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Waiting By The Door.

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Hello everyone,


We've had our lovely boy, Ollie for 4 weeks now. He's settling in very well inside the house, loves walks in nature but doesn't like city walks. He's very attached to us ( comes into the kids room for bedtime stories etc). So we began separation training slowly. We are now up to 30mins without a single issue. He doesn't make a sound, we leave the radio on and we give him a stuffed Kong which he enjoys but once he's done he waits by the door. He has had free run of the condo from day one and is very polite and respectful. No accidents, no chewing. He knows his bed is his safe spot ( treats it like a crate). The only time we've heard him bark is when we are there with him and he is letting us know with a quick woof that there is a sound he doesn't recognize.


So, is it okay for him to wait by the door? He's good, very quiet but I'm wondering whether this will progress into whining or whether he will eventually give up waiting and go back to his bed?


I'm hoping to do 30mins every day this week, then 45mins the next week, an hour the week after etc. We would never be out of the house for more than 3- 4 hours, three times a week anyway.

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Sounds like he is doing really well to me! Do you have an app on your phone where you could watch him when you're away? Might give you peace of mind. I work from home, so we are never gone for more than 4 hours either. Sweep often watches us leave and is there watching at the door when we get home, but I'm quite sure she's on her bed for most of the time in between. :)


Do you have any pictures of Ollie? We'd love to see him!


Rachel with littermates Doolin and Willa, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our beautiful, feisty, silly

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sounds like he's doing quite well. If he's food motivated, you could sprinkle a few treats throughout his 'safe' room for him to have something to do for a few more minutes beyond the end of the kong. I also freeze the kongs (fill them the night before and tuck them in the freezer) ... it takes another 2-3-4 minutes to finish the treat.


If you think he's upset, though, you may need to leave a tv on rather than the radio ... the sound of voices seemed to calm my Riley more than the radio (I just hated that he learned to dial QVC and order packages while I was gone, though).

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It's fine. If he was going to be a problem it likely would have shown up before now. He might appreciate having a bed near the door for now. He may decide later on that he prefers to wait elsewhere, but for now, I would let him decide.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Thank you all so much. That's good to know he is doing well. I think I'm more anxious about leaving than he is!


We live in a 700sq ft open concept condo and he has two beds, one next to our bed and one in the living room area not far from the door so he would go and lie on that one when he's had enough of the door, I think. That or lie on the carpeted floor in the kids room which is right by the door.


What app is best on the phone?


I've tried TV and I think it probably does work better because he is used to our voices.


I will also freeze the kong, another great suggestion.


I think I've got to have 50posts before I can upload a photo but I can't wait to introduce him :)

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It's been a few years since I've used it, but when Sweep was newly adopted I used the free version of the Presence app. I set up my iPad as the camera at home and I monitored her on my iPhone. According to the website, it now works with Android devices as well.


Rachel with littermates Doolin and Willa, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our beautiful, feisty, silly

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You can do photos now. You have to have 50 posts to get private messages.


Easy. Upload your photos to a hosting site like Photo bucket or Instagram. Check the settings for the size of the posted photo as GT won't do really large pics. Copy the img code from the hosting website and paste it into a reply box here on GT. Hit PORT.


I know you had some anxious moments right after you adopted, but he really sounds like a good boy! You're not going to break him by trying him for longer times since he's being so sensible now. Take prudent precautions and set up a way to monitor him. And try to relax and enjoy going out for lunch!


Good luck!

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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i used a camera app on my PC that is motion activated & records (with sound) what the usb hd camera mounted on my screen sees when something moves.


went out with it on, poppy asleep on the couch in view of the camera. went grocery shopping for about 1.5 hrs.


came back, she was at the door happy when i opened the front door.


watched the video recorded. she was asleep on the couch, rolled over a couple times, not a peep out of her, until i came home.

she got up and ran to the door just seconds before i was opening it. i think she heard me coming up the stairs to our flat.


Wayne Kroncke

Vegetarians: My food poops on your food.

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Johnny greets me by the door, but he hears when I roll up and watches me from the sliding door until I get up the stairs. He has beds in both the bedroom and living room, but I'm pretty sure he just parks it in the living room all day. Now if I can only get him to quit jumping on me...

Current Crew: Gino-Gene-Eugene! (Eastnor Rebel: Makeshift x Celtic Dream); Fuzzy the Goo-Goo Girl (BGR Fuzzy Navel: Boc's Blast Off x Superior Peace); Roman the Giant Galoot! (Imark Roman: Crossfire Clyde x Shana Wookie); Kitties Archie and Dixie

Forever Missed: K9 Sasha (2001-2015); Johnny (John Reese--Gable Dodge x O'Jays) (2011-19); the kitties Terry and Bibbi; and all the others I've had the privilege to know


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you! We left him for two hours on Sunday after a long walk on the beach with him. He rushed to the door when we left ( dropped his Kong) and my heart broke. But we set the video up and recorded him. Thankfully it was the most boring video ever. He spent some time by the door, lying on the floor in my kids room by the door, going back to his bed/s, back to the door, listening, watching, resting, a little panting but not one sound or misdemeanour. He finished his kong quite quickly ( I'll have to figure out something less messy and harder as he like to take it to the living room rug, lol)l but he was an angel. I'm so relieved. We won't be leaving him much but I know he will be alright when we do now.


Thank you all for the votes of confidence and support. I love this forum!

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Sounds greyt!


He rushed to the door when we left ( dropped his Kong) and my heart broke.

Remember how they pick up on our emotions. If you are sad and nervous when you leave him, he will be too. If you leave with a "Have a good nap, Ollie, and don't wait up!" attitude, he should be less anxious.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Guest xengab

HI! you mentioned you want a less messy treat for your grey to work on. We have tried the Everlasting treat ball (got it from Drs Foster and Smith). Less messy and takes our grey several hours to work on. First time took him a week to figure out..LOL

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