits fall into the same category. If you have a vet visit coming up for a check up you could always mention it. Our vet also told me not to worry about rabbits in our area because they weren't carrying any diseases. This was a couple of years ago now though. I wouldn't go to the vet if she appears healthy...just a little bit of a raw diet dinner.
  4. I'd love to hear what people have to say as well. Brooke has developed this fear as well. We have to go to her pillow and pull it out from her to make her stand up. then she shakes but will eventually let us put her collar on. Once she's out and sees that everything is fine, she stops shaking and enjoys her walk. I suspect it is because thunder and fireworks occur at night. She's food motivated, but nothing is good enough when she's stressed. Now that it's getting darker earlier and earlier, doesn't help either. Brooke will walk though, albeit still a bit nervous but eventually she's ok and will enjoy her walk once she gets out the door. The only issue I see with your situation is allowing her to determine when to go back in. Maybe you need to take her for a short walk, just long enough to be the one who decides when it's time to turn around and go back in...sort of desensitize her slowly.
  5. It's not the DOB or DOD that's important, rather it's the dash in between (DOB - DOD) and you captured the dash that represents his life beautifully.
  6. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Hewlett.
  7. Each time we adopted and brought a new grey home (Bailey excluded due to her severe shyness), we set the crate up and let them decide if they want to go in or not. Needless to say, the crates stayed up for all of 20 minutes, even though both Ben and Brooke's foster homes had them in crates. I have no idea why once they reached our house, the pillows were preferred, even though the crate was an option. Brooke much preferred curling up with Ben on a pillow...can't say I blame her
  8. Welcome, so glad you joined us here...it's sounds like your gang is awesome.
  9. welcome to GT...Joe is very handsome...I'll bet you're sold on greys now.
  10. Gil, I'm so sorry for your loss of Tanner. What a lovely tribute to him, I'm just so sad for you that you've had so many losses and now Tanner. But he's left such a wonderful legacy, and was loved so much.
  11. No advice, just hoping Steak's seizures get controlled soon. Everything you do and decide is done out of love, we all know that.
  12. Questions like this seem to pop up quite a bit on here lately. Maybe adoption folks should make a note of this and prepare adopters and/or potential adopters. I'm not saying all adoption folks don't do this, just pointing out it may be an area where more discussion is needed, especially since not everyone is a member of GT whereby they can get greyt advice..
  13. greytpups


    I'm so sorry, she was so precious.
  14. 80 acres...I can't even imagine how much land that is since we just have a tiny postage stamp yard. Luckily we have places nearby where the pups can run. Welcome and hope to see pics soon. There's a thread on the technical forum (i believe with pics), but here's the basics: open a photobucket account upload photos copy and paste It's really easy once you know how.
  15. Continued good wishes that Lazer continues to do well.
  16. I am so so sorry for your loss of Stellaluna but am glad she had a life well lived, and even at the end had a good time with Toni and Get Em. It is always sad to hear a pup has gone to the bridge, but especially sad when they are so young. My heart goes out to all who knew and loved her.
  17. I often wonder if Ben grieved or picked up on my feelings. I was devastated and depressed when we had to put Bailey to sleep. I remember he looked all over the house so I thought he was looking for her and when he couldn't find her, I cried buckets of tears on a daily basis, plus I felt like a robot some days, just going through the motions. So I wonder if he was just picking up on my sadness and lethargy. Perhaps we sometimes try to make sense of things when everything seems out of control and although Thorulf did not go outside a lot, he may have occasionally, and this was just one of those days.
  18. I am so sorry. I too was hoping she'd make it. You both fought so hard, and everything you did was done out of love, even her last moments with you.
  19. greytpups

    Roo And Otis

    Beautiful tribute.
  20. Plus I'll bet Oberon has been a good grief counsellor. Guinness will always be with you...in your heart.
  21. I'm so so sorry, how devastating this must be for everyone who knew and loved her.
  22. Tricia and Burke, my heart goes out to you.
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