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Getting On Counters

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My 2-year old little rascal, Joy, who I adopted just a few days ago, got on the counter with all 4 feet last evening. She did it when I was out and I saw her in the window when I got home. Unfortunately, when I walked in the house and into the kitchen, she jumped off before I could tell her "off". My question is does anyone have a suggestion for keeping her off the counter when no one is home. Obviously, if someone is home and in the kitchen, we can use "off". Right now, I've got a chair in front of the counter and I'm going to put at least one more in front of the counter.


This counter is relatively low so I doubt she would be able to jump on the higher counters although I'm not sure about that. When she put her front feet on the counter, I said "no" in the VOG and she listened.

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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Correction when you see her do it, obviously is the most effective way.


We train all of our dogs that they are not allowed in the kitchen at all. But, we've had a few that have counter-surfed a little here and there. We just never have anything tempting left out on the counters - ever. They'll wander into the kitchen to check for anything on the floor and I'll let them do that as long as no humans are in the kitchen, too - but I learned to never leave anything out after our Tilly stole a piece of fish I was thawing for lunch. :hehe

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Wow! Pretty impressive!


Some people will tell you there are tricks, pennies in cans and such. I've used them all. I even wasted a lot of money on a Scat Mat which uses static electricity as a deterrant. Truthfully, none of those things ever worked for our dogs because for one, they're relentless. Also, they don't spook very easily. The best advice I can tell you is... constant vigilance! Get used to not leaving anything out on the counters or in the sink. If you have a determined dog (and it sounds like you do), there's no way to 100% deter them and training only goes so far, because you aren't always going to be right there watching them.


Also, remember that our dogs know our routines and patterns. You can turn your back for two seconds, and they've already gotten a major score. Everytime that happens, it's another reward that becomes harder to undo. One time our cleaning lady was talking to me, perplexed. She said, "I find silverware, mostly spoons, all over the house. Where are they coming from??" It was Truman! He would take the spoon out of the sink when I'd get up for a late night snack and had been half asleep and too lazy to put it in the dishwasher. :lol

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Yep, if you can't redirect the behavior when you're there, just keep your counters clear. If she's not rewarded for the behavior (finding good stuff on the counters), she should eventually lose interest. Otherwise, block of your kitchen if you can.

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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No advice, just a giggle as our 4 yr old that we adopted from GFNJ jumped 2 baby gates that were on the 3rd and 4th steps to tier them higher (going to our second floor) going UPstairs without disturbing the gates at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck :) !!!!!



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If she raced the girls are trained to jump into the top kennels. I've only had one girl and she never raced but have fielded many calls from horrified adopters who found their girlhound calmly standing on the countertop or dining room table. :)

I agree that if nothing is there she should lose interest. Sometimes you have to dogproof yourself. I used to have the busiest oven, microwave, and top of fridge in town...until I had a 15 month old male foster that could clear the top of the fridge to snare things. :blush

Edited by Hubcitypam
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Guest MurphysMom

If she raced the girls are trained to jump into the top kennels.


I did not know this! How cool!


I have no idea if this would work but I've heard of putting sheets of foil on countertops to keep pets off. I think the noise is supposed to be upsetting. I've never had an issue with pets on the counter and our girl hasn't tried it yet so I can't vouch for any tried-and-true methods, but I thought I'd throw it out there for you :) good luck!

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Guest Scouts_mom

My mother stopped her cat from jumping on the counters by putting out sheets of cardboard with contact paper attached, sticky side up. Maybe it would work with greys? (That cat was not known for his brainpower.)

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My grey, Diana, walked into my house on her 1st day as a "foster", and immediately jumped up on the kitchen table. She quit doing it pretty quickly, realizing it wasn't her kennel. I think the girls are just used to "walk into building, jump up into top kennel". She did look a bit baffled up there - like "this doesn't look like my kennel". :hehe


Keep your counters clear of edibles or breakables and she'll quickly realize that isn't "her" place. (And don't fool yourself - she could, and would jump on a much higher counter if you had one). I doubt you'll have to correct her, she'll figure it out, break the habit and be fine. Of course, if you catch her, tell her to get off. But I'll bet it'll just end as soon as she discovers she can enjoy a nice, comfy bed that she doesn't have to jump into! Another thing to look out for - you may not be able to use babygates as barriers. My Diana thought they were just fun to jump over. They worked for ALL the others, though.


On the up-side, you shouldn't have any trouble getting her to jump into a vehicle!


Some girls just "expect" to kennel-up to a top crate. It's not super-common, but I've read of others besides my Diana. Of course, it does indicate a bit of spunk and goofiness - so look out! It could be a fun ride! :flip:ghplaybow

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Dog-proofing your counters (and all of your living space) is the key, as others have said. I will also add another suggestion that we learned from our adoption group when we adopted Brooks, because he was already a notorious counter surfer. They recommended using mouse traps, the old snap-trap kind, on the counters. I know this sounds cruel, but all it took to train Brooks was snapping the trap one time in his vicinity (while he was safely at a distance) and he now knows that he DOES NOT LIKE that sound. So just seeing the snap traps on the counter surface was enough to deter him forever.


We baby gate our kitchen in this current house, so it's no longer necessary to use the snap traps there. But they came in handy when we bought a new leather couch for the living room. I put three traps on the couch (not set to snap) and he doesn't ever jump on it... unless I forget to put them out, in which case it's a guarantee that he'll lay down on there for part of the day. The evidence is the scratches on the leather, of course...

Drew and occasionally DW Melody, with Rosie (AMF Ready Made) and Marvin (Bella Riddick) in Louisville. Forever missing Brooks (KC Bastone) and Kali (Swish).

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Dog-proofing your counters (and all of your living space) is the key, as others have said. I will also add another suggestion that we learned from our adoption group when we adopted Brooks, because he was already a notorious counter surfer. They recommended using mouse traps, the old snap-trap kind, on the counters. I know this sounds cruel, but all it took to train Brooks was snapping the trap one time in his vicinity (while he was safely at a distance) and he now knows that he DOES NOT LIKE that sound. So just seeing the snap traps on the counter surface was enough to deter him forever.


We baby gate our kitchen in this current house, so it's no longer necessary to use the snap traps there. But they came in handy when we bought a new leather couch for the living room. I put three traps on the couch (not set to snap) and he doesn't ever jump on it... unless I forget to put them out, in which case it's a guarantee that he'll lay down on there for part of the day. The evidence is the scratches on the leather, of course...

The OP isn't asking about counter-surfing (stealing food off the counters) she's talking about JUMPING onto the counters.

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I guess the counter jumping was temporary. I've seen no indication that Joy has been up on the counter. I think her SA is easing as she starts to understand that when I go to work, I'm coming home too.


The other evening she stole a piece of squash off that counter but that was the fault of the person who left it there. I freaked out because I didn't know squash is OK for dogs. I think a couple of people in the house can't see that there is a tall dog with a long neck and long nose living here.

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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Guest normaandburrell

I bet aluminum foil would work. We allowed our first grey to get on the couch and our bed. After about 2 months, we decided we wanted to stop the behavior. We put some plastic drop cloths on the furniture for about a week. They don't like the sound when they jump on it, and they stop doing it.

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Thanks for the suggestions.


I spoke too soon earlier. Miss Joy decided to get on a higher counter last evening. I didn't witness it but my landlord said he spoke sternly to her. Apparently she was after her food which was found on the floor. It was put in the refrigerator so we'll see if she decides it's not worth it to jump on the counter. If I can get my other housemate to cooperate, I may try aluminum foil.


I knew I was in for some new experiences with a 2-year old but I wouldn't trade any of Joy's mischievousness for anything. She has brought so much happiness into my life over the last couple of weeks.

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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The OP isn't asking about counter-surfing (stealing food off the counters) she's talking about JUMPING onto the counters.


Wouldn't temptations on the counter still be worth removing? Wouldn't snap traps still be an effective deterrant? Just trying to offer something that worked for us, given a similar (albeit not identical) situation.


Sorry to hear Joy is still doing it, but glad she's a happy addition to the pack otherwise.

Drew and occasionally DW Melody, with Rosie (AMF Ready Made) and Marvin (Bella Riddick) in Louisville. Forever missing Brooks (KC Bastone) and Kali (Swish).

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Wouldn't temptations on the counter still be worth removing? Wouldn't snap traps still be an effective deterrant? Just trying to offer something that worked for us, given a similar (albeit not identical) situation.


Sorry to hear Joy is still doing it, but glad she's a happy addition to the pack otherwise.


Any thoughts on counter surfing could help someone else with similar issues. I try to keep anything on the counter out of reach of Joy. Unfortunately, others don't seem to get it.

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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If there is a window that she is jumping up to look out of, can you temporarily completely block the view? Maybe cardboard that you can brace in? If she doesn't get the view, maybe it won't be as interesting to her (like having no food for a counter-cruiser).


Good luck!

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