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How Long Does It Take Fresh Factors To Work

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I have snow on fresh factors now for two weeks for mild hip dysplasia and arthritis. She is also on daisaquin. I see no differences as of yet. Should I if it is going to work?

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The joint complex is effective on arthritis, while Fresh Factors is more for overall well being.



Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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she was x rayed. She is an akc greyhound though. My last racer died last year. My vet said he sees no sign of cancer, just a mild case of hip dysplasia and a bit of arthritis. He said it is not as common in greys as in other breeds, but still can happen.

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When I started Rocket on Fresh Factors it was like he got a burst of energy within about 10 days. He was playing, running, jumping much more than he had been. A while later I started him on the joint health as a precaution since he was getting older. He still runs like a racer every night when he goes outside, jumps, stalks things, and loves to throw stuffies and spin in circles. He will be 10 in a few months.


He seems to be itchy here in the desert, especially around the nose and eyes. I started adding the Springtime oil to his food this week, and am seeing less itching and batting at his nose and eyes after just a few days. His coat is also slowly getting softer. Since I add the oil to his food, he has been going back and licking the bowl about 4 times after each meal. Must taste good. :chow


There is no "miracle pill," but I have been pretty happy overall with the Springtime products. Like anything else, whether or not something is working for your hound is a judgement call on your part. You know your hound best, and as long as you aren't seeing any ill effects from the addition of the Fresh Factors, I would probably keep giving it for a while and monitor for any changes.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Momma had what the vet told me was one of the worse cases of hip dysplasia she had ever seen. Momma was a NGA greyhound who was a AA racer with an excellent race record. She had 52 babies and made it only 3 weeks shy of 15 years. Toward the end she got Robaxin & Tramadol daily for pain but did well with it. She also got DURALACTIN, Fresh Factors, Advanced Joint Formula & Longevity. Duralactin is an effective anti-inflammatory THAT IS SAFE. I would not give Momma the ususal dog NSAID's because of side effects-especially with long term use- but the Duralactin treated the inflamation which reduced pain further. The Duralactin is kind of expensive and they might not eat it anyway so it is much cheaper to just get the active ingredient Microlactin from Swanson or Vitacost etc. In fact Swanson has a powder form that is tasteless that can easily be added to their food.

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I've recently tried Advanced Hip and Joint and realize there is one ingredient in there not found in Fresh Factors or Joint Health that helps with inflammation and assists with arthritis etc. Kasey also seems to LOVE eating the plain powder of Longevity (refuses to eat it if I mix it with food :dunno ) which contains even more ingredients than Fresh Factors, etc.


Kasey showed improvement within 2 weeks of using Fresh Factors. How much are you giving? That can be a big difference - I think I started him on 4 tablets a day.

Edited by XTRAWLD

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