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Quick Med Question For Potential Arthritis

Guest FordRacingRon

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Guest FordRacingRon

We are seeing the vet for a wellness check on Tuesday. I want the vet to look at Leia's weak rear end. I suspect it is a combination of old age (she is almost 13) and perhaps arthritis (back when she was 7 or 8 the vet said her right real was awful stiff). She takes one Rymadl a day. No other meds.


So the question,,is there a good arthritis med that is recommended by anyone here,,,,or,,,,should I jsut double her Rymadl dosage (she is allowed 2 a day).

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Depends--how is her latest bloodwork?? You don't want to substitute one problem for another. If her liver/renal values are ok there's nothing wrong with increasing the frequency. Rimadyl is meant to be either given as 1mg/lb twice daily OR 2mg/lb once daily. Of course you always try to give the least effective dose but, by all means if the bloods are ok I would consider increasing it.

You can also introduce Durlactin and omegas. (can be given with the rimadyl). I have also heard that DogGonePain can be effective too.

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Guest FordRacingRon

Depends--how is her latest bloodwork?? You don't want to substitute one problem for another. If her liver/renal values are ok there's nothing wrong with increasing the frequency. Rimadyl is meant to be either given as 1mg/lb twice daily OR 2mg/lb once daily. Of course you always try to give the least effective dose but, by all means if the bloods are ok I would consider increasing it.

You can also introduce Durlactin and omegas. (can be given with the rimadyl). I have also heard that DogGonePain can be effective too.

That is one major thing we are going in for,,bloodwork because of the Rymadyl. 6 months ago it was fine. She takes a 75 mg pill once a day right now. She weighs about 70 (I think, maybe less now).

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Duralactin is wonderful! I take it myself. I know it is effective personally and by seeing its effect on my hounds. Momma took it twice a day and came within 3 weeks of making 15 yoa before she crossed. I found it easier and much cheaper to get the Microlactin powder from Swanson and just put it in the food. It is tasteless. The Duralactin pills, though chewable, are large and hard. The Duralactin trade name product can be pricey and the active patented ingredient Microlactin is much cheaper.


Used DogGonePain with success as well. Again a little pricey but effective and I think safe.


And I would be seriously remiss if I did not suggest Springtime's Fresh Factors. They have an advanced joint formula with boswella which is effective but my dogs generally would not eat it. However the basic Fresh Factors are a miracle product plain and simple and the dogs love that. I guarantee that you will see improvement-brighter eyes, less pain, better mobility etc. if you begin to use Fresh Factors.


On the prescription side Robaxin which is technically a muscle relaxer has proven very helpful to some dogs(and people!) and I have found it to be very safe. For higher pain levels the same can be said for Tramadol.You and your vet will have to decide on that. I don't use the canine NSAID's like Rimadyl because I am just too afraid of them. But I have very efficiently managed some serious cases with a combination of Fresh Factors, DGP, Duralactin, Robaxin & Tramadol without any bad side effects emerging even after years of use. Momma did very well for 15 years and one broodie(Aggie) who made it to 14 1/2 yoa even had kidney disease-so NSAID's were not even an option for her.


Before increasing an NSAID I would try adding one of the methods that is known to be safer and also seems to be highly effective. If it don't work then you can move forward with increasing the NSAID dose. But you might find something like Fresh Factors & Microlactin actually helps her improve.


You know your girl best. Your love will guide you true. You asked about experience and this is what I know from several years and several greyhounds. Scritches to the Princess!

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Guest FordRacingRon

You know, I would prefer non-prescription drugs. I like the idea of Fresh Factors,,,but,,,she did take their joint health chewables when she was younger (remember the vet said she was stiff) but I saw no difference. But she was younger. I would give it a try now though. I think one route would be,,if her blood values are good,,stay with the rymadyl and add Fresh factors or the Mircolactin,,or both.

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Well to be honest hehe the Joint Health Chewables are good; the Advanced Joint Health chewables are good; but Fresh Factors are in another galaxy. I have personally witnessed Fresh Factors doing miraculous things with several different dogs. BTW if you use the Microlactin it is 1/2 teaspooon twice a day after an initial loading dose of about 1 teaspoon twice a day for around a week. (I confirmed it with the actual dose for the trademarked Duralactin.) It is very safe. It is a product from cows! She is so lucky to have you for a Dad! The best medicine of all you give her in abundance-love. Go with your instinct. You know what is best. I have also found that out from experience hehe.

Edited by racindog
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I too would suggest duralactin. I had no idea that it came as powder form. I will have to try to find it online. You can get the equine pellets of duralactin but they did not save us much and neither hound taking it liked the horse pellets. My almost twelve year old takes Rimidyl once daily and tramadol twice a day along with his duralactin, He is still able to handle thirty minute walks.

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As a long time Springtime user, I've regularly used Fresh Factors and Joint Health twice a day, however, take a look at the powder called Longevity. It has so many more ingredients that benefit joint health and inflammation. I used a tub that I got for free with my FF and JH order, and want to switch to that once I use up the rest of the tablets. I have had great success using supplements for both my boys.

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Guest FordRacingRon

I am ordering some Microlactin tabs off of Amazon right now. Not expensive at all and well worth the try. I think before we go into deeper then Rymadyl meds I will try the Rymadyl/microlactin combo package then back it up with Fresh Factors. I hope she isn't too old but I don't feel she is. When she feels good she loves to move.

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I am ordering some Microlactin tabs off of Amazon right now. Not expensive at all and well worth the try. I think before we go into deeper then Rymadyl meds I will try the Rymadyl/microlactin combo package then back it up with Fresh Factors. I hope she isn't too old but I don't feel she is. When she feels good she loves to move.

She's not too old. :) I would bet money you will see improvement. Sounds like a great plan. And BTW in the past I have used the Longevity the poster above mentioned for a good while as well but eventually stopped as it didn't seem as 'miraculous' as the Fresh Factor results I have seen hehe. BTW if you go to the Duralactin website you can see the test results on inflammation decrease with that product. As far as the Fresh Factors-you will see a difference yourself.

Edited by racindog
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I too would suggest duralactin. I had no idea that it came as powder form. I will have to try to find it online. You can get the equine pellets of duralactin but they did not save us much and neither hound taking it liked the horse pellets. My almost twelve year old takes Rimidyl once daily and tramadol twice a day along with his duralactin, He is still able to handle thirty minute walks.

Cheapest place I have found to buy the powdered is Swanson http://www.swansonvitamins.com/swanson-ultra-microlactin-powder-4-9-oz-140-grams-pwdr

You can add it to any of their food-it is tasteless. I gave whatever dosage was on the bottle because that corresponded with the Duralactin recommendation as well. I believe it is 1/2 teaspoon twice a day. It is a lot cheaper than paying for the Duralactin tradename.

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Do NOT increase the Rimadyl dose without close supervision from your vet. It may cause stomach bleeds. It could be given with Ranitidine or Omeprazole to help prevent that. Re: supplements. I think there is also a placebo effect on the human administering it... they walk their dog happier.

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My 2 cents worth..........Desi & I both tried Durlactin several years ago.........no improvement in either of us whatsoever.

My personal opinion is that different products work better/worse in each person/hound. You just have to experiment & find what

works best for Leia.


I finally worked out a good joint supplement & herbal for inflammation helps me most........but none of that has worked for Des.

He takes carprofen (generic Rimadyl) and Gabapentin and an occasional Tramadol. At 13-1/2, his bloodwork is still fine.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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My 2 cents worth..........Desi & I both tried Durlactin several years ago.........no improvement in either of us whatsoever.

My personal opinion is that different products work better/worse in each person/hound. You just have to experiment & find what

works best for Leia.


I finally worked out a good joint supplement & herbal for inflammation helps me most........but none of that has worked for Des.

He takes carprofen (generic Rimadyl) and Gabapentin and an occasional Tramadol. At 13-1/2, his bloodwork is still fine.

This exactly. Supplements have their place but, sometimes they can prove ineffective. Of course any medication -prescription or OTC drug needs to monsters carefully. Just because its OTC does not make it necessarily safer to give.

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I have arthritis.


. Some supplements MIGHT help a little with minor arthritis pain, but there is very little evidence they do much of anything for serious arthritis. My physicians certainly do not recommend them for their human patients.


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Guest FordRacingRon

I have arthritis.


. Some supplements MIGHT help a little with minor arthritis pain, but there is very little evidence they do much of anything for serious arthritis. My physicians certainly do not recommend them for their human patients.

Tell me,,I have bone-on-bone in both knees but I can't get new ones because I can still do (painfully) stairs. Nothing helps me but cortizone, which I can't have because I was told I have osteoporosis. Supplements do nothing for me.


RE : rymadyl......she is actually prescribed 2 a day with meals,,,,I have only been giving her one because generally afternoon she is dead asleep and after 5pm she gets her crazies and moves fine during those happy "drive daddy crazy" hours (FYI: we thought she had CCD and had all the tests and there is no answer,,she just goes nuts,,super hyper,, from 5 to about 10). If her bloodwork is good,,off to two we go. She also has no set meal times


Do NOT increase the Rimadyl dose without close supervision from your vet. It may cause stomach bleeds. It could be given with Ranitidine or Omeprazole to help prevent that. Re: supplements. I think there is also a placebo effect on the human administering it... they walk their dog happier.

She does take a Pepcid AC for her IBS. She is prescribed 2 a day,,but for the reason you mention and others I only give her one.


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