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More Sofa, More Problems

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Milo and Jeter get along well. They run and play outside. No food aggression or defensiveness. No jealousy over toys. The one bone of contention, so to speak, has been the center seat in the sectional sofa. The competition has escalated. The one in the center seat will snarl and bark ferociously if the other one is even thinking of getting up on the end seat, with plenty of room between. Milo will even hop off the sofa to herd Jeter away when Jeter comes into the room. They share the human bed in the guest room with little problem. Suggestions for how to tone down the couch competition? I've tried a few different things, but haven't been consistent because nothing seems to work.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Saoirse tried that with Paddy once and ended up snapping at me because I sat in the middle. I moved her off the sofa and followed her around the house always making her move whenever she started to lie down. I did this for 10 minutes. Since than the issue was solved.

Sorry for butchering the english language. I try to keep the mistakes to a minimum.


Nadine with Paddy (Zippy Mullane), Saoirse (Lizzie Be Nice), Abu (Cillowen Abu) and bridge angels Colin (Dessies Hero) and Andy (Riot Officer).

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sofa off limits!


i used the plastic runners that are sold by the foot at home depot on my sofa. they have a nubby backside, so i flipped it over and it was a cheap scat mat. i have only had one dog who didn't mind the prickly nubs and i found him on the sofa(a boarder).


why are your sweet boyz giving you such a hard time? they need to have the brotherly manual read to them- no fighting in the house, no fighting with those pearly whites!

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Guest Lyndaschn

Milo and Jeter get along well. They run and play outside. No food aggression or defensiveness. No jealousy over toys. The one bone of contention, so to speak, has been the center seat in the sectional sofa. The competition has escalated. The one in the center seat will snarl and bark ferociously if the other one is even thinking of getting up on the end seat, with plenty of room between. Milo will even hop off the sofa to herd Jeter away when Jeter comes into the room. They share the human bed in the guest room with little problem. Suggestions for how to tone down the couch competition? I've tried a few different things, but haven't been consistent because nothing seems to work.

I was just going to post this same question! We got our brindle on Sunday and the worse problem, aside from separation anxiety is that she is growling at my sweet gentle wouldn't hurt a fly Newfoundland when she is on the couch and he walks by. I have scolded her every time she does it but it continues. I am going to try the advice offered above and set the record straight! My couch - my rules and no growling at my sweet boy, he was here first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reporting back. Did a pick-and-choose from the suggestions above. If anybody snarked, both got ordered off the sofa and had to stay off for an hour or two. Then both got invited back on. I didn't see how permanent banishment would drive the point home. Took about 3 days, and now everything is peaceful. Thanks!


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Reporting back. Did a pick-and-choose from the suggestions above. If anybody snarked, both got ordered off the sofa and had to stay off for an hour or two. Then both got invited back on. I didn't see how permanent banishment would drive the point home. Took about 3 days, and now everything is peaceful. Thanks!

Glad to hear it! I just read this post - and that was going to be my suggestion. If you act like a jerk - OFF! try again later. We allow dogs on furniture, but they need to learn to be polite, and respectful to other dogs and humans. Total banishment is FINE if you don't want dogs on furniture at all. If you DO want to allow it - correct bad behavior ASAP, and allow another try and be happy that they learn "GOOD" behavior allows them on the couch. JERK behavior gets an "OFF".


BTW- don't be surprised if "Jerk" behavior resurfaces in a week or so - they DO love to "test" us to see if we still remember the lesson we were teaching. Just correct, move on.


BTW - thanks for reporting back in. I LOVE to see that a poster resolved an issue. Also - love your comment "pick-and-choose": from suggestions given. Very smart. We all have different dog, households, situations. So - asking for advice is awesome, and everybody gives their best advice, but you definitely need to pick and choose what is right for your dogs, your house.

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