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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss of JJ...he sounds like a really sweet, funny, loving hansome grey...and smart too, afterall, he had you at hello.
  2. greytpups


    I am so sorry for your loss of Sebastian. He sounds like he had a long and wonderful life with you.
  3. greytpups


    I'm so sorry...another sweet sould gone way too soon.
  4. Hi and welcome...the only point I want to add is that you don't always hear about the really easy transitions to a new home, especially if you read a lot in training and behaviour threads. Once we established a routine and gained trust (took less than a week) Ben and Brooke were easy peasy when we adopted them...no issues at all!
  5. Sending warm healing thoughts for Danger and for you. I'd be anxious as well.
  6. Lots of warm thoughts going out to the divine Miss Elsie Lou...hope to see you a GIG sweetie...plus mom, dad and the rest of the crew
  7. Keeping Cash in my thoughts Jennifer and hope he continues to feel better.
  8. I asked our vet about it and said since rabbits in our area are healthy, rabbit poop wont hurt them. Their immune systems can handle it. However, it 's not something I encourage, but I don't worry if they find some and eat it.
  9. I'm so sorry. You've been through so much lately. My thoughts are with you guys.
  10. Plus you learn a greyt new language filled with acronyms
  11. Welcome from Waterloo! I think you made a very wise decision. I don't have anything against GRA, in fact we adopted our fist grey from Bill, however, your reasoning makes so much sense. You sound like you will make greyt grey parents and I look forward to lots of pics and stories. I've always had dogs growing up but I have never bonded with a breed as much as I have with greys, and you'll find many on here agree. It's almost magical, a love that goes right to your soul and I hope you experience this too!
  12. I'm so sorry for your sudden loss.
  13. He's so handsome...congratulations.
  14. What a lovely tribute to Emma.
  15. "Look at me" training might work...search for Giselle because she has some videos of her training on GT.
  16. What a lovely tribute to Lily...she was so beautiful on the inside and out. I'm so sorry for your loss, especially at such a young age.
  17. Welcome from Waterloo...what wonderful introduction. Garwood is so handsome.
  18. What a beautiful tribute to Hunter. I am so sorry for your loss.
  19. Prayers for a restful seizure-free evening.
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss of beautiful Josie.
  21. Cute pups...thanks for sharing the pics!
  22. I'm so sorry...everything you did for Bella was out of love for her.
  23. A very moving tribute...she had such a wonderful life with you. I'm so sorry for your loss.
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