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9 Yr. Old Gomer Is Not Eating

Guest gomiesmom

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Guest gomiesmom

Ultrasound today - all looked o.k. - doing bile acid today.

Mild pancreatitis before - but think we are good on that now . My Vet called OSU today , and the only two things suggested , were another urine test and bile acid.

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My hound had a major course of metronidazole to relieve inflammation related to her mild pancreatitis. I mean like a month. Has Gomer had any meds? What is the basis for assuming he is not having issues related to that still?

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest gomiesmom

I continually ask about the pancreatitis - vet says - he's eating now and keeping down chicken/ rice that pancreatitis is not the issue . I boiled chicken breast tonight and he did really well on that w/ rice - w 2 chick to 1 rice - has kept down & looks like feeling better - actually wants to eat. He's down a lot in weight - I just don't know what to do.

Albumin is low, bun low - liver enzymes look good , but bilirubin is high - form 3 monday to 6 today.

liver they say is small - are they too focused on th liver & not the pancreatitis &/ or the UTI. No vomit since last Saturday - except for we'd when he would not eat , got nausea med and he ate an hour later , no vomit since. Ultra sound & X-ray don't show inflammation in pancreas - I am so confused

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*** Update **

Gomie is at the vet, and they called to say he has a urinary tract infection.. they said his lever looked a littel small on the x-rays so they are going to do some more blood work. They said he has a slight fever of 102.9 - I took his temp last, late yesterday and it was 100.3. Fever may be in part due to NOT being happy at the vet.

they will call me back.

Assume this is UTI is cause of initial not eating.

This is good news. At least a UTI can be fixed.



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Guest gomiesmom

Yes -sterile urine culture done, but not back - MULTIPLE free catch urine analysis - shows Billirubin at 6, blood shows albumin low, cholesteral low - ; bile Acid yesterday -" Slightly abnormal" & they want to refer us to NC State or VA Tech.

The antibiotic that was given for the UTI was Convenia , in injection form.

He IS on Carafate. Below is his day today: ( he is boycotting Rice & potatoes, and as of last night and today will only eat boiled Chicken Breast Tenders, nothing else.

This AM –

Peed 7:45 – Light color

Carafate 7:50

2 sips water 7:50

½ C Chicken only 8 AM- wanted more

Another ½ c chick 8 AM –

8:50 Pepcid

8:50 Another ¾ C. Chicken

9:40 - SOLID poop - one turd, formed - dark & Glossy, but definately formed.

9:40 Peed, not light, but not brown either

11:15-11:30 Sub cut. Fluids 200 cc

11:50 - hungry - fed 3/4 c. Chicken

11:55 another 1/4 C.

12:10 Peed -light

3:45 Carafate

4:45 Peed - light

4:45 Drank Normal amount - ( 1st time today)

5:00 Pepcid

5:30 Drank - normal amount.


Not interested in chicken now - was planning on a feeding at 3PM, no interest, gave Carafate, per above, still not interested & it's 6 PM here.

Any thoughts???????????????

NO Vomit since yesterday morning, but i thnk that is b/c we could not feed him due to the bile acid test yesterday. Before yesterday, no vomit since Wed, but again, he did not eat Wed morn,. & vomited in the afternoon. Got Vomit Pill Wed around 5PM ( Cerernia)t and within an hour he ate & drank.

thanks for all the help.

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Guest gomiesmom

You know what I aslo find strange - He does not seem to be sleeping. You all know how hounds sleep , my guys go into a good sleep , and they roach , etc. I don;t expect him to roach, but since Wed, he will lay comfortably - but lay there w/ his eyes open. He never really nods off. he'll close his eys, some like he's nodding off, but that only lasts for a while. This is all times day and night. I have back issues, and sometimes I am up all times of the night - and the hounds are in the bedroom, and I they sleep - they may stir, but they are sleeping. But this is different. I would not exactly call it lethargy , he's certainly not himself, but he is getting up, etc.

Is he in pain? Is he starving? Is he comtemplating the origins of the planet? It's weird. I don't think he's in pain - I can press anywhere, and he seems to be laying comfortably.

(Forgive me ), but It sort of reminds me of those "feed the children " commercials, where the little kids are laying there just staring into space. That's the best analogy I can think of to describe it. when hes up , he's got his same "bright eyes" - he a round -eyed hound & they're big & bright, not a almond- eyed.

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Guest gomiesmom

At 6:30 he at (3) spaced out servings of WARM chicken breast ; drank two more times.

went out & peed, light in color, now he's up following me ( like normal).

aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh. This is confounding. Husband says he's an enigma, wrapped in a mystery................

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Guest gomiesmom

Ok - we have been here at NC State since yesterday. They have repeated all the bloodwork, x rays and ultrasound that were done locally. They are giving him I'VE fluids , but no feeding tube. Last Friday stools became dark, but now ( this am) have normal color. They can tell me hes not absorbing protein, but I already knew that. So far they have found a big fat ZERO, to the tune of 3,000. Or more, potentially.

He ate boiled chicken sat , nothing Sunday except a stolen piece of deli turkey - local vet said if he'll eat it, give him some - would eat nothing else & would barely drink, which is why we came down here.

They want to do endoscopy tomorrow- they are thinking gastric ulcer, maybe brought on by the (maybe) pancreatitis --- I am so confused - apparently I am not alone....

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Oh these greyhounds will make your hair turn gray--I do think the scope is a good idea. Scoping is non-invasive and you can get a pretty good look in there. They can also get biopsies while there. Could this be IBD???

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Guest gomiesmom

Non- dr / non-qualified, me - says no to IBD - we have NEVER had stomach,poop issues , etc. before this episode - NEVER , in the seven yrs we've had him- always good poops, good stomach, but that's just going by his history an the initial presentation of whatever the heck this is . . The first time ANY diarrhea showed up AT ALL was last Thursday & we are a week or more in this whole not eating thing by then.

Yes - they do plan to get biopsies-

I am just frustrated. I was hoping for more, something by now . They say no 'masses' of cancer , which is great , but we are technically in the same position as prior to coming. They are administering same drugs ( carafate & Pepcid) that he was on at home - so nothing different except I V fluids, which he needed , surely.

Also - his left front foot was swollen slightly before coming - thought due to so many blood draws - and this has increased or gotten a little worse , but this evening his hind right foot is looking like its swelling too. They could give me no answer when visiting, but I asked them to look at it - could this be from the SQ fluids I have been giving him.? I know fluid Is a symptom of (sp) Lymphanctasia, but they say he does not have that, based on the ultrasound ......

We'll see what the scope brings .

Don't get ,me wrong - I am glad they did the ultrasound & X-rays and did not see big massive tutors glaring back at them, but again, I still have a non-eating, non- drinking hound & don't know why............

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Guest Chrisesta

I found this discussion group today while looking online for some answers to my own greyhound's sudden lack of interest in his food. Timothy is my 7-year old brindle greyhound. Up until about a month ago, he has always eaten his food very enthusiastically. For the past 5+ years, I've fed him high quality food (IAMS) twice a day and he's always gobbled it up. A few weeks ago, I noticed his interest in his regular food waning a bit. He'd eat dog cookies but, little by little, he'd eat less of his regular mealtime food. He's been to the vet. Blood chemistry, fecal test, urinalysis, xrays of disgestive track, physical exam... all normal. The vet recommended Pepcid, which did seem to help a bit initially. Right now, Timothy just finished a treatment cycle of Panacur. Even though the fecal result was negative for worms, the vet thinks a trial of Panacur wouldn't hurt since false negatives are not unheard of and Timothy did have a terrible time with hookworm when he was 2 years old. For the past three days, he's gobbled up a mixture of his regular dry food, cooked white meat chicken, a bit of chicken broth, and Panacur mixed in. Throughout all of this, Tim has not been vomiting, his energy seems normal, and he's drinking fine. His stool has alternated between appearing to be quite normal and very soft (borderline diarrhea).


Wondering if your vet has, at any point, suggested the possibility of a tough to diagnose intestinal parasite?


My vet has said that, if the Panacur doesn't seem to help, the next step would be an internal medicine consult and ultrasound. After reading about your experiences with your Grey (Gomer?), I'm very curious about the possibility of pancreatitis. It's so unlike Timothy to be so disinterested in his food. I'm nervous but trying to take this situation "one day at a time." Please offer an update on Gomer when you can. Thank you. ~ Christine

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The edema isn't all that all uncommon with hounds on IV fluids--another weird gh thing. They may just have to back off the fluid rate and get him walking more.

Please keep us posted. Hugs to Gomer and you--fingers crossed they will find an answer during the scope.

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I so identify with your frustration. I'm feeling that way about my Polly. I wish I knew what was going on with your sweet boy. Just wanted to let you know that LOTS of us are sending out good thoughts.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Guest gomiesmom

Thanks to you all - PRAYING that the scope will provide an answer- & while ulcers are potentially serious, I feel like we can feel w/ that..... Just praying they find something to solve the mystery!!!

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Guest gomiesmom

Endoscopy is done - not great - they see evidence of bleeding in stomach & inflammation, as well as inflammation of small intestines. They took samples and they will be back tomorrow ( hopefully) they are thinking Lymphangtasia ( sp). Still not ruling out cancer , or possibly IBD. They just don't know at this point. Biopsies of cancer , because not super invasive with the endoscopy , may not detect. He is not strong enough, due to decreased albumin, etc. to get more invasive w/ samples of tissue, etc. . They are giving him I V fluids still & I V dexamethasone (sp) for the inflammation & are feeding him through his nose. I cannot see him until later - I just have to put on big- girl pants , regardless of all the tubes ,and just visit my baby!

If its IBD or this Lymphangtasia, I understand both could be secondary from cancer . We have always has wonderful poop- no history of squirts, no diarrhea in the entire seven years we have has him..... Strange, to me, but I could just not know how all this occurs, exactly.

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Guest gomiesmom

Thanks TBD hounds - I am so worried and scared- I cannot watch him waste away. Any suggestions on food , meds &/ or natural remedies that would help would be great.

I am not super satisfied w/ what I am getting here at the school- I know I am not the only case they have & I know the biopsies are not back yet , but still -

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:hope Sending healing thoughts for your sweet boy.

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Thanks TBD hounds - I am so worried and scared- I cannot watch him waste away. Any suggestions on food , meds &/ or natural remedies that would help would be great.

I am not super satisfied w/ what I am getting here at the school- I know I am not the only case they have & I know the biopsies are not back yet , but still -

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