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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Brooke's playmate, a bulldog, collapsed and seized while they were playing one day. She just stood beside him and watched, even when it was over and he was still laying there. Perhaps it has more to do with the number of dogs at the time or personalities. Ben didn't even go over to check and see what was going on.
  2. Good thoughts for Kebo...and hopefully no more health/dental problems for a long long time.
  3. Neither of our pups chewed on them. I never thought of soaking them in broth though.
  4. Yes, but perhaps someone new to the forum may not be aware and can learn from it and form their own opinion. I am always reminded by these discussions of an ex GTer who's hound's martingale got caught on her fence and was strangled and you could see all the claw marks on her fence from her pups trying to escape. What are the odds? However, someone may learn the dangers of martingales getting caught on things you'd least expect, and to always be diligent indoors and outside when other owners argue for or against. Repeating things some experienced owners are aware of is fine in my opinion. What many of us do on GT is try to prove we're "right" rather than agree we have differences of opinion. That is what gets tiring, not educating new greyhound owners.
  5. Lori, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  6. A carpet runner might work if he is still willing to try them. You might need high value treats for this.
  7. I saw her sunbeam pic this morning and I thought of you...although it was just a short time, she left lots of memories.
  8. I'm so sorry Diane, she had such a wonderful life with you...hope that brings you some comfort.
  9. The dominace theory has been dubunked long ago, In fact I read that dogs don't try to be dominant, rather other dogs become submissive, rather than one of them strives for dominance. I don't correct over low warning growls, sometimes Brooke gets in Ben's face too much and he'll tell her to back off. However, I certainly would step in if it escalated, but it never has. Some people don't allow thier dogs to growl, and they correct/punish them so much, that when their dog is anixious or uncomfortable, they expect to get punished for growling so they'll go right to the bite instead, so please keep this in mind. It sounds like your dog is resource guarding and there is a lot of information on here if you do a search which I recommend. Please note your new girl will wag her tali right away, simply because dogs live in the moment. Its us humans that anthropomorphize their behaviour and wonder how they get over it so fast, or think they look guilty, etc. etc. Often our pups are just reacting to "our" feelings at the time, rather than displaying human emotions we attribute to them. I'd certainly supervise all feeding right now until you can get the resource guarding under control. jmo
  10. If you have a photobucket account, you just need to copy and paste the IMG code in PB to your post.
  11. See now aren't you glad you adopted both of them...one helps the other get used to retirement and they keep each other company. and you have twice as much love going on. they are both adorable....thanks for sharing their pics.
  12. Uploading pics is a simple process...check out the technical thread for step by step instructions. You can open an account on Photobucket, drag and drop photos to your album, copy the IMG code and paste it in your post. I agree with others, you just saved yourself a trip and luckily were able to adopt Bob before someone else did It won't take long before you realize we're a bunch of enablers here on GT. Welcome and congratulations.
  13. I can relate...when one of our hounds limps, I immediately pray not to take my pup from me. Not sure whom I'm asking, but I worry like crazy too.
  14. I have absolutely no idea what it is, but you know this already...my only hope is that it's benign and will never appear again. for you and for Jaynie
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