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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss of sweet Maisy.
  2. I don't know about dogs, but in humans if you extract a tooth, the other teeth shift and can cause potential problems with how you bite, tmj, etc. leading to other problems such as headaches, painful tmj so it hurts to open your mouth, etc. I would ask about any potential problems like this, then, if no issues, I'd have it extracted. Our first grey only had about 12 teeth and she did fine.
  3. Glad to hear all is well. It's always worrisome no matter what procedure they require.
  4. My sympathy goes out to all those who loved Cantle, she sounds like such a special girl.
  5. Grade A and only 11 wins? Wow, that race was really impressive then. He may put on weight once you find the appropriate food for him. I know it can take awhile sometimes too to find a good food for him while slowly transitioning each one. Good luck and welcome to you and Rusty Tempo.
  6. Do you know what is triggering the growling? Growling is his way of communicating so be careful you're not taking that option away from him because it could lead to escalation of the behaviour. He's giving you a warning that something is wrong so you can correct/change it. How does the rest of the pack react? Without having enough details in your post, I'm going to suggest NILF training and careful observation to try and determine any triggers, such as space aggression, resource guarding etc. You may get more help if you could list situations or circumstances when the growling occurs.
  7. Welcome, and what a wonderful introduction to your handsome puppers.
  8. Tena, do you feed her in the same area as the boys? If so, I might move her food into a different area and have her eat alone (keep the boys away). Hearing was also my first thought and I wonder if she's being startled. I sure hope you find the root cause and it's something easily treatable. Think of the muzzles as a safey precaution for the boys, not punishment. Good Luck. Keep us posted please; it will be interesting to find out if there is a specific cause for the escalation in bitchiness.
  9. I am so sorry for your loss of Dewey. What a beautiful tribute to your sweet Dewey.
  10. He's adorable, and so are the pics...congrats
  11. Yep, I'm very familiar with it too! In fact, I've learned to aim Ben's bum in a slightly different direction before I reach down to pick it up.
  12. I have two, Ben and Brooke. Serioulsy though, I should mention I've never free fed them, so I don't know how much it would take before they would stop. Ben will put his nose up at some treats though, so it has to be really good food to continue eating. Yes, they are dogs and treated like dogs, just spoiled dogs.
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to your beautiful Callie.
  14. I was told by a pet store owner that the ones that smell bad are account of the blood left in them and the ones that don't smell have the blood removed. I have no idea if there's any truth to this, but the store owner is reputable.
  15. Shelley, I'm so terribly sorry. It doesn't seem that long ago we saw you at Grapehounds with all three of your boys. No wonder you have a huge gaping hole in your heart. Jack was so special. Your tribute was so beautiful.
  16. I'm sympathetic, really I am...but the responses made me burst out laughing.
  17. I don't think you given thought to the first time adopter who may have to deal with space aggression now if they are unfamilar with "dogs" in general and the new pup growls. We've seen a few threads about this on GT. Our pups are not allowed on furniture, nor have they ever tried to get up. I don't want to have to retrain them...simple as that. It has nothing to do with love, I spend lots of time on the floor cuddling.
  18. I'm not sure if you got lucky...greyhounds make the best pets. Ok, I'm a litle biased, but I bet you'd be hard pressed to find someone on this forum who disagrees. He's very handsome. Thanks for sharing and we hope to hear lots of stories about Skidbootsahoot.
  19. greytpups

    Jumpin Jackson

    I'm so sorry...he was just a baby.
  20. I'm so very sorry. My heart dropped. I was really hoping he'd be ok. this is so sad.
  21. I'm so sorry for your loss of Beebe
  22. Wow, that must have been a terribly hard decision to give her up...she was really loved.
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