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Eyelid Surgery, Would You Or Not

Guest FordRacingRon

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Guest FordRacingRon

So I am really just asking , would you or would you not. LOng story to get to the question


Leia will be 12 in a couple of weeks. She is having trouble with hypertension at night and her appetite because of IBD,,but those are not why I a posting. BTW, her lack of appetite has caused her to go from a fatty 75 to a pretty nice 68.5.


Leia has a tumor growth on her lower eyelid. My or may not be benign. We are sort of strapped for cash because already over the last year we have spent around 4K in test on her to find out all that was wrong. I know with this growth, before I went to a different vet, that our vet would immediatly tell us to go to an ophthalmologist. We have been to this ophthalmologist before and its 250 to walk in the door. So near my dog vet is my cat vet office which is also a 24 hour, 7 day a week emergency and trauma vet. So I went there to get a second opinion before a first from my vet.


The vet looked at her eye and said they can remove it there, or she can refer me to the ophthalmologist (really the only one in the LA area). She did satin it and the main problem is it rubs against her eyeball and it ulcerating the eyeball. Eventually if it rubs long enough (how long is long enough?) it will cause her pain. We now apply a topical antibiotic on it.


She said the difference is at the eye doctor they would probably laser it off, her office would surgery it off. They doctor in charge of the facility has done these numerous times. OF course the big question is the anesthesia. I did a search on this site which eventually led me to an external site from NGAP that has a laymans guide to how they put dogs out. Playing dumb I asked this vet how would she knock out our dog and it was like she verbally knew exactly what was on that sheet. Every drug, every percentage,,,she then told me she has done greyhounds a number of times. I asked if we went through with this would she be the anesthesiologist for us and she said she would. 2 days ago saw my vet and he did as I predicted.


SO here it is,,,you have a almost 12 year old dog, has an growth on her eye that gets larger and smaller and when it is large it rubs the eyeball. Eventually it will cause her pain is not so yet. Would you chance the surgery (BTW she did have pre-op tests,,all are okay but she is a high risk dog) or do a wait and see. Or would you sell a kidney and go to the ophthalmologist you cannot afford. Vet said as long as there is no surgery she has to have the antibiotic for life,,,,but how long will that be, no one knows.

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Do the surgery--even if she's not acting painful it has to be an irritant. Imagine having something in your eye 24/7. Removing those are pretty straight forward-did they mention wedge resection?? Have the GP vet do it. The only bummer about having the surgery is she will need to wear an Elizabethan collar.

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I would have it removed. If it were somewhere else like her ear or her leg, who cares but I think its impeding her sight and maybe its starting to hurt her, who knows. I try to come back to the question: is it impacting his/her life? is his/her quality of life diminished because of (insert thing here)? those two questions usually help me figure out where to go from there.

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Zeke-aroni had a cauliflower growth on his eye that was removed when he was 11+. He had other medical issues that gave me pause about having the surgery but it was clear that the growth was bothering him. Having the growth removed gave him immediate relief. He didn't see his 12th birthday but Wrong! Zeke-aroni made it to 12.9! It was so absolutely worth having that growth removed.

Edited by FiveRoooooers

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

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:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Guest Scouts_mom

If you can possibly afford it, I agree to have the surgery done. having something rubbing your eye is very painful. But don't bother with the specialist, go with the lady you liked.

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I would remove it because she is not going to get younger, and it is not going to go away by itself. Eventually the eye will get damaged, cause her pain, and will probably cost you more to fix that.


I do understand about finances, that's why I dogsit greyhounds only for extra cash. At least I have a little bit stashed now for situations just like this.

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Don't take this the wrong way but I would be stumped. I am inclined to leave it alone but I think the surgery with the local vet sounds like a simple solution and completely safe. But what to do? I would honestly ask God what I should do. I would literally tell Him I don't know, You do, now tell me what I should I do. I would also ask Leia herself what SHE wanted-dogs know things-often they will provide the answers we need. She is quite a lucky girl to have a dad like you! Whatever you decide I am sure will be the right thing! Hugs to all.

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I would remove it, Ron. It sounds like she'd do fine with the GP vet. Sending you good thoughts.

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John E had these twice on his lower eyelid and they were cancer. Because of lack of space, you cannot get good margins on an eyelid. My vet did it in her office and he came home later in the day. If I can remember, it was not too expensive. I can guarantee you that is very anoying to your dog. He did have to wear an e-collar for a few days, so he didn't scratch at his eye.


Good luck with this. I would go to the vet, as it will probably cost less, and you feel comfortable with your doctor.

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Guest FordRacingRon

Well thank you all for your input. I am leaning heavily on having this done but over the last 3 days Leia is way off again with her hypertension and eating trouble. Until I can get her back to normal again this won't happen. She has like 3-4 good days, then 2-3 bad days, then back to the good days. She has a few good dats, you think you have it nailed finally, then bam more bad days. I can get her to eat but it's the nervousness that i am having trouble with.

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Guest FordRacingRon

Hypertension or anxiety?

anxiety really,,she takes trazadone or Valium and they level her out. When she has a bout of IBD or a bout of anxiety they can easily be managed,,,it's when they both hit at the same time it gets tough and a few days to get her right. I won't send her for surgery unless she is "right".


PS: Her thyroid numbers are correct for a grey,,all her blood and urine values are fine for a grey. She also had a good fecal. this was all in the last month or so.

Laser with the specialist -- much easier on her. Is it possible that some of the hypertension is due to the pain of it rubbing? Is it possible she has a "sick thyroid" and that is throwing off the eating and making her nervous?

She has actually had this thing before her troubles started last year. It was just small. She has always had a pin head sized bump there since she came home 9 years ago. The specialist said if it grows to have it removed (that was maybe 3 years ago). The GP says it does get larger and smaller because it is like a scab and she knocks it off and it comes back. LAst July it was almost completely gone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest FordRacingRon

So an update We called off the surgery, at least for now. It was going to be scheduled for this coming Wed. but then Leia went into one of her non-eating modes. She hadn't eaten well about 2 days before I talked to the vet and the vet told me unless she is eating well we are not doing this (this was on Thursday afternoon). We need her to be strong.


Soon as we hang up, she decided to eat 4 hamburger patties and 1/4 pound of roast beef. Then on Fri and Sat she ate like food was just invented. Makes me wonder how smart these dogs really are,,,she started eating as soon as we put this on hold.


FYI, the vet has me putting this antibiotic ointment on her lump (It is on a lower lid in the corner). It is like neosporin with other antibiotic stuff too. The vet said it would help lubricate her eyeball too so the ulcer that is starting to form would slow down. Since we started applying this, all the redness in her eye has completely gone away.

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Guest FordRacingRon

Oh they know! Bless her little heart. Glad she eating good and that the medicine is working surprisingly well. Who knows-maybe it will get well? Don't hurt to hope.

It won't get well, the game i to make it stop ulcerating her eye. Still eating like a hog,,,,if she keeps this up the surgery may be back on.

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It won't get well, the game i to make it stop ulcerating her eye. Still eating like a hog,,,,if she keeps this up the surgery may be back on.

It may be very well why she started eating again. She realized she wasn't going to have the surgery if she didn't.

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Guest FordRacingRon

It may be very well why she started eating again. She realized she wasn't going to have the surgery if she didn't.

We decided today we are calling the vet Monday and do this thing. Probably will be week after next but this looks now as though it bothers her.

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