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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. The immature ('seed') ticks will form nests (for want of a better word) and if you brush by one, you can get hundreds at a time on you - unfortunately it's happened to ME! We used those rollers you use to get dog hair off clothes if we get into a nest... sticks them all to the tape! He probably brushed by vegetation where they were & picked some up there. Some of the other kennel dogs may have some too. If you're pretty sure you got them all, don't worry too much. But DO keep an eye out for any TBD symptoms in a month or so... Were they attached (had to actually PULL them off?) or just crawling? If just crawling, then you're probably OK - if attached, just keep an eye out.
  2. Cody had it. I used a sling with her when it was bothering her - helped with the peeing/squatting... Acupuncture really helped her (but she was on prednisone for the rest of her life too) so it's worth a try if there's someone near you!
  3. Hoping for a good outcome for you and Smiley!!
  4. Sounds like a virus or something - hope it stops with Ned & they all recover very quickly!!
  5. Diana - I don't know how I missed this! I didn't know Ripple had gone till I saw your post about your new guy! I'm so sorry
  6. Welcome from Maryland!! "open comic book"!! heeheehee!! (My kind of sense of humor!)
  7. Hi Sarah - I went through this with Cody too... Can you use a towel as a sling to help her stand for long enough to eat? I actually bought a sling-thing with handles to help Cody pee after she hurt her back. If you support her rear end for her, maybe she'd eat standing up?
  8. I'm so sorry, Jen... You've had a horrible year... Crisco... go find your buds at the bridge.... and run free
  9. Hi! Welcome from Maryland, USA... And congratulations on your landshark...ummm.. puppy!!
  10. Hoping she's back home with you & recovering!! Which dog is it?
  11. Sandy, I'm so so sorry, my friend......
  12. Maybe ask if they gave her any ace promazine... Cody was VERY sensitive to it and they sometimes give it before anaesthesia (or with it...)
  13. Alisha - that was pretty much my choice with Cody - keep her on the pred & face long-term effects or lose her right then! Kept her on the pred for 1.5 years.
  14. For future reference (I know it won't help any now), ammonia works great on bee stings - neutralizes the venom or something, but it's pretty instantaneous! It's what's in most of the commercial anti-sting wipes, etc... So keep some ammonia on hand - just don't get it anywhere near the eyes, nose, etc - and I guess don't let them lick at the areas. (I've only used it on humans & myself - not tempted to lick them after!! ) ANd benadryl too...
  15. I think queenwinniesmom used it too
  16. Welcome from another Marylander AND a GW volunteer to boot! (I do 3-month follow-up calls for them...) There are some great GW volunteers on here... PJ comes instantly to mind - he fosters... AND our picnic is coming up on Halloween daytime! Enjoy GT, and I look forward to meeting you and seeing who picks you!! PS - I don't know the Baltimore area very well... I live down nearer to DC... I DO know there are lots of great restaurants in B'more though!
  17. Are you planning a trip??! heheheheheh! Looks like we'll probably be in your area (Hebden Bridge, which we think is about 45 minutes from you?) in November for a few nights... and thought we'd maybe pop down, if that's OK!!! Have to visit all my FAVORITE Doyle doggies & meet all the NEW ones!! Probably around Nov. 9-10 give or take a few days.
  18. Glad she's OK!! My original vet used Ace on Cody when she went in for a teeth cleaning (she barked in the crate...) - the cleaning was at about 10am... they kept postponing the time I could pick her up. FInally had to get her at 6pm when they closed and they STILL had to CARRY her out to my car 'cause she was so out of it!!! I switched vets immediately & made sure her NEW chart at the NEW vet said NO ACE!!
  19. I'm so sorry you lost Sammy, and so suddenly and unexpectedly too... I hope you stay around GT - people here really DO understand what you're going through... we've all lost beloved greys who were our heart & soul... Run free at the bridge, Sammy-dog
  20. I'm so sorry.. Run free, Buddy
  21. Oh, Patti - I'm so very sorry the Flashman had to leave you so suddenly... I think you & I joined GT about the same time 'cause I 'knew' Sophie and Flashy better than a lot of the other greys. Grieving with you... Run like the wind, Flash Gordon - and give Angel Sophie a kiss from me too! (And Cody Angelo and Lacers, of course!)
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